Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 237 Why is the ghost still lingering?

Yuan Heng could only lament the Cheng family's luck. After all, luck is something you can't just get by working hard.

"I found that the luck of the fourth girl of the Cheng family seems to be passed on to you, and you are also lucky."

Yuan Heng was telling the truth, Yuan Su smiled and said, "Maybe so."

"But my eldest brother is going to take up his post in such a far place this time, and my sister-in-law wants to go with him?"

Yuan Heng thought for a while, "Just go with your sister-in-law, and the two children will stay in the capital. Although the place where I took office is not poor, Xuan'er has to learn the rules, and Wen Sheng will be enlightened next year. I'm afraid there won't be any good teachers in the office, so I can only Thanks to my parents for helping me watch."

Yuan Pei also meant the same thing, "Two or three years will pass in the blink of an eye. You can be promoted at the end of your term. Then you can find a good place."

With the Yuan family like this, it is not difficult to stay in Beijing and work, but it just sounds nice. If promotion is not as good as climbing up step by step through experience outside, it is just a temporary hardship, but it is worth it compared to the future.

Yuan Heng patted Yuan Su's arm, "It's just that I can't drink your wedding wine."

Yuan Su smiled and said nothing. Mrs. Yuan who came over happened to hear this and felt a little regretful. The second wife of the Cheng family was going to marry into the Niu family. The wedding banquet should be held in the first half of next year. This family has not married in a year. For two daughters, if you want to marry Cheng Xiaosi, you have to wait the year after tomorrow. Why does she think it takes so long?

Fortunately, it would be great to have a wife, and it is not unbearable to stay at home for a year.

"When I get a chance, I'll go to Shunyi's Mansion again, and I'll organize a happy event in the spring of next year."

Yuan Heng joked, "Doesn't it mean that fifth brother has to be a bachelor for another year?"

"Go, go, go." Mrs. Yuan also smiled, "You are not a bachelor once you are engaged and engaged."

It happened that a servant came to tell me that Mr. Cheng had arrived and brought a generous gift, "I would like to thank the fifth young master for helping the young master of the Cheng family find an academy."

Yuan Pei smiled and said: "There is no need to be so polite. Please invite people in quickly. No, I will go there myself."

Because of this, the Yuan family and the Cheng family became much closer, and a lot of news began to be shared.

It was already a bit cold on the 21st of the winter lunar month. At least Cheng Xiaosi had worn four pieces of clothing in total. Each piece was not thick and did not make her look bulky. If it was colder, she would have worn a jacket. Huahua is afraid of the cold, so she has already put on her coat.

"Be sure to sweep it clean and shake the trees to remove all the dead leaves, so they don't fall to the ground again tomorrow morning."

"Put all the flowers, be careful not to bump them."

Mrs. Qin started busy in the morning. Seeing that Cheng Erniang wanted to help, she said, "Don't move now. Tomorrow is a big day. You take good care of yourself today. If anything happens, my second aunt will arrange it."

The 22nd of the winter lunar month is the day when the Niu family comes to make a decision. People from the Niu family came yesterday to discuss the general details.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "Sister, please stop working. If you're really bored, just do some sewing. Aren't you going to make a pair of shoes for Little General Erniu? It's getting colder and colder. People have to ride horses in winter, or else?" How about making another pair of sturdy gloves?”

"If sister wants to do it, then I also want a pair."

"I want me too."

Cheng Sanniang stepped forward and said, "Second sister, please make a pair for me too. My hands are frozen even when I pull the abacus."

Cheng Xiaosi said: "Third sister, gloves will only affect the speed of your abacus."

"I don't care, I will."

Cheng Erniang was so troubled by her two younger sisters that she had no choice but to ask Huarui to come out with a sewing basket, "I can do everything, I have it."

Cheng Sanniang and Cheng Xiaosi both laughed. They didn't go out now, so they stayed at home. They had nothing to do and couldn't help asking what the Niu family had prepared. Cheng Sanniang whispered: "Yesterday, Er Niu Xiaosi The general just came back. He had been away for several days. When he came back, he was carrying a cage with a pair of live geese in it. He was showing off all the way, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was getting married. "

Cheng Xiaosi was a little surprised, "Did you catch live geese in this weather?"

"Yeah." Cheng Sanniang said with admiration, "Just tell me whether it's awesome or not. I don't know how long I rode the horse and how far I traveled to catch him."

"Oh, the pair of live geese will be delivered to our house tomorrow. Where will they be kept? Can they be kept alive in such a cold weather?"

"How unlucky is it to die?"

Seeing that she was still worried, Cheng Xiaosi said that if she couldn't guarantee that she would have enough to eat and drink, she would fly away. Cheng Sanniang asked with a smile: "I still remember when the Yuan family came to visit Xiao Ding, you said you couldn't tell the difference between male and female. Maybe you were arrested. Two identical ones.”

Cheng Xiaosi was happy, "I believe in the ability of Little General Erniu. He can't make a mistake in arresting them. They must be arresting a couple who are very loving."

Cheng Sanniang snickered, she really said everything.

The two of them just discussed it in front of Cheng Erniang. Cheng Erniang blushed but couldn't interrupt, so she just toyed with the fabric in her hand.

"Girl, the third princess is here."

Hearing the message, Cheng Xiaosi was stunned, "What is she here for?"

Why are you still haunted?

Can't he torture her in the palace and chase her to her home to show off his power?
Oh no, she can't see the people in the palace. The people in the palace can't control her.

Cheng Sanniang stood up and said, "Don't be dizzy today. Go and pick it up. I remembered that I still have some accounts that I haven't finished reading. I won't be back for a while."

She doesn't like seeing royal people now either, she feels uneasy and kind-hearted.

Cheng Erniang stood up and said, "Go."

Cheng Xiaosi, who sighed, could only go to greet her. When she arrived, Li Yuanzhen had already been led to her yard. When she saw the person, she smiled and stepped forward to greet her, "Greetings to the third princess."

Without waiting for Li Yuanzhen to speak, she straightened her back and asked, "Does the Third Princess have anything important to do with me?"

"You can't come if you have nothing to do."

She was obviously a guest, but she still had to put on a condescending attitude. She looked her up and down and coughed slightly, "I'm here to see if you're okay, princess. You don't look like anything is wrong." .”

Cheng Xiaosi smiled but said, "Your Majesty is kind enough to reward me with such good medicinal materials. Now that I have rested, I will be fine. Thank you, Third Princess, for thinking about me."

Li Yuanzhen raised his eyebrows, why don't you look timid today?

I saw people sweeping everywhere, "Is there something going on at your house?"

"There will be something happy in the house tomorrow. I'm making preparations today."

Cheng Xiaosi was thinking about where to take Li Yuanzhen when Li Yuanzhen suddenly said, "I remember, your sister wants to get engaged."

"Niu Mu, right? She's a good match for your sister."

These words didn't sound like good words. Cheng Xiaosi raised his eyes and said, "Of course they are worthy. One is strong and brave, and the other is dignified, virtuous, and gentle. Even the Qintian Prison said that marriage is destined by fate."

Li Yuanzhen smiled, as if he had heard some joke, "Niu Mu is indeed brave."

A silly black boy with scars on his face and only a strong body. He was a man who had hit a wall in dating earlier.

As for Cheng Erniang, she is divorced no matter what. It is suitable for the two of them to work together to match the pot with the lid.

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