Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 159 Why do you want to involve her?

Chapter 159 Why do you want to involve her?

"What's the matter with you? How reluctant you were when you came?"

On the way back home, General Maverick couldn't help but complain about his younger brother, "Look at the hopeless look on your face. If I don't pull you, will you not be ready to leave?"

General Mu Xiao was originally a handsome person. In addition, he was tanned by being in the army all day long and had a scar on his face. He was already a bit serious when he was not smiling. Not only did he not feel like a spring breeze when he smiled. , but with a stupid look on his face, "I didn't mean to show that other girls are not afraid of me."

"Brother, you said that people are not afraid of me, is it because they don't see clearly?"

"Hey, I shouldn't have gone there at dusk. Last time I went to greet my grandma at dusk. Grandma asked me to go in the morning from now on, saying that it looks whiter in the morning and darker at dusk."

Seeing how stupid he was, General Maverick was speechless. He also thought that it had been more than half a year since he met the girl. When he met the girl, the girl on the other side was desperate for life. She even fell ill the next day. Really It's an exaggeration.

Looking sideways, I can see that besides being stupid, it doesn't look bad. The main thing is that I'm not stupid at all.

"Since you've fallen in love with her, go back and talk to your mother, and ask your mother to help you make arrangements. If you have nothing to do, don't get in front of other girls. Of course, you can't get in touch with her."

That Miss Cheng Er rarely goes out.

"Also, I would like to remind you, don't mess with the fourth lady of the Cheng family, and try to be flattering if you encounter her."

Li Yuanhao only suffered a loss in her hands. How could this encounter be any good?

General Mu Xiao nodded heavily, "I have written it all down."

The future sister-in-law must be fawning over.

The Niu family was also very happy tonight. The Shunyi uncle's house was no different from usual. After dinner, the sisters returned to the courtyard. Cheng Xiaosihua turned into a curious baby, pulling Cheng Erniang and refusing to let her go, "Sister ,sleep together."

Cheng Erniang couldn't resist her, so she had to follow her into the house. After lying on the bed, Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but said, "Sister, I already know what you are thinking."

Cheng Erniang fanned her with a fan, "I didn't think much about it, I just listened to my mother."

She was not planning to get married again, but if she didn't marry, how would people outside view her sisters? She couldn't delay her sisters because of herself.

"The key is that mother also listens to you. After all, this is your lifelong event."

Cheng Xiaosi supported his head and said, "Sister, people outside know what happened in the past. We can't punish ourselves for the mistakes of others. You are so young now, but you have never thought about having a reliable person in the future. Husband, two lovely children?”

Cheng Erniang didn't speak for a while, and the hand that shook the fan stopped. Cheng Xiaosi lay down and sighed, "We can go to the fire pit once, but we don't dare to think about going a second time. It's a big thing for you, so you must take it seriously." .”

"Mom said yes. It depends on family background and character. I have to think it's good for my sister too."

Cheng Erniang chuckled, "You know how to talk in one way, where did you learn that?"

"Then you have to learn this kind of thing without a teacher?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "Sister, I'm not in a hurry to make a decision. I'll look for an opportunity to look at that Er Niu again. No, General Mu, let's look at him a few more times and ask more questions."

Suddenly, it occurred to her that she should inquire more about Yuan Su. She lacked everything now. If she were to get married, she should also lack nothing. She would most likely not have any love or love. In this situation, you always have to covet something, right?Between a person of average appearance who is also a person who is active in alcoholism and not wealthy, and a person who is handsome in appearance but is active in alcoholism but is very wealthy, one should choose the latter without hesitation.

As I kept thinking about it, I just couldn't help but start fantasizing, and then
When she opened her eyes again, it was already morning. Cheng Erniang had gotten up early to go to work. She woke up with her eyes open, turned over and sat up, and smiled to herself. It turned out that she was not suitable for lying down and thinking about things. Why did she fall asleep when she thought about it? Is it dead?

Silly Gen'er, who was lying on the footrest, stood up. As someone who could sleep on the footrest, his status was much higher now. Even Hua Bao didn't say "eat my paw" anymore, although he still didn't want to see him. it.

"Go and play by yourself, no holes allowed."

"Don't worry, it has no chance."

Cheng Sanniang came in with a smile, holding a piece of cloth in her hand, squatting down and playing with a piece of Shagen'er. Finally, Shagen'er put on a floral skirt, stood up and clapped her hands, "It's done now, it's It’s not convenient to drill holes while wearing clothes.”

Shagen'er was a little dumbfounded and couldn't move at all. Looking at its funny look, Cheng Xiaosi laughed so loudly, "Go back and get it a shovel. It's the rat cook."

The style of the clothes was similar to what people wear nowadays. Cheng Xiaosi thought that he should make a skirt with a hanging neck to make it look better.

As soon as she talked about Huahua, she became interested. She found the cloth and said that she could make it in a while. Seeing that Shagener was being tortured, Hua Bao was so scared that he hid far away, for fear that the next one would catch him and put on clothes.

The next morning Cheng Sanniang sent someone to call the Yang family and his son out, and formally handed over the affairs of the shop to them.

"There's no need to show off to others. If you want to send it over, keep it if you need it, and replace it if you don't need it."

Cheng Xiaosi thought that her third sister was going to establish her authority, but Cheng Sanniang shook her head, "They just went through a rough time, and they don't feel at ease at this time. When they have errands, they will naturally do their best and strive to be reused."

"There is a saying that no heavy hammer is needed to make a drum sound. There is no need to say anything more at this time."

"See what I do in a moment."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded repeatedly. When he saw the Yang family and his son, they had already changed into the clothes of the Shunyi uncle's house, which fit them well. When they saw the sisters, they kowtowed, and Cheng Sanniang was not polite.

After sitting down, I first asked them what they were doing before, and then inquired about how the Qiu family's previous businesses were done, which businesses were the most profitable, how much the monthly payment was to the stewards and clerks, etc. This question was like a stick of incense. , and then said: "Our sisters have a shop. Since you are familiar with it, I will hand over this shop to you to take care of it. If you do well, you will naturally be rewarded."

The father and son were overjoyed. As newcomers, they were prepared to be bullied. They didn't expect that they would be reused as soon as they arrived and expressed their loyalty repeatedly.

Cheng Sanniang tilted her head and said, "My girl will take you there in a moment, and I will also tell you about the general situation. After you go to see it, come back and tell me your plans, and look for any changes that need to be made."

This was considered a test for their father and son.

After they left, Cheng Sanniang took Cheng Xiaosi and told her about the business, as if she wanted to roll her up.

Cheng Xiaosi is a bit clever. When did she say that she wanted to learn to do business?

"Don't be lazy. Listen to what I tell you. Besides, I see that you don't know how to use abacus. How can this happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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