Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 175 The true identity is about to be revealed

With the jade pendant in hand, Cheng Xiaosi, no matter how slow he was, understood what Yuan Su meant. The fatigue on his body disappeared. He smiled and put the jade pendant into his purse. After making sure that it would not fall out, he said with a smile: "Five Don’t worry, young master, you definitely won’t regret today’s decision.”

"I'm the best person to talk and keep my word."

Yuan Su smiled. She had been unhappy since she had just walked in. She couldn't hold back her unhappiness and had to speak sarcastically. He could tell that maybe the truth was not what she said.

But for women, it is normal for them to be delicate and pretentious, not to mention that they have indeed walked such a long distance in a pair of soft-soled shoes.

Yuan Su thought about himself for a while, then smiled and said, "Should the fourth girl also give me something as a certificate?"

Cheng Xiaosi blinked and thought what he said made sense, but she didn't have the jade pendant, but she did have the jade bracelet. She took it off her wrist immediately, "It's not as good as the one you've been wearing since childhood. I bought this one last month." of."

Yuan Su smiled, "If it's appropriate, you should give me a sachet."

Cheng Xiaosi stared at the sachet on his body, then at his purse, and finally shook his head, "It should be yes, but I bought all my things, not embroidered them. Where can I find a valuable jade bracelet?" ?”

Thinking of something, he suddenly said seriously, "Let me say one more thing. What I say will definitely count. If you don't do anything, make trouble or complain, I won't come to arrest you, I won't inquire about your whereabouts, and I will give you absolute freedom."

"But I don't know how to sew or cook. You need to know this. If your mother wants to torture me after we get married, you have to stand by me and deal with it. After all, I am a woman. , if I’m unhappy, my words may not count.”

Yuan Su understood and said with a smile: "What the fourth girl means is that if you are unhappy, you won't make it easy for me. I understand."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled with his eyebrows curved, "It's good if you understand. Don't worry, I am very satisfied with my life and am happy most of the time, as long as no one deliberately makes me unhappy."

"Fifth Young Master, if you have any other requests, just ask."

Yuan Su really raised his opinion, "When my uncle saved the emperor, the emperor gave Uncle Shunyi the mining rights of a black elixir mine. Do the four girls know about this?"

"I don't know."

Cheng Xiaosi is telling the truth. Since the original owner doesn't care much about the family's business, she still hasn't figured out how many types of business the Cheng family does, how big it is, and how rich it is.

"I only care about spending money. It's not my turn to know about the big things at home."

This was said so calmly. As a little girl, she was pampered by her father and brothers at home. How could it be her turn to worry about money?
"What do you want charcoal for?"

"Or do you want to send those restless people from your Yuan family to mine?"

Yuan Su was startled for a moment, then laughed. He actually thought that the person in front of him knew everything about the Cheng family and the ins and outs of the Cheng family's transactions? !

"Just asking, out of pure curiosity."

"Do you think I'm easy to cheat?"

Cheng Xiaosi rolled his eyes at him, "I just don't know, I'm not stupid."

Yuan Su felt that his true colors were about to be exposed. He was really trying to lie to him.

The sun was shining brightly above her head. Cheng Xiaosi raised his head with half-squinted eyes. Let's just say she is very powerful. Now she can determine the approximate time from the position of the sun. She can also estimate the time even when there is no sun. This is called entering. The village has completely followed the customs.

"Fifth Young Master, you have to tell me about your family's situation. I heard that your family is not peaceful and there is fierce internal fighting?" "Will it affect me by then?"


Yuan Su wanted to say that he shouldn't, but he immediately thought of his sister-in-law. Not long after she got married, she was entangled and bewitched by members of the family, and had a lot of trouble with his brother, otherwise he wouldn't be dismissed by his father. Returned to my hometown.

"If someone comes to you and says you don't know, don't believe anything they say."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded heavily, "I understand, don't worry, I don't believe everything."

Seeing her confident face, Yuan Su suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart for some reason. He didn't know when she met those difficult people in her family. Did the east overwhelm the west wind, or did the west wind overwhelm the east wind?

The two of them just sat and talked, analyzing all the issues they could think of. Cheng Xiaosi promised that he would definitely stand by his side and would never be bewitched by anyone from the Yuan family and go against him. He promised to stay away from home. Give him face and promise to do his job well.

Yuan Su promised to deal with the Chu family and the Wei family and prevent the flames of conflict between the two parties from burning into Shunyan Bo's house.

In addition, both parties agreed not to interfere with each other except for necessary compatibility. From the engagement to the year after the marriage, both parties should not let the other party be laughed at by outsiders, worry about the other party's face, praise the other party as much as possible in front of their parents, and try not to give If the other party causes trouble, they should pretend to be a loving couple outside.

Cheng Xiaosi thought: Instead of getting married blindly or being forced into marriage by someone, if you get married and become a mother for the rest of your life, this marriage is more ideal.

Yuan Su thought: Since he will be forced to get married sooner or later, then getting married to Cheng Xiaosi is completely acceptable!

The two looked at each other and smiled, seeing satisfaction in each other's eyes. They raised teacups to each other to celebrate that the terms were agreed upon.

The next step is for the two of them to go to dinner together, and then Yuan Su will go shopping with Cheng Xiaosi, ostentatiously walking through the market to let more people know that the two of them are confused. Finally, Yuan Su will personally send Cheng Xiaosi home, and the rest is Each informs his parents and decides on the marriage as soon as possible.

Ji Feng got the car. Yuan Su personally helped Cheng Xiaosi get into the car, and then he also entered the car. Ji Feng's eyelashes almost flew away. Your hand holding mine is considered a skin-to-skin kiss. ?

Huahua stood next to the carriage, and belatedly realized that Yuan Su had taken her job and probably also sat in her seat. So the question was, could she get on the carriage?

Yuan Su's voice came from the carriage, "Let's go."

Jifeng hurriedly got into the car and thoughtfully left a seat for Huahua. The two of them made eye contact, the fire of gossip burning in their eyes, which made them scratch their hearts.

It was noon at this time, and all the restaurants were very busy. People were calling for customers at the door, waiters inside, and people were shouting for food and drinks. I don’t know, they thought the restaurant was free today.

"Why is this restaurant doing so well?"

Cheng Xiaosi, who had just walked in, was a little dumbfounded. Yuan Su said: "Today is the meal and wine delivery once a month. Today, every guest who comes in for dinner will receive a bottle of wine."

It turns out there are benefits.

The waiter recognized Yuan Su and eagerly led him to the private room on the second floor. He warmly greeted the two of them to sit down, "Fifth Young Master, can the kitchen still serve you the food?"

Just as Yuan Su was about to say 'hmm', he suddenly remembered that there was one more person now, so he raised his eyes and asked, "What does Xiaosi like to eat?"

Great, the title has changed.

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