Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 138 No one can offend Xiao 4 when he acts like a monster!

Chapter 138 No one can offend Xiaosi when he acts like a monster!
The next scene shocked Cheng Xiaosi's eyes. Not only was the costume familiar, but the dancing was also familiar. What was going on?
"What kind of dance is this? I've never seen it before. It's so magical."

"I've never seen it. No wonder it became famous in such a short time."

"Wonderful, wonderful, never seen before."

There was endless discussion around, and then the petals were flying all over the sky, and the wealthy people's 1-day flower arrangement officially began.

"Young Master Wang gave Miss Youlan and the Heavenly Maiden some flowers~~"

"Boss Liu gave Miss Youlan a gift of flowers~~~"

"Master Wei Er sent Miss Youlan and the goddess to scatter flowers once."

The announcement continued, and flower petals continued to fall from all directions in the world. Cheng Xiaosi reached out to catch them, "Are they all flowers?"

"It's rose."

Cheng Sanniang clicked her tongue, "The petals used just for this night will probably require the entire flower garden."

Cheng Xiaosi raised her head and took a closer look. Her third sister said that there was a well bath above her head, which could collect sounds. Most theater troupes did this, but there were still many small windows above, and these petals fell from the small windows. Yes, and that beam of light should be reflected by a bronze mirror. With such ingenuity, is it possible that she really has compatriots here?

When she went to Yan's house to move away her elder sister's dowry, she felt that the 'true love' that did not surrender gave her a strange feeling. Now look at this Youlan girl.
Did she think too much?

At this moment, the Ziwei Pavilion has become a sea of ​​flowers, and everyone is crazy. Just when everyone thought this was the limit, a voice suddenly sounded from below, "Master Yuanwu gave Miss Youlan five flowers to scatter flowers."

As soon as she finished speaking, the flowers all over the place flew up, and the audience burst into applause. Cheng Sanniang poked Cheng Xiaosi and asked her to look down. Downstairs, several waiters were quickly collecting petals on the ground, filling a basket and carrying it upstairs. Run up.

"There are not enough petals."

"Boss Zhong gave Miss Orchid the goddess to scatter flowers ten times~"

As this splitting sound came, the people in the venue went completely crazy, and then there was a series of sounds of goddesses scattering flowers. The man picking up petals downstairs became even busier. Xiao Hongfei counted on his fingers, and the last ten I ran out of money and couldn't remember how many "Tiannu Scattered Flowers" were given away. I only know that the petals downstairs were reused many times.


Cheng Xiaosi next to him felt a little numb. Now he just hoped that Yuan Sunu next door would work hard to get Miss Youlan to come forward and let her take a closer look. However, he made a move and then stopped. , I don’t know if the financial resources cannot support it.

There is no way, there are too many rich people, and the financial resources of some of them are unfathomable.

The group of people didn't know when they came out of Ziwei Tower. The night breeze blew everyone sober up. They just watched a dance and made hundreds of thousands of taels in business. At this moment, everyone is in an extremely excited state. .

"It feels like a dream."

Xiao Chengli's voice was hoarse. He took a long breath and slowly came back to his senses, "I suddenly felt like I didn't take 1 taels seriously, even though I don't have that much money at all."

Cheng Yousan patted him on the shoulder, "Me too."

They are all poor ghosts.

I touched my purse and it was empty!
Looking back at the Ziwei Pavilion, which is still brightly lit, it is really difficult to stop without emptying your wallet in such a gold-smelting cave.

A few people stood at the door to calm down. Li Yuanhao and Yuan Su also came out. Who would have thought that the number one son of Shili Huachang didn't even rank among the top three for the money he spent tonight, and he didn't get enough money to get Orchid. The treatment of a girl dancing alone.

Cheng Xiaosi glanced at him faintly, so much money, was it wasted?
Yuan Su met his gaze, and Cheng Xiaosi suddenly remembered that she had casually said before that she would pay someone if she touched him. So, should she pay or not?
In front of so many people, how can you explain it clearly?

"Young Master Yuan Wu, should I come to your house to see you tomorrow?"

Yuan Su's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't know where to hide his hands. Cheng Xiaosi blinked and remembered that he was going to ride a horse in the countryside tomorrow. Maybe he could find a place where no one was around to give the money.

If she keeps refusing, she should be said to be dishonest.

"Master Yuanwu, tomorrow we are going to ride horses in the suburbs of Beijing. Do you want to go together?"

Go and find an opportunity to pay you. "Go, he has time."

Li Yuanhao spoke before Yuan Su, "I have some free time too, let's go together."

He just said there is something between this girl and Yuan Wu, isn't that it?

Now Cheng Xiaosi wanted to laugh when he looked at him, "In that case, let's come together, brother."

Li Yuanhao trembled, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and he quickly begged for mercy, "Little Fourth Sister, please spare me."

It wouldn't be a big deal if she spoke properly, but every time she said the word 'brother', she would have to pronounce it with a consonant, which was terrible.

"What did your brother say? Why do you want me to spare you? I am the one who least embarrasses your brother."

Cheng Xiaosi wanted to laugh, but he held it back, "Brother, please remember to be on time tomorrow."

Li Yuanhao bowed his hands, "I want to come, but please don't call me 'brother', I beg you."

Every time he said 'brother', he felt like he had encountered a goblin and had nightmares at night.

General Maverick and the others were already holding back their laughter.
Cheng Xiaosi finally couldn't hold back his laughter and said, "It turns out that my brother doesn't like this style. Then I'll change it later. I'll see what my brother likes first."


Li Yuanhao hurriedly said, "I think normal is better, really."

Cheng Xiaosi pretended to look regretful, "It's a pity. I'm still going to keep working hard. Since the young prince doesn't think it's good, he can only give up."

Li Yuanhao waved his hands repeatedly, "Yes, yes, no matter what, it's all a joke, a joke."

Cheng Xiaosi looked at him sideways, "So it turns out that it was a joke that the young marquis came to the door and said that he wanted to recognize me as his wife?"

After saying that, he sighed, "You are indeed from a lowly family, and you were tricked by the young Marquis."

"My dad will be so sad if he knows this. It's so sad and deplorable."

"The world is getting worse, and people's hearts are not ancient."

Li Yuanhao bowed his hands again, "Auntie, I was really wrong. I won't say more. I just want to say what you say, okay?"

Who can stand this yin and yang?

I won’t be able to get married!
"It's really just a joke, I don't want to say any more."

That look is very sad.

Li Yuanhao looked at Yuan Su and frantically extended his hints. Yuan Su couldn't bear it any longer. He looked at Cheng Xiaosi and said, "Let him apologize to you later. Let him take care of all the arrangements for tomorrow's trip."

"Young Master Yuan Wu thought it through, so it's settled."

Cheng Xiaosi returned to normal in an instant, "Young Master Yuanwu, remember to come tomorrow, and I will bring Shagen'er with me."

Yuan Su nodded, and the matter was settled.

Li Yuanhao, who was about to treat someone out of nowhere, didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and finally said quietly, "I can't afford to offend him, I really can't afford to offend him."

Cheng Yousan felt the same way. He couldn't afford to offend Cheng Xiaosi if he acted like a monster!

(End of this chapter)

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