Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 133 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 133 Lost the wife and lost the army

"It's fake. You must have lied to me. How could you die?"

Cheng Youer woke up and was in agony, "Xiao Si, tell me if it was Mrs. Wenchanghou who did this. She dislikes her cousin the most, so she must be the mastermind behind this."

Cheng Xiaosi felt that Mrs. Wenchanghou was really wronged, and he didn't know how much the mother and daughter had smeared her reputation.

"No, my cousin has already chosen her husband's family, and her husband's family will become a supporter of the Wenchang Hou Mansion in the future. As the beneficiary, Mrs. Wenchang Hou's wife, what reason does she have to take action?"

"If she really has that idea, my cousin won't be able to grow up."

Cheng Xiaosi, who originally wanted to say a few more words, suddenly adjusted his position, "I thought the same thing when I heard the news, and I also investigated it. At that time, all the masters of the Wenchang Hou Mansion had fallen. , everyone is recuperating and has too much time to take care of themselves. My cousin is in charge of the entire Wenchanghou Mansion, so even if Mrs. Wenchanghou has any ideas, she can't implement them."

"I don't believe it either, but that's the fact. It was an accident."

Cheng Youer finally opened his eyes. He couldn't accept the facts!
At this time, it was Cheng Daqi's turn to come on stage. He was the one who went to Wenchanghou's Mansion to make trouble because of this matter and had the right to speak. Cheng Youer had to accept this fact.

"I just lament that beauty has a bad life."

Daqi felt uncomfortable when talking about this matter, but it has come to an end, "I have to look forward and give you two days to take it easy. A lot of things happened at home during your absence, and no one was idle. "

"Your cousin hopes that you can be successful, so you should study hard and don't let down her expectations."

This was what Cheng Xiaosi told him, and it was also the way to make Cheng Youer stand up now. Cheng Daqi was also very good at using it. Anyone who was not a fool knew how to choose between a dead niece and a living son.

When the father and son were talking, Xiao He glanced at him, then rolled his eyes and turned around to leave. He told his servants that there was no need to deliver food to Cheng Youer tonight, and they were not allowed to do so in the future. "If you want to eat, go to the dining room to eat. If you want, Otherwise, I’ll be hungry.”

"I'll see how long he can last."

Mrs. Xiao did not agree with her approach, but she also understood that the dead cousin was a thorn in her daughter's heart. After the person died, the thorn could not be pulled out. If she tried to persuade her, she, the mother-in-law, would not be able to persuade her. Could not bear.

Mrs. Cheng didn't say a word, she was just comparing her feelings to her own. If her son were to confront her indiscriminately, or even threaten herself, she would wish she had never given birth to this son.

Besides, it seems that three of the five children born to Mrs. Xiao are promising. Even if she is dissatisfied, she will not say anything else.

In the evening, the whole family had a pleasant meal. No one mentioned that Cheng Youer was not present. They all asked how the Du family was doing and how the disaster was in Lingxiao City.

"Many houses fell down. Fortunately, it was during the day. If I couldn't imagine it at night, Xiao Si was right. After the first earthquake, there would be another earthquake every day. Sometimes it was big and sometimes it was small. Many houses were there. It collapsed at this time.”

Du Linxiang also witnessed the tragic situation after the earthquake with his own eyes, and his face was solemn.

"The earthquake loosened the rocks, and the rocks rolled down and blocked the river, forming a large lake. Fortunately, there was a local county magistrate who was experienced in this area and evacuated the local people. After all the people were evacuated, On the third day, the lake suddenly burst its banks and the water poured down, flooding several villages."

"I heard that the prince has been in Lingxiao City all this time, but there has been no food coming in. Life is difficult."

Her words made everyone's hearts sink. Cheng Daqi and Cheng Daqian both sighed. The prince once asked them to raise food, but how could it be so easy to raise food?
"There is no food in the national treasury."

If the grain storage is sufficient, where might we face such a problem?
"What a pity for the Lin family."

Cheng Daqi shook his head helplessly, not knowing whether the emperor would regret it.Mrs. Cheng said, "We can't control anything else, but the Du family is lucky to be fine."

He looked at Du Linxiang and said, "Although you have married into our Cheng family, you are still a girl from the Du family. Our Du family has cooperated well over the years. If the Du family needs it, just ask for it. As long as the family can raise food and money, , can all be sent to the Du family."

Du Linxiang stood up and thanked him, saying that the Du family was not seriously affected by the disaster, they had no shortage of money, and they could survive for a while by saving food. "It's just that we need to raise some food and send it away."

Cheng Daqi said that they still have a batch of grain in hand, and they will load it into a truck and deliver it to Du's house tomorrow.

Du Linxiang was extremely grateful, with tears in her eyes. Cheng Xiaosi sat aside with a smile. Not to mention, she liked all the people in the Cheng family.

Zhang Yuewu, who has no luck, believes that with the family's good luck and crazy skills, she will be able to make a career in the capital sooner or later.

The next day, Cheng Youer still didn't eat. According to Cheng Yousan, he didn't sleep all night, but no one tried to persuade him anymore. Everyone was very busy.

Li Yuanhao really came with a thank you gift, and his ability to talk nonsense is better than Cheng Xiaosi.

"If the fourth girl hadn't been there that day, my little life would have been lost even if I could have saved this leg. My nephew is very grateful. I'm giving you a small gift. I hope the fourth girl won't dislike it."

Cheng Xiaosi silently gave her a thumbs up in his heart, "My mother taught me to have a chivalrous heart. I just draw my sword to help when there is injustice. You don't have to take it to heart, little Marquis."

The Xiao sisters were very confused. When did Xiaosi go up the mountain to pick mushrooms?
Last time I met the young Marquis on the mountain, wasn't he burying someone?
As expected, it is so complicated for people living in the capital.

Li Yuanhao didn't care what others thought, as long as he could be tied to the Shunyi uncle's house, he didn't mind using any method.

"The four girls are admirable for their bravery and bravery. I have been thinking about it these days, and finally I came up with a way to thank the four girls."

Li Yuanhao said with a look of color on his face, "Why don't I accept the fourth girl as my girlfriend?"

Cheng Xiaosi.
Having seen the world, I can’t imagine that someone could be so shameless.

She didn't even believe him when he said that he didn't have any other plans for her father!
As for whether she was attracted to her, she didn't consider this question at all. She was neither stunningly beautiful nor talented, and she never made any shocking remarks. How could a man fall in love with her?

She doesn't usually have dreams like this!
Mrs. Cheng who was present frowned lightly. She was not overjoyed because she could catch up with the young marquis. Instead, she was wondering about his purpose?

Xiao He said with a smile: "Young Master, there is no need to do this, it is just a trivial matter."

Her mistress is more of a brother, so she doesn't need another one.

Cheng Daqi also meant the same thing, "The young Marquis has already sent so many precious gifts of thanks, which is enough."

Li Yuanhao just hit a soft nail. If he still holds on to it, it would be too deliberate.

I could only sigh silently in my heart, feeling like I had lost my wife and lost my army.

(End of this chapter)

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