Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 21 This is a different kind of Versailles

Chapter 21 This is a different kind of Versailles

The young lady never expected that Cheng Yi was beaten because he made too much money. What a refreshing and refined reason!

Moreover, even Cheng Yi felt that he was guilty and should not have been deceived by those Adu things and ruined the future of a family of brothers and sisters. At this moment, he was explaining the matter of making money for himself:
"Son, I really didn't expect this money to be so easy to earn. I have never seen the tea tree before, and the growth is so dense. I thought it tasted good, so I bought some from the villagers."

"You haven't seen how poor the villagers are. Some families only have two or three pairs of trousers, which they wear when they go out. The same goes for shoes, they only have one pair. If you don't go out, you don't have to wear them."

"I really couldn't bear it, so I wanted to help them, tell them to collect tea leaves, and asked my uncle to hire someone to help make fresh tea leaves. I thought it didn't matter if I lost money or made money, I just thought it was a good deed, so that the villagers would have a long-term future. With the income, I also spent money to buy the mountain and hired someone to take care of it. I really just wanted to help them."

The fourth lady was almost in tears, she felt that the eldest brother was a good person.

Cheng Yi took a deep breath, and knelt down regardless of the injuries on his body, "Who would have thought that it would be so famous that it could be sold for such an old money, father, trust me, this is not my original intention, really."

"Father, you know me best. I'm not interested in making money."

But I just don’t know what’s going on. The money seems to be chasing him. He is making money no matter what he does. It’s so difficult for him.
Little Si Niang.
Was she hit hard? Is this Versailles in another way?

Xiao He smoothed things over, "Boss, he didn't do it on purpose. He just wanted to help the people. That's a good thing."

Although she is so powerful that she can flatten and round Cheng Daqi, Cheng Daqi still has the final say in the general direction of the family.

Cheng Daqi expressed that he would donate 10 taels to the emperor, but Xiaosi Niang stopped him on the spot, "There is something that I finally figured out after I went into the palace to talk to the Queen today. Dad, do you want to listen to me?" ?”

"Say something."

The little fourth lady said: "Mom, do you remember what the Queen praised us for?"

"Praise us for our bright clothes today, and say that I should dress better at my age. There is something in the words."

Xiao He pondered for a while, "Didn't the empress just say it casually?"

The fourth lady shook her head and looked at Cheng Daqi, "Dad, how did our family start?"

"Is it just to save the emperor?"

Cheng Daqi asked back: "What if it's not the case?"

Xiao Si Niang still shook her head, "The emperor is our son of Xijin, it is right to save him, only you have saved him, father?"

"Is it necessary to give you a title for this matter?"

Cheng Daqi began to recall the process at that time. The reason was that he and his elder brother saved the emperor. What happened after that?

They spent a lot of money to honor the emperor!
By the way, on the third day that he and his brother donated silver, he was named Shunyi Bo, the reason is that he has made meritorious service in saving him!
Once she mentioned this to Xiao Si Niang, she was even more sure, "The emperor can't say it's because he took your money, can he?"

"Which emperor doesn't love money. To govern such a big country, everything is money. Isn't it the foundation of the family who fights the war?"

Cheng Daqi was a little confused, "Are you saying that the emperor actually wants money?"

Thinking of what he said about cultivating scholars and building a noble family, Xiao Si Niang said directly, "If the emperor wants talents, all he needs to do is open a bank to attract talents. But if the emperor wants money, he can't just say it." Yes, I guess the emperor just wants dad to make money. Dad, think about it, if every household trains scholars, who will make the money?"

"It sounds nice to have gentle sleeves and a noble family, but it doesn't work well. What's more, the so-called noble family also has the word "expensive". Without this "expensive", wouldn't it mean that the family is full of beggars?"

"If a country wants to develop, it will inevitably need money to clear the way. If you have money and pretend to be poor, do you think the emperor will be upset after seeing this?"

"And mother, it's a good thing for our family to contribute money to support the war, but in a blink of an eye, you and your father are dressed as if your family is bankrupt and have no rice to cook. Aren't you deliberately mocking those wives who wear gold and silver, saying that they have money and wear gold?" Dai Yin doesn't have the money to support the war, so he looks so great."

Xiao He was dumbfounded. Did she have that intention? Wasn't she trying to fit into the circle of noble ladies?
Cheng Daqi said that Zhang Xiucai once said, "There are tens of millions of houses in Guangsha only sleeping on couches three feet three feet tall. Carrots and greens are used to ensure safety. Is this wrong?"

"Is this how you understand this sentence?"

Xiao Si Niang said that she should clarify this matter in everything she said today. This family is really weird and must formulate a big policy for the future.

The family discussed this matter from afternoon to dusk. Finally, the fourth mother encouraged her father to go to the palace again, "Bring the 10 taels that I earned to the palace. She said that I originally wanted to help the people, but I didn't expect to make money." With this money, I felt that the people's life was really not easy, so I wanted to donate this money to the emperor, hoping that more people would benefit."

Her heart was bleeding when she said this, she had never seen so much silver.

Cheng Daqi thought about it for a while and thought it would be okay. He might as well give it a try. The fourth lady then said: "If it is the same as what I said, then we will have to change in the future to satisfy the emperor's wishes. Only in this way can our status be stable." As for the education you want to study, dad, our Cheng family is so big that there will always be children and grandchildren who will make a difference, but before that we have to stabilize ourselves."

"Little Four is right."

Cheng Daqi's thick palms groped for his knees, "Our Cheng family has never seen anything in the world before, so we know how to make money, but we don't know how to spend it, and we dare not reveal our wealth, for fear of being remembered."

"We have been confused since we arrived in the capital and have not been able to find a suitable location. If the emperor likes our money, then we will make money for the emperor in the future."

Little Si Niang.
The road is long and her brainwashing plan cannot be stopped.

Because Cheng Yi and his wife came back, there was no separate table for the meal tonight, and the dishes on the table were very rich. Cheng Yi ate well because he ate poorly on the way back. He just killed a piece of chicken and found a plate when he went to pick up the meat. When he was empty, he glanced over, "Father, second brother and third brother, are you hungry?"

The three of them didn't raise their heads, they just ate their heads in suspense. Cheng Yousan spit out a chicken bone and couldn't wait to kill the next one. In between, he said, "Brother, today is your honor."

"I have good wound medicine and I'll send it to you later."

God is pitiful, he doesn't even remember how many meals he ate boiled vegetables in plain water, and he didn't see any meat, and he was so greedy that he wanted to nibble on his own arm.

The only child in the house, Cheng Qing, a one or two-year-old son, stared round at his grandpa and two uncles showing off, and opened his mouth wide as he was always bad at eating, "Ah~"

Her mother Du Linxiang took the opportunity to feed him a spoonful of meat porridge, and said, "Eat quickly, after the third uncle finishes eating, it's time for you to eat. If you want to surpass the third uncle, the first one finishes eating and opens his mouth." .”

Xiao Chengqing became anxious and started to eat big gulps of rice. Du Linxiang was very happy and hoped that his father-in-law and his two uncles would eat in such a hurry every meal in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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