Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 13 The Forgotten Cheng Daqi

Chapter 13 The Forgotten Cheng Daqi

Everyone knew that the Yan family and the Cheng family were already incompatible. Now that Xiao He said this, no one had any doubts. He also said that General Yan had great military achievements and loved his soldiers like a son. He was aboveboard and would definitely not be greedy for his daughter-in-law's dowry. .

Xiao Si Niang was a little curious why her mother changed her mind in the end, she knew that she had a stance to destroy the Yan family before she went out, but Xiao He said: "I don't like Mrs. Yan's petty behavior, and I also hate Yan's family. I don’t want to ruin my sister’s life, but General Yan is at best a lax family leader. Most of the people who lead the army spend their energy in the army, and they sacrifice their lives for righteousness when they go to the battlefield. The general’s light is leading a smooth life, in fact, it’s not wrong.”

"It is understandable that he is away from home all year round and does not take enough care of his family. We cannot deny his merits just because of this. We must remember his good deeds. If we remove him from power today, who will go next time if there is a war?"

The fourth lady nodded and said that the Yan family is now surrounded by enemies, "I don't think the Yan family has any intention of driving that woman away. What do you mean?"

Xiao He took her hand and placed it in his palm, patted the back of her hand gently, with a face full of relief, "When my little girl grows up, she will consider such a thing."

The corner of Xiao Si Niang's mouth twitched slightly, so the original owner didn't have to think about anything before?
Xiao He made it clear that he wanted to take a test of Xiao Si Niang, "If it were you, how would you turn the tide?"

Xiao Si Niang really thought about it seriously, and it took a while before she said, "If I were Mrs. Yan, I would act like a loving mother, shed a few tears, and said that my children are debts. I never expected the development of things. Now that it's like this, I don't care what I do, I just feel sorry for the Cheng family, and then praise the Cheng family, and finally fulfill Yan Bujiang's wish, and marry that girl for him."

"First of all, if the Yan family is picked out, at most people will say that Yan Bujiang is shameless, but he is also an infatuated kind; moreover, tell everyone that they have failed one girl, and they must not fail another girl. Yan The family can still have a reputation of being affectionate and righteous, and it can also minimize the disadvantages that this incident will bring to Yan Bujiang. As for those bad things, you can deal with them behind closed doors."

"As for reputation, as long as General Yan goes to war again and wins the battle, all the reputation will come back; the girl who will benefit the most is the girl, but the Yan family has suffered such a big loss this time. I think her life will not be easy in the future."

"After all, our family has suffered the most. My sister and Li Gui have a difficult future. The Cheng family must have a reputation for being fierce at the same age. There are few people who sympathize with us. Most people say that we are not very smart. After all, As long as we give up my sister's happiness, not only do we not have to make such a fuss, but we can also get benefits."

The world is unfair to women. It was not easy for women in the civilized world she lived in before, and it is even worse in this world now. The reason why she thinks the Cheng family can be saved is because this family is not a profit-seeking family. Otherwise, as she said, she would give up. Most families choose to exchange their daughter's happiness for more benefits.

Instead of winning face and losing face now.

Xiao He was amazed that his daughter, who used to only know how to read books and stare in a daze, suddenly became smart, and her face was full of joy, "Xiao Si really followed her mother, smart!"

The five children are just like her when they were young. They are not only beautiful, but also smart and lively. Teaching her Kung Fu is easy to learn. Unfortunately, since they came to the capital, they have changed their temper. Talking loudly, laughing unhappily, the whole day is as boring as a wooden pile.

It's fine now, I'm smart again, so good!

"Mother will start teaching you Kung Fu again tomorrow, okay? You haven't practiced for a long time."

The fourth lady was startled for a moment, then smiled and said yes. As for whether she would be a gangster, she was not worried at all. After all, the original owner, the little girl, had been idle for several years. Doesn't it mean that if she doesn't practice for one day, she will go back three years?

The mother and daughter were talking happily, completely forgetting that there was one less person in the carriage.

By the way, General Yan felt mixed feelings after hearing Xiao He's words. After he sighed, he apologized to Cheng Daqi. The person in Su's hand couldn't speak harshly anymore. He wanted to say a few perfunctory words, but the news Yuan Su gave him made him quite interested. After they muttered for a while, Cheng Daqi was surprised to find that the people at the door of Yan's house had dispersed. , the Cheng family's carriage could not even be seen.

So, no one cares about him not getting in the car?
Without him in the carriage, didn't mother and daughter feel that the carriage was very spacious, and didn't they notice his absence?
"Ah, it delayed my uncle to go back."

Yuan Qiliang held back his smile and thoughtfully suggested, "Why don't I give Uncle a ride?"

It's still a long way from Yan's house to Cheng's house. Cheng Daqi originally wanted to go alone, but his body shape didn't allow it, so he could only say cheerfully, "I'm sorry to bother you."

It was just right for the three big guys to ride in a carriage, but when Cheng Daqi got up, the horse pulling the carriage backed up a few steps. Li Yuanhao also suddenly realized that his carriage was so cramped and cramped that he couldn't breathe.

Cheng Daqi also asked Yuan Su with a smile, "Is the new oiran as stunning as you said?"

Yuan Su wanted to shake the folding fan in his hand, but found that there was no room to do it. The folding fan turned around in his hand and returned to his lap. He smiled and said, "Uncle, I know that. The beauty I think is absolutely stunning." Extraordinary, not only her appearance is outstanding, but her figure is also unique, her dancing posture is graceful and her voice is soft, which is rare to see."

Cheng Daqi was moved, everyone has a love of beauty, he wanted to go and see, Yuan Su took the opportunity to suggest, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date, why not take my uncle to see the excitement today."

Cheng Daqi was struggling in his heart. He should go back at this time, but he really hasn't been in or out of the flower field for a long time. Speaking of which, the wine in the flower field is really delicious.

Li Yuanhao also said that he was interested in the appearance of the stunning oiran, and Yuan Qiliang also booed at the side, so Cheng Daqi nodded half-pushed, and when he woke up, he was already in Tinglan Pavilion.

It wasn't until dinner in the evening that Xiao He suddenly remembered that someone was missing from the house, "Where is your father?"

The brothers and sisters shook their heads together. If their mother hadn't mentioned it, they wouldn't have thought that their father who went out together didn't come back with him.

Xiao He didn't care, thinking that Cheng Daqi could do nothing but kneel and lick Zhang Yuewu, "It doesn't matter, let's eat first, and after we finish eating, let's discuss what Er Niang will do next?"

Cheng Erniang said that she would move out, and Xiao Siniang spoke first, "Sister, are you moving out because people outside say that we can't tolerate you?"

"For the sake of our reputation, sister, I will live peacefully in the house. I promise that no one can bully you."

Cheng Erniang is a person who is easily kidnapped by morality, and Xiaosi saw this right about her. As soon as she said the words, Cheng Erniang fell silent. Xiao He smiled and said, "Xiaosi is right, you can stay here with peace of mind. Of course, it’s not like we’ll live here forever, you’re still young, I’ll give you another good marriage, let’s take it slow this time.”

(End of this chapter)

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