Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 213: Continue to be a bachelor in the army

In front of the General's Mansion, General Mavericks dismounted and saw his brother walking on the road with his arms crossed and a sad expression on his face. His slow movements would kill many ants, so he simply stopped when he saw him. General Niu stepped forward and gave him a kick, "Has your soul been lost?"

Erniu came back to his senses instantly and saw the person in front of him clearly as if he had caught a savior, "Brother, I don't feel right."

General Maverick raised his eyebrows, "You're not trying to be courteous. What's wrong with you?"

Erniu was very upset and said that he could not enter the gate of Shunyi Uncle's Mansion. "We all went in together. Yuan Wu went in. Why didn't you let me in?"

"The housekeeper of the uncle's house invited me here when he invited Yuan Wu, but the third brother Cheng said that I was very busy, so he didn't keep me here. Brother, what do you mean by this?"

"Obviously he was pretty good to me the night I watched the Fish and Dragon Dance."

Cheng Yousan wouldn't let him in?

General Maverick raised his eyebrows. We have known each other for so long, and he still knows a little about Cheng Yousan. He hates evil and is not very good at saving face. If he is unhappy, he will show it on his face.

"What did you do today?"

Erniu crossed his arms and looked up at the sky, "Nothing to do."

The two of them entered the door, Erniu was still thinking about it, and finally told her everything that happened since she left the house. When she mentioned that several people in the Cheng family saw him giving money to the girl, General Xiaoniu knew the problem. Where did he go? After hearing this, people asked him, and he immediately sighed, "You're done, go back to the army and continue to be a bachelor."

"Why is it over? Brother, please explain clearly."

General Maverick asked him, "Why did you give Duan Duan his sister's money?"

"Isn't that pity for me?"

According to Erniu, he happened to meet the sister of Du Fei, a young general in the army today. The Du family is a military household, and their two sons are in the army. One of the younger sons fell in love with dancing and writing after he injured his leg. , and achieved success in their studies. This time Du also participated in the competition in Caishengyuan. When the results came out today, the girl from the Du family came to see the results for her brother, but there was no result.

"She felt sorry for her brother, and said that her father was ill. The Du family's life was not easy in the first place. I felt sad when I saw her like that. I gave her all the money I had. Is there any problem with this?"

General Maverick stroked his forehead. He could imagine that scene. In a crowded place, his stupid brother and a girl were standing in the corner, one crying and the other comforting, and giving money back. The key was that the Cheng family could clearly see this scene. Chu.

"It's all like this. Who else will die if you don't die? You can't even get through the door of Cheng's house now. It's hopeless. Go tell your mother and ask her to watch another one for you."

If an ordinary girl could have reconciled, the other party was Cheng Erniang, who had suffered a loss from Yan Bujiang. Yan Bujiang just brought a girl back and made a fuss, but was held down by the Cheng family until he couldn't turn over. This is still Getting involved with other girls while discussing marriage is futile.

"Let me tell you this, if the person you are planning to marry is Cheng Xiaosi, this matter can still be turned around. As for Cheng Erniang, don't even think about it."

Er Niu never expected that the matter would be so serious, so he ran away, knowing that his mother would need to step in at this time.

After hearing what he said, Mrs. Niu wanted to pick up a stick and beat him to death. It was done right away. She was preparing to go to the uncle's house again to try to settle the matter of meeting the two of them. At this time, it was for her Something went wrong?
"There are so many poor women out there, are you going to pity them all?"

"You can cry in front of a man in front of a large crowd. What kind of calculation is this? I thought you were stupid. I didn't expect you to be so stupid. I'll forget it if you make me mad." Erniu knelt down with a puff, "Mother, I was wrong. Please tell me more, I can't even get in through the Cheng family door now."

Mrs. Niu stroked her forehead, "If you can't get in, can I get in?"

What a shameful son, just make her angry to death.

Also angry was Xiao He. Cheng Yousan told this matter as soon as he got back. Is Xiao He okay with hearing this?

Cheng Yousan added fuel to the fire, "He can get involved with a girl outside while the two families are still discussing marriage. You didn't even see how close the two of them are. It's so shameless!"

"I don't agree to this marriage!"

Xiao He didn't say anything about him, he just thought of Yan Bujiang, and transferred Yan Bujiang's dislike to Er Niu, and finally commented, "Maybe he is a man who can fight on the battlefield to protect his family and country, but he is not suitable for me. The second mother."

She told Mrs. Cheng again about the matter, "It's not that I'm making a fuss, it's not a big deal. Maybe he met a girl he knew and learned that she was in trouble, so he helped. But He has no sense of proportion."

There are many ways to help others, not to mention
"How can a girl who knows the rules cry in front of her husband? I'm afraid she has other thoughts about this little general Mu. Erniang's child is already suffering a lot. How can she be let fall into the hands of another Yan Bujiang? In hand."

It is normal for someone to care about a somewhat powerful man who is not yet married, but the way he handled it was inappropriate.

If two people encounter such a situation again after getting married, should they take the person back to the house?

Mrs. Cheng sighed, according to her mind, what big deal could this be?

Which powerful man in the capital doesn't have three wives and four concubines?
General Niu's family is not low-ranking. It would be a help to her mother's family if her second mother married, but she knew how much the couple valued their children, so she was not prepared to interfere in this matter, lest it be said that his wife was not even willing to give up her granddaughter's happiness for the sake of the family's future. No scruples.

"I see that General Mu is a very down-to-earth boy. Is there any misunderstanding here? If someone wants to explain, just listen to what he has to say. Even if the marriage fails, we must handle the matter properly."

Xiao He understood, and Mrs. Qin was also confused after learning the news. If this matter happened to her Sanniang, she would definitely be angry, but she still felt hurt when she had to give up such a prestigious marriage in a fit of anger.

"Sister-in-law, are you really willing to give up?"

Xiao He nodded without hesitation, "Everyone in the family is working so hard, not just to make the girls in the family suffer. Our Cheng family relies on our ability to gain a foothold in the capital. We can still handle errands for the emperor even if we don't have children and marriages." .”

"Your eldest brother has lost a lot of weight, and he still can't protect his daughter. I can only say that he hasn't lost enough weight."

Aunt Fang analyzed it for her. Compared with the Cheng family, the Niu family needs the Cheng family more. Now that the Cheng family has risen and controls the entire north of the city, the future has unlimited possibilities. As long as there are enough people willing to cooperate with them, give them Provide shelter. Without the Ox General, there is still the Horse General!

Qin's heart was touched. It seemed that she needed to re-evaluate the strength of the entire uncle's house, so as not to make a joke when she went out to do things in the future.

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