Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 112 Next, she can let herself go

Chapter 112 Next, she can let herself go

General Maverick did not forget to take his sister to Shunyi's Mansion, but the fourth lady of the Cheng family was sick, so it was not appropriate to go at this time.

"I'll tell you later when your sister is better."

Cheng Yousan said directly, "You don't have to wait until she recovers. It's not a bad time to go and we can talk together."

"My girl likes to make friends the most. She told me earlier that I would introduce two to her."

This is pure nonsense, but Cheng Yousan doesn't care about it. He just hopes that Chen Xiaosi can make a new friend and catch him without causing trouble. Is it easy for him?

The young general on the side laughed, this was to make himself relaxed and ignore the sick girl, and not worry about whether the Niu girl might be infected with the disease.

"Let's go for a walk. I'm tired after a few days. Let's go have a drink."

Both of them don't have to do any errands today, so of course they need to relax. "Brothers are waiting for you to treat us. Didn't you forget?"

"How is that possible?"

Cheng Yousan immediately forgot about his girl and started hugging others, "It's just tonight, we won't go home until we are drunk."

"The relationship is good then. Let's go and tell the brothers to go."

Cheng Xiaosi, who was still waiting to introduce someone to her, waited from dawn to dusk. Finally, when she heard the news that her unreliable fourth brother was having a drink with someone in a restaurant, Cheng Sanniang smiled and said: "I just said it was unreliable. Right? Let him pay when he comes back. I heard that there are a lot of rare materials in the capital recently, let him buy them for us. "

The sisters were very interested in being able to kill Cheng Yousan.

It's a pity that Cheng Xiaosi shattered her dream, "Dad said that the third brother is also a person with serious errands now. He said that since he has done it, he must do it well, and he must not leave behind any favors."

Cheng Sanniang, "So?"

"So he has the right to withdraw money at will in the accounting room!"

Cheng Xiaosi said that her third brother has become rich.

Cheng Sanniang was very envious. This was the rule of the Cheng family. As long as she could do things for the family, the money would be available.

"I think our shop should be opened as soon as possible."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "I'll go take a look tomorrow."

"How are you?"

"Okay, I have a good foundation, and now I'm full of energy!"

There was a heavy weight on her leg. When she looked down, she saw that the silly root was hanging on her leg again. Cheng Sanniang smiled and said: "I have never seen such a clingy mouse. What kind of treasure has it discovered?"

Maybe he was stimulated by Huabao's discovery of silver hidden in the cave. Recently, Huabao always brought something back from time to time, such as musty millet, golden millet, eggs, and even caught a small snake, which was still by the wall. A hole was drilled in the house, allowing access to the outside of the house. You could go out for a walk at night if you had nothing to do.

Cheng Xiaosi said that he couldn't control it, he couldn't control it at all. If he put it in a cage, it would toss in the cage until dawn, and would urinate directly on the cage, treating the cage as its number one enemy.

At this moment, he looked at Cheng Xiaosi eagerly and spit out a bead from his mouth. It was black and he didn't know what it was.

"What, where did you get it?"

It was in vain to ask. Cheng Xiaosi said that Shagen'er's language was not understood, "Don't bother, can't you just play in the yard every day?"

"Don't worry, I won't dislike you just because you didn't find the treasure."

Sha Gen'er was very disappointed. He stepped down from her lap and stopped standing. He turned around listlessly. Seeing it acting like that, Cheng Xiaosi took two steps forward and bent down to pick it up. He smoothed its fur and said, "I'm afraid I love you, I like this bead you brought back very much."

Don't bring it next time.Shagen'er's little eyes sparkled, and he suddenly became proud. After a while, Hua Bao saw him again, and he fluttered and was about to fly into Cheng Xiaosi's arms, "You big rat, you are fighting for favor again!"

'See if I don't deal with you today. '

Regarding the war between a chicken and a mouse, Cheng Xiaosi expressed that he didn't want to worry about it, but little Cheng Qing, who couldn't stand it until it was dark and didn't sleep, laughed and clapped his hands to cheer on. It was a lively moment.

That night, Cheng Xiaosi had a dream. He dreamed of the original owner, the young lady whom he had met once before. The young lady smiled and waved to her, and watched her figure disappear from sight. When she woke up It seems that you can still hear a sigh.

Because of this dream, Cheng Xiaosi defined herself as having fulfilled the little sister's instructions, so she could let herself go.

"Sister, third sister, and cousin, get up quickly and let's go see the shop. I've thought of a new storybook that I'll tell you on the way."

"Come on, come on, why is it your turn to call us this morning? Can't you sleep?"

Cheng Sanniang was the first to come out, "I learned about a new store. It is said that the soup without turning is quite good. Let's go and try it."

"Okay, then let's go eat the soup."

In the early morning, the Cheng family sisters and the Xiao family sisters went out to have breakfast. Xiao He shook his head after hearing the news, "These girls are getting more and more wild."

Mrs. Xiao smiled and said, "Don't keep people locked up in the house all the time. It's okay to go out for a walk. Hong Fei and Cai Fei are both good at martial arts, so they won't suffer much."

Mrs. Xiao said that she couldn't stand the kind of girl who took three breaths with one step. She faltered when she took two quick steps, and she didn't look like she was blessed.

A girl's family must be healthy and lively.

"Mom, just spoil them."

Xiao He smiled helplessly, "Xiao Si has started to be lazy and not practice again recently. She also told me that she will stop practicing completely in winter. She can't get up and needs to gather her yang energy under the quilt."

"If you don't practice, don't practice."

Mrs. Xiao always raises her children like a wild child, especially girls, who can do whatever they like.

Mrs. Cheng who came over also agreed with her relatives, and they discussed how to raise the baby.

The sisters in question have already sat in the breakfast restaurant and are looking around at the surrounding environment. They say that the south of the city is rich and has more varieties of breakfast.

"How's the search for the pastry chef going?"

When Cheng Xiaosi asked, Cheng Sanniang had a troubled look on her face, saying that they had recently heard that many wealthy families in the capital were particularly particular about their food, and they had many chefs who were all masters. "Where have I eaten a dish that made me feel... Well, maybe this cook will be hired at a high price."

“I think it’s too difficult to win with taste.”

Cheng Xiaosi held his face in his hands and said, "Then let's change it. Let's build it into a high-end teahouse, weaken the function of snacks, and still sell breakfast in the morning. Then we will connect the people who talk about the book, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and make it a serial Yes, a story is told in seven days."

"And the way it's written should also be changed, into a melodrama."

She gave a general idea, and then said that she would invite a few actors to come back to rehearse the show, "When the storyteller narrates and the actors perform, wouldn't it be more fascinating?"

"After watching one episode, I want to watch the next one again."

The sisters thought about it and agreed immediately. Xiao Caifei said that they had ready-made people who could come to rehearse the show. There was no other way. If they traveled around, they would know more people.

"Xiao Si will take charge of the story, and I'll find someone else."

Cheng Erniang said that she would keep an eye on the decoration, and Cheng Sanniang said that she would leave it to her to find the cook. Xiao Hongfei looked at everyone and said with a smile, "Leave the waiter and the guards to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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