Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 166: Little people have their own tricks

Chapter 166: Little people have their own tricks
In the side hall of the front yard, a man named Wang Qin bowed down and spoke to Cheng Xiaosi. It seemed that he often did the work of inquiring about news. His voice was neither too loud nor too soft, so that the listeners could hear clearly. , the eavesdropper heard vaguely.

"It is said that the news came from people close to the queen in the palace. Now the ladies of several houses of the Chu family are vying to marry Shunyi uncle."

Wang Qin was a little excited. He used to be a street gangster. After getting to know Mr. Cheng, he started doing some news spreading work. Now with this fourth girl, he worked in a wealthy family, and he suddenly felt that he had an identity. Something has changed.

In contrast to his excitement, Cheng Xiaosi had digested the news for a while. Just because the Niu family and her elder sister were discussing marriage, she became the most popular one?

Aren't you afraid that if the marriage proposal doesn't work out, they'll be beaten to pieces?
Also, is there an informant in their house, or is there an informant in the Niu family? How come everything can be spread?

"Thank you for your hard work. Please help me go to the Wei family to inquire about Concubine Qi's Wei family."


Hua Huaxuan was about to send the 100 taels of silver to Wang Qin, "Please pay attention to Mr. Wang."

Wang Qin accepted the money respectfully, thinking that this fourth girl was really generous. If he went out to buy the news, he could still make a lot of money. "Don't worry, girl, I will send the news as soon as possible."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "After this is done, I have one more thing for you to do. If it's done well, I won't treat you badly."

Wang Qin left with a lot of gratitude. When he returned to the house, Xiaosi leaned on the beauty's couch, his eyes full of joy. "Now, the young men in the capital are not allowed to let the girls choose?"

Cheng Xiaosi sighed quietly, "This is not a good thing. It's not me that people are interested in. If something happens to my family one day, I'm afraid they will kick me out without hesitation."

And the other party is so purposeful. If she really chooses one to marry, the entire Shunyi House will be tied to a boat by the other party. It will be a battle between the Queen and Concubine Qi, and a battle for the throne. Who in this family will Like someone with that kind of brain?

When the time comes, I'm afraid that the other party will chew me up until not even the dregs are left.

It's just too bad.

"Why are you lying down again? Have you read today's account?"

Cheng Sanniang came in furiously, "Stop lying down, hurry up."

Cheng Xiaosi.
She forgot that there were two big rollers at home, one of whom wanted to racket her all the time.

Cheng Erniang also came with a smile, "I have two books of accounts here, why don't you take a look at them too, Xiaosi, don't be lazy, your third sister is very good at accounting, and God rewards you with food, if you are half as good as her With your abilities, the accounts won’t be a problem for you in the future.”

"Sister, I."

Before she could finish speaking, Cheng Erniang said softly, "No one can take away what you have learned. In the future, you will be able to manage your own accounts with ease. You can't be a confused master, right?"

"Okay, listen carefully to your third sister."

This is a gentle knife. What else can Cheng Xiaosi do besides nodding?

He couldn't resist this hardness and softness.

"Hahaha, yes!"

Cheng Yousan, who came back in the evening, even laughed at her, "Why don't you use that arrogant energy in front of me to threaten Sister A and Third Sister?"

Cheng Xiaosi snorted and turned around to find her brother, "Although third brother has joined the army, he should also learn abacus and read account books. What if he marries a clever girl in the future? How can he fool him with the accounts?" manage?"

"Or marry a girl who doesn't understand accounts even more, and the couple are jealous of each other?"

Cheng Yi thought it made sense, so he immediately went to Cheng Yousan and said, "When I come back in the evening, I will learn to read accounts with Xiaosi." He also solemnly entrusted the matter to Cheng Sanniang, and Cheng Sanniang patted her chest and agreed, " Don’t worry, I will catch them every day.”

There are three programs.
I really want to give myself a hard time, and why should I offend Xiaosi without any trouble?
This is his nemesis.

Wang Qin acted quickly, maybe because he had the money. On the day when Mrs. Cheng entered the palace, Wang Qin met Cheng Xiaosi again, and the news he brought was not optimistic.

The Wei family's methods are more radical than the Chu family's. In a few days, a girl from the Wei family will be giving her haircut gift. The Wei family is going to invite the female family members of the Shunyi uncle's house to go there. Cheng Xiaosi will directly find a way to capture it at that time. Give the Chu family any chance.

I haven't found out what the specific method is, but I guess it won't be an aboveboard method.

"How much did it cost to get this news?"

Wang Qin handed over his hand and said, "100 taels."

In order to find out the news, he went through a lot of troubles. First, he bribed a rough lady who swept the floor in the Wei family. The rough lady then bribed another mother-in-law. The mother-in-law bribed a maid, and the maid hooked up with the young boy.
Little people have their own tricks.

Cheng Xiaosi said it was a good deal, so he directly gave Wang Qin 500 taels this time, asking him to establish good relations with people from various families in the capital, eat and drink occasionally, and come to her every three days to tell her the news he had learned.

After returning to the yard, she started to compete with the abacus. After a few days of surprise training, she has made great progress.

At the same time, the emperor in the royal study was looking at Cheng Daqi with a half-smile. Cheng Daqi was sweating coldly, and he clearly understood the meaning of the words "accompanying the king like accompanying a tiger".

It took a while for the emperor to speak, "Qiu and Cao have been convicted, and General Xiaoniu has also copied the two families. Great weapon, this is all your credit."

Cheng Daqi didn't dare to take credit, "It's all because of the emperor's good governance. Now the people outside are praising the emperor as a wise king. Having the emperor is a blessing to the people."

The emperor snorted, "If I manage it well, I won't be able to have such a worm in the country."

Yes, the horse's leg was patted. Cheng Daqi hurriedly bowed, "That's because the two of them have failed the emperor's grace. People's hearts are separated from each other. Today is red and tomorrow is dark. How can we blame the emperor."

Seeing that the hero was frightened, the emperor sighed, "That's all. This time the two of them were confiscated, and with the silver hidden in the cave, the national treasury has also been relieved. I heard from Yuan Pei that the grain merchant you introduced is good, and the price is fair and the grain is good. You Meritorious."

"To share the emperor's worries, I don't dare to express my merits."

Now Cheng Daqi is no longer as bloated as he was a few months ago. He just wants to work hard and does not ask for various rewards from the emperor. He doesn't have much, and the key is too eye-catching.

Just like doing business, after too many people pay attention to it, you will not be able to use your hands and feet, and it is easy to be caught in the wrong place. You should just keep silent and make a fortune.

"It's a good thing you have this intention."

The emperor rubbed his eyebrows and suddenly said, "How is your eldest daughter?"

Cheng Daqi didn't know why, so he said honestly, "It's good. I help take care of the household chores at home."

"Well, are you discussing marriage?"

"With this idea, Wei Chen doesn't mind raising her for the rest of his life, but if fate comes, it's not easy to stop her."

Is the emperor being too lenient?

Doesn't it look like you are disgusted?

(End of this chapter)

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