The uncle's house in Shunyi was extremely lively that day. When Mr. Cheng came back and saw his wife and children, the smile on the corner of this hard-working businessman's mouth made him look like a fool, which made everyone laugh. Just for fun.

"Second uncle, stop looking now and look back slowly."

"That's right, Second Auntie doesn't know, but Second Uncle misses you, no, you guys. When he has a little free time, he has to keep an eye on the renovation of the east courtyard and rush the progress, so he hopes that Second Auntie will come as soon as possible."

As soon as Cheng Xiaosi said these words, Cheng Sanniang, who had been knocked back to her original shape, smiled happily, "Xiaosi is right, if you have nothing to do, just remind me, if nothing happens, just talk about my mother."

Cheng Youxian and Cheng Youan asked, "You didn't talk about us?"


Cheng Sanniang said very seriously, "I'm talking about whether you studied hard, whether you skipped classes, and whether you completed your homework well. I said it's strange that you are not used to beating you after a long time. Let me tell you, Dad has even hired a husband for you." , just waiting for you to come."

The two brothers couldn't help but shrink back. The news was wrong. Mother said that dad was very powerful in the capital, so she asked them to pretend to be powerful.

It was so tragic that I realized with my clear and innocent eyes that I had been deceived.

Before dinner, Xiao He led Mrs. Qin to the east courtyard for resettlement. He also told her about the affairs in the mansion and said, "Things in the mansion have been progressing rapidly in the past six months. Some of them can't keep up. Everyone can only live there." After working hard at night, luckily things have become smoother recently."

"Now Erniang's girl is taking care of all the big and small things in the house. I have to be busy with the escort agency, and I'm also busy with the ladies from other families outside. The children have also reached their age, and I still have to worry about them. My dear, it can be said that there are too many things to do at the same time."

"It's good that you're here. Once you've sorted things out here, you still have to work hard. You and Erniang will sort out the things in the house together. It's about to enter late autumn. In the blink of an eye, you can say what you said about the New Year. This year is different from previous years. I'm afraid there are some... busy."

"There are still a few banquets coming up. You can go with me then. We can't let up on things outside."

Xiao He is indeed very busy. The Cheng Daqi brothers have attracted many merchants to the north of the city. The exchange of goods is very frequent. Due to the relationship between the government and the government, almost all of these merchants are entrusted to their escort agency. The escort agency is already short of manpower. Fortunately, Xiao Chengli, Mrs. Xiao and her two sisters-in-law were in charge of the escort agency all day long, so they managed to avoid any trouble.

Her father and brother have not returned from suppressing the bandits, and the escort agency is in urgent need of expansion. Cheng Youer and Cheng Yousan have also reached the age of getting married. Cheng Xiaosi's dowry still needs to be prepared, and the family members of the merchants and the wives of various officials have sent greeting cards. , banquets that she must attend, etc. It can be said that if Cheng Erniang hadn't kept the house in order and she didn't need to worry about it, she wouldn't have known how she would have lived her life.

Hearing that she had so many things to do, Mrs. Qin was very sad that she could be so busy. She was also sad that it was not easy for her to be the uncle. She also lamented that the house was different. She had been here before. At that time, I felt that this uncle's residence was nothing special, and there were very few posts about banquets.

"It's not that my sister-in-law doesn't give you time to rest. Things really wait for no one. Sanniang's child also has to take Duo out for a banquet. The girls opened a teahouse for fun and are quite busy. This is a major marriage event. She is not in a hurry, so we have to think more about it. We sisters-in-law help each other and watch over each other more, which is better than just one person."

Mrs. Qin nodded repeatedly. In recent years, she was used to the job of housekeeper and wife. Before coming to the capital, she had done a lot of psychological preparation. She thought that the eldest brother and sister-in-law had the final say in the uncle's house, so she couldn't be strong in everything. He stood out and made everyone unhappy.

You don't have to live in the capital for the rest of your life. When you return home, you will just be her decent housekeeper and wife.

I didn't expect that her sister-in-law would be so confident in leaving these matters to her, and let her take over the important tasks as soon as she came, so that she would not be embarrassed everywhere in this house.I thought this was enough, but Xiao He said again, "Your eldest brother has been praised by the emperor many times in the past six months. This is because of the great help of your second uncle and Yuqian. Although they are brothers, your eldest brother will always remember it in his heart." , I was still talking about waiting for the next time to finish it, and if it is done well and it is done well, then I can take my merits to the emperor and ask for an official position for my second uncle, even if it is an idle official position, it will be good."

"I have also discussed with my mother. When you arrive, we will hold a banquet in the mansion, and invite ladies from various families to come and have a lively banquet. Firstly, the mansion has been renovated and has the conditions to entertain guests. Secondly, you have arrived and you can hang out with ladies from various families. At that time, the third visit also let people know that a second lady who can take care of things has come to the house, and finally the children all looked at each other, and they had a good idea. "

"It's just the banquet that I have to work hard with you and my second mother to take care of."

Mrs. Qin excitedly held Xiao He's hand, her joy beyond words, "Sister-in-law, how can I thank you and brother so much."

Her sister-in-law is really different, she is so considerate and thinks about their family in everything.

Xiao He said with a smile: "We are all from the same family, there are not many people. Of course we have to support each other and move forward. In addition, I have prepared a gift. I will take you to see Aunt Fang tomorrow. Aunt Fang is the queen. The nanny in the palace is the most capable. I am also learning from her and asking her to teach you. There will be many opportunities to enter the palace in the future, so you must not make any mistakes in the rules."

Mrs. Qin nodded happily, "With sister-in-law's arrangement, I feel like I'm different."

After the two talked happily on the phone, Xiao He said that he was going to arrange the meals and asked her to finish cleaning up before going to the front yard to eat. As soon as she left, Sanniang stepped forward with a smile and hugged her mother's arm, "I'm here, mother." The backbone of my family is here, mother, just stay here down-to-earth, my uncle’s family are very nice, and they treat me well, and my third brother often brings us gadgets back when he goes out."

Mrs. Qin asked Cheng Sanniang many more questions, her smile became even brighter, and she also said that she would choose some beautiful jewelry to give to Cheng Erniang and Cheng Xiaosi.

Xiao He, who had just walked not far away, met Cheng Xiaosi who had come specially to wait for her. The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled. Cheng Xiaosi came closer and said, "Mom, how are you?"

Xiao He clicked her eyebrows and said, "With a little strategist like you behind the scenes, everything will go smoothly."

"Your second aunt is very happy."

"It's hard for your sister to do the hard work at home. Your second aunt can just help you. If your sister gets married one day, mother will take care of the important things and let your second aunt take care of the rest." Mom is impatient to do this."

He laughed and said, "What Mom said in front of your second aunt today was pretty good. Judging from your second aunt's reaction, she was very convinced. Mom has stood up now."

Xiao Si is right, she doesn't need to take care of everything in detail, but she needs to be capable, so that she can handle problems appropriately and be able to deal with them.

"I'll give Nanny Fang some more gifts later, so she can teach my mother more."

Yes, Grandma Fang has been secretly bribed by Cheng Xiaosi and asked her to secretly teach her mother at night, because the gift money is enough and the lessons are all practical, otherwise her mother would not be able to grow up so fast!

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