Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 16 Yuan Su is the nemesis of Qing Qi?

Chapter 16 Yuan Su is the nemesis of Qing Qi?
The street was bustling with people, and the carriage couldn't go fast. Yuan Suu wasn't worried that the boy wouldn't be able to catch up with him. He felt familiar eyes sizing him up. He turned his head slightly, and the girls hurriedly looked away. Their cheeks were flushed, and Yuan Suu's lips The corners were slightly hooked, and the folding fan in his hand was thrown away with a 'snap', the peacock shook its tail twice, and walked forward.

"Oh my god, Mr. Yuan smiled at me."

"It's smiling at me, ah ah, if I had known that I would meet Mr. Yuan today, I should have changed into new clothes."

"Mr. Yuan is so beautiful. He looked at me with such affectionate eyes just now. Mr. Yuan must have fallen in love with me."

Yuan Suu's smile dazzled the girls, and they were unwilling to return to their senses for a long time. Yuan Suu, who was accustomed to such scenes, continued to shake his folding fan and walked towards the direction of the carriage. The servant came back halfway, panting and told He is the carriage of Shunyi Bofu.

"Shunyi Uncle's Mansion?"

Yuan Su put away the folding fan and smiled again when he thought of something, "The weather is nice today. I might as well go visit Uncle Shunyi. Let's go."

When Cheng Daqi learned that Yuan Su was coming again, he took a deep breath. The bastard harmed him, and his whole body still hurts. Naturally, he didn't have a good attitude when he saw someone, "What are you doing here again?"

Yuan Su lifted up his robe and sat down, with a dignified appearance. What he said almost made Cheng Daqi angry to death, "Uncle, this attitude hurts my nephew's heart. He was also chatting happily with me. This is a turn of events." I don’t recognize anyone at all. It’s a shame that my nephew is riding a horse and riding a horse for my uncle, even the oiran~”

"you shut up."

Cheng Daqi quickly looked around, then coughed lightly, "I am a gentleman. I will never appear in the land of fireworks again. Don't mention what happened before."

Really decent looking.

Yuan Su chuckled, and shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity, this afternoon is Miss Chunwan's place, Miss Chunwan is good at making tea, and she is also good at pipa. It plucks at the heartstrings, originally my nephew was going to invite my uncle to go with me."

After saying that, he stood up and said, "My nephew will have no choice but to find someone else."

Cheng Daqi scolded Yuan Su severely in his heart, this bastard just wanted to harm him, and after scolding, he found a step for himself, "You are so sincere, then I will let you go once, remember ,no more chance."

He likes pipa music, hey~
Yuan Su smiled even wider, "Thank you, Uncle, for your face."

"Father, you are going out."

Xiao Si Niang came to find Cheng Yousan, and she greeted her father normally, but this greeting scared Cheng Daqi enough, "Xiao Si, Xiao Si."

Seeing the beautiful young master who is as beautiful as jade and pine is also there, Xiao Siniang remembered that she was going to come back to ask Huahua about this person's situation, why did she forget?
"Dad, are you nervous?"

I can't hide the guilty look in my eyes. Could it be that I'm being threatened?

"No." Cheng Daqi, whose voice was almost split, forced himself to calm down, "Dad, why should you be nervous?"

"Miss Cheng Er's injury has healed?"

Yuan Su felt that this wooden girl had really changed, not only she was not dull but also a little more refined, "Just now I was worried about the second girl's injury, now seeing the second girl feels relieved."

The handsome man's eyes are too affectionate and sincere, and he also gives people a very clear feeling, not greasy at all. The little fourth lady who was a little dizzy wanted to thank her, but the words came to her mouth again, "You Who, this girl needs you to worry?"

The beautiful man is so good at his job, she almost fell into his trap!

In Xiao Si Niang's understanding, the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is. She dares to say something worried about her even if she doesn't know her, so she is obviously a butterfly.

Yuan Su is someone who has seen big events. She has never seen such a woman. This is not the first time that the second girl from the Cheng family has seen him. She used to peek at him when she saw him, but now she pretends not to know Yuan Su. I thought this was playing hard to get!

But as a grown man, he couldn't help but give face to a little girl. "At home, Yuan Su, he is known as Yuan Wulang. When I meet the second girl, Cheng."

Yuan Su had no impression, Yuan Wulang she knew, Hua Hua whispered something in her ear yesterday, saying that the princess moved her family back to Beijing, her son was very handsome, but still not as good as Yuan Wulang.

The beauty of Yuan Goro's demeanor is invincible among men in Beijing. She still agrees with this point. His demeanor is indeed beautiful, to the point where people can automatically give him extra points for his appearance, but
Where is she from?
What kind of handsome man has she never seen through the screen?

"Young Master Yuanwu."

Xiao Si Niang nodded politely, looked at her father again, and was fascinated again. Her father was close to Yuan Suu, and the green energy on his face moved as if he was alive. Scattered outward, especially on the side close to Yuan Su, forbearance can feel the restlessness of the green energy.

This green energy is definitely not a good thing, and it makes people feel uncomfortable when exposed to it. Could this Yuan Su be the killer of green energy?

What if his father's hand can touch Yuan Su?
Just thinking about it, his body actually moved. In Yuan Su's eyes, he saw the Cheng family's fourth lady looking straight at her father's face, then looking at his hands, and then stepped forward. She grabbed his hand with one hand and his father's hand with the other, and put their hands together without hesitation.

The two were dumbfounded at the same time, and the little fourth mother who realized what she had done, based on the principle of doing what she had already done, looked at her father's face again. Somehow, when Cheng Yousan came in, he saw such a scene, his father, sister and Yuan Su held each other's hands, their eyes fluttered
Yuan Su was the first to withdraw his hand, and his heart was overwhelmed. He didn't even have a chance to touch the hand of the oiran, and he actually took advantage of Uncle Shunyi. His eyes swept away those fat hands, and he regretted that he shouldn't come today.

Cheng Daqi actually felt that Master Yuanwu's hands were quite smooth, much more comfortable to touch than the tigress's hands.

"Xiaosi, what are you doing?"

The thing was done, but I don’t know how to explain it. What kind of reason can perfectly cover up such an action?
"That's. Just touch. Touch the bone."

"I read a miscellaneous book two days ago, saying that you can touch a person's bones in this way. I thought that Mr. Yuan Wu's hands are pretty, so I thought."

"Touch?" Yuan Su resisted the urge to touch the handkerchief and come out to wipe his hands. The fourth lady smiled awkwardly but politely, "It's just a comparison, a comparison."

Cheng Daqi chose to believe it, there was no other way, what else could he say when his daughter was so embarrassed?
"Don't read those miscellaneous books randomly in the future, they are all lies."

Xiao Si Niang nodded again and again, "It's purely out of curiosity, I won't do it next time."

She said there was no next time, but in her mind she was thinking about how to deepen her connection with Yuan Su. It would be great if he and her father could lie down together and sleep all night.

Yuan Suu offered to leave, probably because he was in a hurry to go back to wash his hands, and walked quickly. The little fourth woman was fascinated by the back of him leaving, and the piercing voice came to her ears, "Tsk tsk tsk, are you fascinated by watching? You guys Women are superficial and only look at the skin."

The little fourth lady's eyes swept over Cheng Yousan, "You must be jealous, after all, you don't have the skin, and you don't have the guts either."

"Cheng Xiaosi, do you want to fight?"

Xiao Si Niang showed a beating smile, "Then hit me."

Cheng Yousan still didn't dare, he couldn't be offended, and was about to turn around angrily, but Xiao Si Niang held her back, "I have something to talk to you, let's talk in your yard."

Cheng Yousan didn't agree, so the fourth lady said lightly, "If you don't come, I'll tell my mother to hit me."

There are three programs.
I really can't stay here for a day.

But when he heard Xiaosi Niang's plan, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Cheng Xiaosi, you are so smart. You can come up with this method. That bastard dares not to stop. This time he must be ruthless." teach him a lesson."

"It's easy to talk about, but you still need your cooperation."

Xiao Si Niang thought that the rumors about her second sister outside would only intensify. If they were not stopped, maybe Yan Bujiang's defeat would also be thrown on her elder sister's head. "We must act as soon as possible."

Cheng Yousan's chest thumped loudly, "Leave this matter to me. It can be done before dark. We can do it at night. According to the plan, I will do it and you will speak."

The young lady patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, let's sneak out when the time comes."

Cheng You nodded three times, "I'm going to make arrangements now. Let's go."

The little fourth lady put her hands on her hips and smiled, her mobility was quite strong.

In the evening, Cheng Daqi did not come back for dinner, Xiao He smiled lightly, and thoughtfully gave him a reason, "We won't wait for your father to entertain him, let's eat."

It seems she was merciful last time~
Cheng Yousan winked at the fourth lady, who smiled at him, and after eating, they went back to the yard to prepare for the next action.
(End of this chapter)

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