Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 121 The Cheng family is blessed

Not long after, Cheng Daqi and Cheng Daqian came, Yuan Pei also came, and even General Niu came. Yuan Su once again saw the look of hatred in his father's eyes, and silently rolled his eyes, knowingly Don't say a word.

"Uncle Shunyi, do you think this is the batch of grain that the Lin family left behind?"

At this time, part of the grain had been moved out. Cheng Daqian stepped forward to check the sacks and nodded to Cheng Daqi, "The Lin family's sack tying method is unique. Not even a grain of rice will leak out when sewn together. But as long as you find the rope opening and pull it, , can be easily solved."

Cheng Daqi also stepped forward to take a look and confirmed that this batch of grain was the one that the Lin family said had been switched. "This is it. I didn't expect it to be here."

Really thinking of what he was thinking, he looked at Cheng Xiaosi, lucky star, really lucky star, the bloodline of their Cheng family is strong, a lineage of blessed inheritance.

If the situation wasn't inappropriate, he would have laughed three times.

Yuan Pei happily grabbed a handful of millet with a musty smell and said, "Five years old grain, you can eat it."

"After drying it and mixing it with new grain, it can fill your stomach."

"General Niu, I will come to the palace with you later. Let the army and Lingxiao City divide this food. If I give you some new food, it will only make the soldiers want to suffer this year."

Li Yuanhao agreed on behalf of the prince, "General Niu, how about we share it equally? The earthquake in Lingxiao City is really serious. Many people were short of food. As a result, there is no rice to cook. With this food, we can survive for a while."

General Niu is not an unkind person, "If we divide it equally, we will divide it equally, but Mr. Yuan, please give us more new food. We owe too much before."

Master Yuan nodded repeatedly, "I will do my best."

The few people distributed the food without the emperor's consent, and then they went into the palace together with laughter to report the good news to the emperor.

At this moment, the emperor was still thinking about the reward for the Shunyi uncle's house. The silver hidden in the cave was found and solved a big problem for the court. However, the reward for the Shunyi uncle's house was delayed, which dampened the enthusiasm of the Cheng family. It doesn't work, it will bring trouble to future offerings.

After much deliberation, the Cheng family made a meritorious deed again.

"How much food is there?"

"How did you find it?"

Li Yuanhao, the person who had experienced the whole thing, stood up and responded, detailing how he met Cheng Xiaosi and how Sha Gen'er found out about this batch of grain. "That prairie dog was raised by Yuan Wu." , traders brought it from the grassland. Although it is rare, it is similar to a big mouse. But I didn't expect it to be spiritual and know how to dig holes. Maybe I found this batch of grain by accident, and took the millet out to feed the little phoenix. , the fourth girl of the Cheng family discovered the clues."

The emperor found it interesting. Last time it was the little phoenix who discovered the silver hidden in the cave. This time it was the rat that discovered the food. You must know that the little phoenix only committed crimes when he was in the palace, but the rat was afraid of being in Yuan Wu's hands. It was no different, but it happened that it was useless in the hands of Cheng Xiaosi.

The Cheng family is so blessed.

Yuan Pei handed over his hand, "I've seen that batch of grain, I'm afraid it won't be less than [-] jins. Coupled with the new grain bought by the Ministry of Revenue, it can solve the urgent need."

The emperor laughed, his laughter was quite cheerful and comfortable.

"Okay, just survive these few months."

Things will get better when the autumn crops come up.

"The food will be divided according to your method, without delay in either place."

Everyone handed over, and the emperor's eyes fell on Cheng Daqi, "Daqi, your Cheng family is blessed, especially your little girl. Originally, I was still thinking about how to reward you, but now I will reward you in both places. Go back Wait for the decree." Cheng Daqi was overjoyed and knelt down with his fat body, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The emperor couldn't help but think of the day when he came crying to beg for peace for his eldest daughter. His fat body fell on his knees and fell again when he got up, "Da Qi, you have lost a lot of weight recently."

Looking at the deftness with which he got up, it seemed that he was doing his best on his errand.

Cheng Daqi has completely sublimated. If the little girl said that he lost weight to comfort him, but the emperor said so, it must be true.

Several people came together and naturally left the palace together. On the way, Yuan Pei congratulated Cheng Daqi, "My uncle's blessings are profound, which is really enviable."

Cheng Daqi smiled cheerfully, "You're welcome, Mr. Yuan, but it's just good luck. You can't say luck. I still have to share the emperor's worries and encourage you to do errands to last long."

"Uncle, what you said is wrong." Yuan Pei intends to make friends with Cheng Daqi, and he also speaks nicely. "Luck is also a part of ability. How many heroes first rely on unstoppable luck. Anyone can learn a little bit of ability, but luck But not everyone can have it.”

"Uncle, Uncle Shunyi's Mansion is about to get up."


Cheng Daqi couldn't help but laugh. What a nice thing to say. People outside would only say that the Cheng family had bad luck, but Master Yuan, who came from a wealthy family, told him that luck was also part of his ability, and no one else could ask for it.

"I really hope that as your Excellency said, the road ahead will be smooth."

He looks very pleased with Master Yuan now.

General Niu and General Mavericks looked at each other. They didn't expect these aristocratic families to be so smooth in flattering them. Oh, it seems that the aristocratic families are overwhelmed by the emperor. If they don't know how to adapt and stick to the old-fashioned way, they will only I don’t know how I’m afraid of dying.

Master Yuan is a sensible person.

After leaving the palace, General Maverick continued his work. He was really busy now. He had to ransack his house and move food at the same time. It was really painful and happy. He wished he could always be so busy.

When Cheng Daqi returned home, he got a bowl of iced sour plum juice. Cheng Xiaosi happily told him that they had bought ice.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and she thought about ice and cold things for a long time. There was a place selling ice in the capital, but it belonged to the imperial court, and her status was not enough to qualify her to buy ice, even from the former Shunyi Prefecture.

"It must be that dad's hard work won the emperor's appreciation, so we bought the ice."

"People from the Ice and Ice Bureau took the initiative to ask us and said that if we needed it, they would leave two pieces for us every day."

She held out two fingers. The ice cube was much smaller than the ones she had seen before, about the size of two bricks, but it was enough for everyone in the house to drink ice-cold water.

Cheng Yiyi and Cheng Youqian each came with a bowl of iced mung bean soup, with satisfied expressions on their faces, "Have a bowl of iced mung bean soup in this weather and enjoy it to the fullest."

"Xiaosi, are you eating the second plate of iced fruit? Didn't Gang Niang say that women should eat less of these cold things?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled dryly and put down the plate of fruit that belonged to her fat father, "Brother, haven't you been chasing money lately?"

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