Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 101 Emperor, you are too naive!

Chapter 101 Emperor, you are too naive!

Do people who are used to seeing silver have no thoughts about gold and silver treasures?

Cheng Yousan told the emperor with practical actions, you are too naive!
At this time, there were about twenty people stationed in front of the cave, and everyone gathered around the fire to keep warm. There was also a cool breeze blowing from the mountain top in the summer evening, and the sounds of predators in the forest occasionally came, which was somewhat permeable. The hearts of these people who were guarding the treasure were filled with passion. They all looked at the cave eagerly, and the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

Except for Cheng Yousan, everyone present was a close confidant of General Mavericks. They were thinking about how to deceive Cheng Yousan away so that they could do something. Cheng Yousan, who had seen through his intentions, sat happily by the fire and said, "Brothers are all heroes. Go ahead." Later, my little brother followed everyone, and I hope my brothers will take care of me more. When I get down from the mountain, I will treat you to a few drinks, and everyone will definitely appreciate it."

The leading people all laughed. They naturally welcomed such a wealthy second generation ancestor. After a while of greetings, Cheng Yousan lowered his voice and pointed at the things in the cave. "The young general has to hand over all these things for free. Will it be put into storage by the Ministry of Finance?"

"I heard from the young general last time that the brothers in the army haven't made summer shirts yet."

Someone sighed, "What can we do? This is the property of the imperial court. We can only wait and see how much the imperial court is willing to give to the army."

Another person said: "This year's military pay has been allocated. I'm afraid there won't be any more. Doesn't it mean that the prince still needs a lot of money for disaster relief?"

"Hey, let alone our brothers in the army, even we didn't make summer shirts last year."

As soon as the chat started, everyone started talking about it. Cheng Yousan took the opportunity to get a lot of news. For example, the aristocratic family and the emperor were at loggerheads. Whenever a large sum of money came into the account, the aristocratic family would jump in to get a piece of the pie.

There have been no major wars in the past few years, and the military allotment is the least.

Cheng Yousan also looked at the cave and suddenly said, "There are so many things in this cave, so no one should know about carrying two boxes to subsidize the brothers in the army, right?"

Everyone didn't expect him to be so bold. They exchanged information with each other's eyes. Haven't they wanted to move for a long time? Aren't they worried that this outsider would leak the news?
Cheng Yousan raised his eyes and looked at the crowd, "I'm serious. How much money can I get if I wait for it to be divided? How can I really get it myself?"

"From now on, we are just grasshoppers on a vine. How can I betray my brother?"

"It's just that I don't know how to hide things and how to move them back. These brothers should have experience."

Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, the leader said tentatively, "Brother Cheng, do you really think so?"

Cheng Yousan smiled and said: "I admire the soldiers who protect our country the most. To put it bluntly, our family used to do business. Do you know how to make money in business?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Cheng Yousan said: "First of all, we must have peace in the world. How can we have peace in the world? Isn't it because the soldiers risk their lives to defend it?"

"You can risk your life, but what's wrong with getting two more coins?"

"Brothers, move!"

The leader laughed and stood up directly, "From now on, the three brothers Cheng are our brothers. From now on, we will enjoy the blessings together and shoulder the troubles together."

The others also stood up, patting Cheng Yousan's shoulders cheerfully, calling him good brother. They were not afraid of Cheng Yousan poking him out now. Firstly, he took the initiative to speak, and secondly, they moved together. , even if you chop off your head, you have to be together!
In this way, the man who was not moved by money in the eyes of the emperor happily followed everyone into the cave, moved ten boxes of gold, dug a big pit halfway up the mountain overnight and hid it, and would sneak it away later!
And at this moment, the emperor's eyes were blurred when he saw General Mavericks fighting back. The people in the Ministry of Household Affairs had already started counting people all night, and they were enthroning and registering. Yuan Pei stepped forward to congratulate the emperor and thank General Mavericks, the smile on his lips kept fading. Not going down.

"With these gold and silver, the current problems can be easily solved. The emperor will be blessed and blessed by heaven, and the people will be blessed."

"Hahaha, okay, okay." The emperor picked up a gold ingot. The feeling was indescribable. This thing should have appeared in his father's generation, but it disappeared for a long time. Suddenly, when everyone had forgotten Once you find it, you will receive a windfall from heaven. I always feel that it is for nothing and I don’t feel bad about spending it.

Yuan Pei said again: "I have summoned the craftsmen and will start melting the gold and silver to refine it again tomorrow. I have also discussed it with Uncle Shunyi. This time the court will pay in cash when buying food."

The emperor nodded with satisfaction, "I can rest assured that you are going to do things. Go and follow your wishes as soon as possible. Buy food as soon as possible."

"I think all these gold and silver jewelry have melted down, and jade and other items must be converted into silver."

The jade articles accumulated in the palace's warehouse for so many generations have all eaten ashes, and he does not need to add more to them.

Yuan Pei said that he would discuss with Cheng Daqi tomorrow, "Uncle Shunyi knows how to do business. I think he should have a way."

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, "How is your son, Yuan Su, doing now?"

Yuan Pei cupped his hands and said, "Go back to the emperor, everything will be fine."

The emperor smiled and said, "Let him come to pay my respects another day. I'll take a look."

Yuan Pei bowed his hands again, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

General Maverick, who has been accompanying the emperor, has an expressionless face. He doesn't know if his people will be smarter and come up with something. Judging from the posture of the Ministry of Finance, this batch of things may not be sent to the army.

General Mavericks started working again at dawn the next day, and the emperor officially announced the news in the court. All the ministers were shocked, because it was the general's one-year treasury.

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, God bless our Xijin, so that we can rebuild the dam, which will be a blessing to the people."

"With the blessing of Huang Tian, ​​with this money, not only the dams, but also the construction of canals can be continued. Water transportation will be dredged, goods will flow smoothly, and the national fortune will be prosperous."

"Your Majesty, the official road that collapsed due to the earthquake needs to be cleared. I propose to build a wider official road directly to the capital."

All the civil servants of the aristocratic families couldn't wait to speak, thinking about how big a piece they could get from this large sum of silver. The military generals were not to be outdone. They had no winter clothes, no summer shirts, incomplete weapons, and damaged armors. There was a sudden confusion in the court. There was a commotion.

The emperor looked coldly at these dogs that smelled of shit, and his happiness was instantly wiped out, and his face turned livid. Cheng Daqi once again witnessed the tug-of-war in the court, lamenting that it was not easy for the emperor to spurn the ugly faces of those noble families.

The emperor didn't show any sign of the quarrel until the next court. The noisy family members got together immediately after court and briefly became allies for the sake of profit. Yuan Pei found Cheng Daqi and hoped that he would contact the grain merchant as soon as possible, "I I have told the emperor that I will pay in cash this time."

Cheng Daqi said that he had already taken care of the matter. "We have contacted several people in the capital. They also want to discuss it and will give an answer tomorrow. These grain merchants are also very willing to share the worries of the court. But as you know, the grain merchants have a lot of people under them." Hundreds of people have opened their mouths, and they were unable to afford the lack of money from the court before, so they are a little cautious this time."

"That's right. Thank you uncle for taking care of me."

 Happy holidays, sisters! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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