Cheng Daqi loved and hated his cheap son-in-law. He envied his face, figure, and brain. However, he hated that he was his son-in-law. When he thought of him kidnapping his daughter, he disliked him very much.

Yuan Su was self-aware, and it was okay for someone who had already taken advantage to go back and suffer a small loss. He said to Cheng Xiaosi: "I have something to do. I will pick you up when I make arrangements."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded with a smile, watched Yuan Su bow to her fat father, said goodbye and walked out of the gate of Shunyi Uncle's Mansion.

Cheng Daqi wanted to persuade his mistress not to be deceived by this boy, but in the blink of an eye he thought that he had already been deceived, what else could he do?

"Uncle, there is a man outside the door, his surname is Guan, and he comes to pay homage to my uncle."

Boss Guan came and hurried out the door the day after the three Yuan family members left. He was afraid that the matter would become too big to end, so he came all the way non-stop.

"Just say I'm still busy and ask him to wait in the side hall."

Cheng Daqi thought, earlier I urged you four times to invite you but you didn't come, and now you come to the door again. The situation has changed, and the treatment is no longer what it was before.

"Xiao Si, that boy Yuan Wu just said he wanted to pick him up. What are you doing?"

"Look at the maple leaves."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't hide anything, "I said the maple leaves in the suburbs of Beijing are beautiful. I thought it would be okay to go out for a walk if I have the chance. What do you think, dad?"

Cheng Daqi had a heart attack, "Dad, you think you like Yuan Wu very much?"

"That's necessary."

Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but laugh, "This is a gift from the emperor. I have to like it even if I don't like it."

Cheng Daqi felt that the emperor was just nosy.

Cheng Daqian was called back by Cheng Daqi's people. He was very happy to know that Boss Guan was here. He was even happier to know the inside story. He immediately thought of how to control Boss Guan.

Opportunities are fleeting in nature.

In the next two days, Cheng Daqi, who had Yuan Su's tips, quickly settled the trouble with Boss Guan. Those abducted people also came back in twos and threes. When asked why, they all said that they heard that the tips could make money. The matter went away quickly, without having time to tell my family, and I saw that these people became very generous as soon as they came back, and bought many things for the family. Many people were very envious, and regretted why they didn't have such a good opportunity. It's your turn.

The Lord of the Yamen collected the money and distributed the hair to the people below. Even if the matter was really over, the Yamen still left a way out for himself, that is, if necessary, he would need to arrest the people from Sifangguan. Boss Guan must cooperate.

"Dark, too dark."

Cheng Xiaosi sighed, "Sure enough, money can accomplish many things."

Looking back and thinking about it, if someone had kidnapped her to serve her with good food and drinks when she was in poverty, she might have been able to marry a rich man. If she didn't get married, she would have received a large amount of compensation, and she could have just bought one. She wouldn't pursue the case in a small house, and she might think that the person who helped her pursue it was meddling in her own business.

After all, besides being frightened, there are many benefits.

"The Sifang Pavilion is not a good thing. It was said that it was a invitation, but it ended up being tied up. If the Guan family hadn't been rich enough, I'd probably have been ripped off."

The Xiao sisters spoke up, "It's just a place where people use their money to eliminate disasters. How do you expect it to be morally good?" "If you don't talk about these unlucky things, the Jingbei Elegant Collection will open tomorrow. We can choose. It’s a good place, and the goods are well prepared, just waiting to show off.”

The event in the north of the city was eventually named Jingbei Elegant Collection, and the paper manuscripts on display were extremely elegant.

"Many people are talking about this outside now. The bosses of various businesses have spread the word. Those rare papers have attracted many students. I heard that they can even write inscriptions and compare them. Many people are excited."

"I think this will definitely happen. I don't know how lively it will be."

"It has to happen."

Cheng Sanniang came, "The money spent for this matter is the Cheng family's entire year's profit. It is very likely that this gathering will be a loss-making profit."

"If you want something in return, you must be willing to pay."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "We have lost money this year, but as long as our reputation is established and the management of this elegant gathering is in our hands, we can make back the lost money very quickly."

"But Cheng Xiaosi."

Cheng Sanniang laughed and teased her, "You are under my nose every day. When did you secretly use it?"

"Is it possible that I read too much in the ledger?"

The sisters talked for a while, and the whole family sat together as usual after dinner that night. After working for so many months, the title gathering was officially opened. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Several people kept reviewing the review, trying to find out the omissions. Just when everyone thought there was no problem, Cheng Xiaosi said, "Have you added a fire brigade?"

"Fire brigade?"

A few people really didn't think about this. Cheng Xiaosi said, "The weather is dry. Many of them are paper traders, which are more likely to catch fire. Isn't there a lantern festival at night? If the lights are burning, it will be terrible if something happens." , I suggest adding a fire-fighting team to be ready to put out fires at any time, and require merchants with large stalls to prepare enough water for easy access at any time."

What are you most afraid of when hosting a large-scale event?
It’s not that there are no guests, it’s that there was a fire accident.

That's life-threatening.

I had forgotten about this before, but suddenly I remembered it again. Fortunately, it was not too late.

Cheng Youqian immediately said that he would prepare it early tomorrow morning. Cheng Youqian said that he would notify each merchant early tomorrow morning and would check them one by one. In fact, the bosses of the paper mills knew what they were doing and most of them were prepared, but this kind of thing still had to be done. Only when you see it in person will you feel at ease.

The next day, as the morning light faded, everyone in the Cheng family got up early, washed and dressed neatly, and appeared neatly in the front yard. After having breakfast together, they encouraged each other and went about their business, watching When several men in the mansion went out, Mrs. Cheng's face was full of satisfaction, "If this matter is done, our Cheng family will have a firm foothold in the capital."

"Second daughter-in-law, your elder sister-in-law told you about the banquet in the mansion. You need to discuss this matter with Er Niang. Make preparations first. Buy what needs to be bought, replace what needs to be replaced, and the people in the mansion should also be nice. It’s always lively.”

Mrs. Qin smiled and said: "Sister-in-law told me, I want to see what happens today. If today's gathering is good, we can invite more people. We will be walking around the capital in the future, so we can only meet twice more." It’s getting familiar.”

Mrs. Cheng nodded with satisfaction. When it comes to managing the relationship between wives, the second daughter-in-law is better than the eldest daughter-in-law. However, the eldest daughter-in-law has been different recently. She is suddenly much better at talking and doing things than before, but being strong is a good thing! (End of chapter)

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