Yuan Sijin nodded, and Cheng Xiaosi's face became a little serious. Compared with the Yuan family, there were only so many people in their family. Her mother felt that arranging a family was troublesome. It turned out that she had given them brother and sister according to the rules of Beijing. It was issued monthly, but later I simply gave a lot at once and picked it up when I was done with it. Instead of giving it out every month, I didn’t want to bother with it.

Since her second sister took charge of the family affairs, her mother has let herself go even more. Except for occasionally arranging meals, she doesn't care about anything.

As for her sister-in-law, she is also unwilling to take care of these things. She is obviously good at writing and calculating, and her business outside is booming, but she is not willing to take care of the trivial matters at home. Perhaps she feels that the money at home every month is too much. Is the pin too small?

I didn't like this bit of work.

When she said this with a smile, Yuan Sijin was surprised, "Wouldn't the accounts of the mansion be messed up in this way?"

"It's not messy."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "My father, my uncle, and my brother all put money into the accounting office every month. Most of the time they just put it in but don't spend it. How can the accounts be messed up?"

Yuan Sijin understood that there were only a few people in Uncle Shunyi's house who did not make money. Most people, regardless of gender, were able to make money, so they would not focus on the little money in the accounting room, and everyone was eating from the same pot. , there is no question of who eats too much and who doesn’t.

The amount of money in the account has increased, which shows that the Shunyi uncle's life is prosperous.

"I think there are not many girls in the capital who can compare with you when it comes to spending money."

No wonder she is wearing the most fashionable jewelry all over her body. "As far as I know, the monthly income of most girls' families is 20 taels, or more. Of course, it is not ruled out that the mother subsidizes it. If you want to buy something better, Jewelry is also barely available, and the mother must buy it, or use the father's money. If the father's money is used, then the girls in the mansion should have it."

Cheng Xiaosi learned again, it's no wonder that if you don't marry someone, you want to empty out your parents' family. This means that the money from your husband's family can't be used casually. If you want to buy something for your daughter, you have to use your own dowry.

If the man you marry doesn't have any extra money to secretly give to you, then your life will be fine.
Not interesting.

"Xiaosi, what kind of man do you want to marry?"

Cheng Xiaosi said without thinking, "If you have money, you should spend it on me."

"Not a high-ranking official?"

Cheng Xiaosi said seriously, "Not all dignitaries are rich, right? It's bright and shiny on the outside, but everything on the inside is patched up. When everyone sees me outside, I nod and bow, and when I close the door, I spend the whole day worrying about what to wear to the next banquet." What jewelry?”

"I can't bear to eat a chicken drumstick. When the time comes, I will take risks to show off my wealth. No matter how good his reputation is, I will seek a real benefit."

"I'm just so superficial!"

Yuan Sijin's eyes lit up. Her fifth brother was suitable. Xiaosi, the famous one that worried the girl's family the most, didn't mind at all. The important thing was that his fifth brother was rich. How could the number one son of Shili Huachang have no money?

"Superficial is good!"


"No, I mean you are pragmatic."

Yuan Sijin smiled happily, "Look at those aristocratic people outside, how tall they are. It's just that our ancestors were rich, so they feel they are just superior to others."

"I only know two companies. The one who pretends to be aloof on the outside is a regular customer of the pawn shop secretly."

"Although some people don't have a good reputation, they have everything they should have. These benefits must be truly in their own hands, right? It's just a good life if you stick to your reputation."

Cheng Xiaosi felt as if he had met his soulmate. He has such a prominent family background and such pragmatic ideas, "You just spoke to my heart."

Yuan Sijin smiled even more heartily. He didn't mention his fifth brother a word in the next words, but every sentence talked about her fifth brother. Cheng Xiaosi, who didn't react at all, was still talking with her with excitement, until They left after getting late, and Yuan Sijin sent her to the gate. Both of them had expressions of unfinished business.

"My mother said she was going to send a greeting card to her house and wanted to come and say thank you in person. Then I will come with you and we can continue chatting."

"What are you saying thank you for?" Cheng Xiaosi reacted as soon as he asked, "You are welcome to our home, but you really don't have to be so polite. Then I will take advantage of it."

Yuan Sijin smiled and said, "That's a matter between the adults, so let's not worry about it. We will bring you some snacks when the time comes, something newly made by the cook."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at home."

The Cheng family's carriage stopped at the door. When Cheng Xiaosi got into the carriage, Yuan Sijin stood still for a while. Just as he was about to turn around, a carriage came again, and the person who got off was Yuan Xin.

"Second Uncle is back."

"Xiao Liu is here to pick up Uncle Er?"

Looking at the carriage in the distance, "It turned out to be seeing off guests, who is coming?"

"It's Miss Cheng Si from Shunyi House, now the head of Fu'an County, who came to talk to me."

Seeing that her second uncle's face was getting better and better as he got older, Yuan Sijin felt very regretful. Her second uncle had lost a girl like her back then. With her help, his second uncle would most likely get married.

What a pity.

"Xiao Jin, why are you looking at your second uncle like this?"

Yuan Sijin smiled and said: "I just feel that the fifth brother and the second uncle are becoming more and more similar."

When Yuan Su was mentioned, Yuan Xin's heart skipped a beat, "Has your grandmother come back from paying homage to Buddha?"


Yuan Xin breathed a sigh of relief. In his mother's heart, he was the one who set the bad example for future generations. Especially after his fifth nephew expressed his unwillingness to marry and wanted to imitate him, he felt that there was no place for him in this family. .

When I entered the door, I couldn't help but ask, "Has your mother given your fifth brother a wedding appointment recently?"

"We saw each other and there is a girl who is interesting."

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Xin stopped and said, "Seriously, tell my second uncle quickly."

Yuan Sijin whispered to Cheng Xiaosi, and when he finished speaking, Yuan Xin immediately sighed, "I think it's going to happen. The girl may not be aware of it, but it doesn't matter. I'll talk to your fifth brother tonight."

If they want to walk around the house with their heads held high, the five boys must get married!

"If there's anything I can do to help, just tell my second uncle."

Yuan Sijin nodded with a smile, and felt that she had more help. She thought about telling her mother about the leak she had picked up from Cheng Xiaosi, so she hurriedly left.

On the carriage, Huahua, who had been thinking about it for a long time, said, "Girl, why do I feel that Miss Yuan was talking about Young Master Yuan the whole time when she was talking to you today?"

"How good is Mr. Yuanwu?"

"Have it?"

Cheng Xiaosi was in a good mood and Huahua nodded heavily, "I think so. Is Mr. Yuan Wu interested in the girl? Miss Yuan can help me ask."

Cheng Xiaosi's eyes immediately became complicated, "Huahua, how dare you have such an idea?"

It's not that Cheng Xiaosi doesn't have confidence in himself, it's really...

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