Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 181 He understands this routine!

Cheng Xiaosi is young, but Yuan Sui is not young. Last night, the couple from the Shang Yuan family discussed getting engaged first, and after a while, they discussed to advance the marriage. Now that Cheng Daqi said this, Yuan Pei felt a little embarrassed. , but I also know that not only can I not retreat now, I must also work harder.

"What you said makes sense. The sons and daughters of our Yuan family are not young when they marry, and it is also for their health. This one is not in a hurry, but just wants to settle the marriage first. To be honest with you, we I am also afraid that such a good girl as Xiaosi will run away, so I want to settle down as soon as possible to feel at ease."

Cheng Daqi groaned in his heart. He didn't believe this. If his son was Yuan Wu, he would wish to have a happy event tomorrow.

As you said, make a decision first, and then you’ll find reasons to come through early.

He knows this trick!
He has three sons!

"Mr. Yuan, it stands to reason that we are willing to get married with the Yuan family. However, the child's life-long matters must be decided by his mother. Let's talk about Xiaosi."

He only saw a look of pain on his face, "The incident between her sister and the Yan family scared her. She repeatedly said that she would not marry, and that she would rather live alone than be punished by others. Her mother often expressed her condolences. Why."

Yuan Pei wanted to continue talking, but suddenly he remembered with an agitation in his heart, this request for marriage is what he asked for, and he had to ask for it a few more times. The woman's family also asked us to politely refuse, and finally nodded to show our dignity. .

The fourth lady of the Cheng family must be willing to go shopping and show off with his bastard son. What he has to do now is not only asking for more, but also promising benefits.

Oops, the effort just now was not in the right place.

"Uncle, you can rest assured about this. Our Yuan family is also a family that knows etiquette."

Yuan Pei's mouth went dry as he spoke, and Mrs. Yuan also sat in front of Xiao He and said: "When I heard the news yesterday, I wished I could kill that boy on the spot. The reputation of the girl's family is so important, even if he is happy, he can't Just spreading rumors like that."

"I have seen Xiao Si many times. He is quiet and restrained, with a simple mind. He must have been coaxed by that bastard. Fortunately, that boy came back at night and told Xinyue Xiao Si, begging me and his father to speak for him. , otherwise I would have had to kick him out yesterday."

"Our Yuan family cannot tolerate such an ignorant brat."

Xiao He watched her performance quietly. Firstly, he wanted to see what she was going to say and do. Secondly, he wanted to learn her tricks. This morning, her mother-in-law had given her instructions and asked her to learn more. Look, it’s time to propose marriage to the second child later on. When the time comes, the young man will have to go to the woman to ask for her hand in marriage.

"Mrs. Cheng, you've seen my boy before, but is there anything you don't like about him?"

With that look and gesture, those who didn't know it thought his son was so outstanding and proud of him.

Xiao He said with a smile: "The Fifth Young Master of Yuan Dynasty is a talented person. He has outstanding manners and is quite polite. I can't say that I am dissatisfied with anything. I have a little doubt. I heard that the Fifth Young Master often goes to the Fireworks Alley?"

Mrs. Yuan felt that this was the only stain on her son, and he had no other stains.

Before he spoke, he sighed, "His eldest brother is not in good health. In the early years, I was focused on my eldest son. When I got to this kid, I inevitably neglected him. Most of the time, I sent him to his second uncle. Keep it here."

"My brother-in-law loves elegant things and music. Over time, this boy fell in love with it and often went to the Flower House to listen to music."

"But it's just for listening to music and doing nothing else. Mrs. Cheng, you can trust me. She won't be able to go when she gets married."

The two were still talking, and the person involved, Cheng Xiaosi, was being pulled by Cheng Sanniang, who was not letting her go out, saying that even if she was discussing a marriage now, there would be no girl discussing a marriage still wandering around the street. "Aren't you going to go out to the banquet tomorrow? It's not urgent at this moment. You are not allowed to go out today. Have you read all the account books I gave you before? Take them out quickly. Don't be lazy."

"After you get engaged, you have to think about the future. I originally thought you had to wait for two years, but now it seems that you can't wait anymore. Learn it early. The nanny who will teach us the rules will be here in the future. How can we be there by then? Kung Fu, why don’t you take the time to embroider something for yourself?”

Cheng Xiaosi was dumbfounded. She knew it by looking at the account books and learning the rules, but what the hell was embroidery and why did she need to do it?
Cheng Sanniang said, "Any new daughter-in-law should show off her craftsmanship and make a pair of shoes and socks for her father-in-law and mother-in-law. No matter what, she should have two stitches."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled, "Third sister, do you think I am someone who can hold a needle and thread?"

"Whoever likes to embroider can embroider. Anyway, I don't embroider."

She saw that her sister had embroidered butterflies, and she was still poking at that small area after embroidering for a long time, which made her eyes go blind.

"Then look at the account, look at it now."

With Cheng Sanniang pressing down, Cheng Xiaosi had no room for resistance. He sat down dejectedly and began to struggle with the ledger.

At this moment, in the imperial study room, the prince who put down the book said, "The Yuan family and the Cheng family are discussing marriage?"

The chamberlain who was close to him bowed and said: "Yesterday Mr. Yuan Wu and Miss Cheng Si traveled together for half a day. Many people saw it. This morning Mrs. Yuan had already arrived at the gate of Uncle Shunyi's house with a generous gift. Mr. Shunyi also greeted Yuan Wu last night. The young master conducted a cross-examination.”

The emperor smiled and said, "It would be good for these two families to come together."

At its peak, the Yuan family was able to influence the selection of court officials. After all these years of unremitting suppression, it has reached the point where it is about to fall apart internally. Fortunately, the Yuan family has a Yuan Pei who knows current affairs and is able to bend down. He works conscientiously and makes no mistakes. For this kind of person, he doesn't mind giving a chance to let the Yuan family take a breather.

He single-handedly promoted the Shunyi House, and it was just when it was most useful. This family was good at business and had good luck, but they were still not used to the twists and turns of officialdom, so he had to keep an eye on it more.

Needless to say, the Niu family has military power and is coveted by many people.

These three families are all his favorites, how can he let the two princes get involved?
The Wei family and the Chu family have such huge appetites that they actually want to swallow the Cheng family and the Niu family in one go without fear of dying.

"Uncle Xuan Shunyi and Yuan Pei are here to meet you."

The chamberlain hurriedly went to do it. Cheng Daqi and Yuan Pei were called back just as they left the palace. The emperor looked at the two people happily and said, "Your family is discussing marriage?"

Yuan Pei felt that the opportunity had come, and hurriedly bowed his hands and told everything, "Your Majesty, you know that Wei Chen's son was unable to get married earlier, and Wei Chen had nothing to do with him. Now he has fallen in love with the Lord of Fu'an County. , Wei Chen will beg for him even if he goes out of his way to show off his old face."

The emperor laughed out loud, "Yuanwu's eyes are poisonous. Xiaosi is a lucky star and is Uncle Shunyi's treasure."

"How can we get it without some blood?"

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