Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 243 Are you promoting your third brother to me?

"This garden is so beautiful."

As soon as Miss Wu entered the garden, there was surprise in her eyes, "It looks like it's new."

"Newly refurbished."

Yuan Sijin smiled and joked, "These flowers are all brought from other places. It can be seen that these are girls from wealthy families."

Miss Wu pinched the handkerchief and smiled, "You can tell just by the way she dresses."

"I heard that Uncle Shunyi is particularly good at business, and it seems that what he said is true."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "My father said that he has no talent, no literary talent, and no superb kung fu. He only has this little ability, and now everyone can see it."

Miss Wu said: "You don't have to spend the money you make, otherwise what's the point of making money?"

"That's it."

Niu Wanqing saw cut pineapples on the table and said with a smile: "Come and try some. There are actually pineapples today. This is a rare fruit."

"Yeah, it really is."

Miss Wu sat down with a smile and said, "I'm really lucky today. I must eat a few more pieces."

Cheng Sanniang said that she came across this batch of pineapples a few days ago. "Businessmen from outside brought them to the capital. I don't know how many hands they passed through. Whether they were stored or not, there were only two baskets. Today we will cut them out for everyone." Taste it.”

"Two baskets."

Niu Wanqing winked at Miss Wu and said, "Eat a few more pieces, there will still be some left after eating."

Miss Wu was overjoyed, "As we are, we should not be invited to banquets at the uncle's house in the future."

A few people were chatting and laughing, and soon someone came. Cheng Xiaosi went to the front yard to greet her. The new girls almost chose to ignore her at the previous banquet, but today they all came up to her and greeted her affectionately. Looking at her sister, she praised her again and again, and she also gave her face, saying that this one looks beautiful, that one looks like she has grown taller, and she is now much better at socializing than before.

Joking all the way, she led the person to the yard and handed her over to her third sister. After a few words of laughter, she went to the front to wait. When she saw You Jinling, she smiled before the other party could say anything, "I thought you would come very soon." Good morning, the results are coming slowly, I'm still waiting for you to help me greet the girls from various prefectures."

"Hello Aunt You, please come in quickly. My mother has been talking about why Auntie hasn't come yet."

The mother and daughter of the You family did not expect that their Wenchang Marquis Mansion would receive the message earlier. They originally thought about not coming, but Mrs. You showed a guilty conscience when she said that she could not come. They are both high-ranking families in the capital, and they did not fall out openly. Reason, they just came.

Seeing Cheng Xiaosi warmly greeting mother and daughter, they both smiled. You Jinling said, "I was thinking of choosing a gift for you and your sister to congratulate you on your engagement, but I'm too late."

Cheng Xiaosi handed Mrs. You to her second aunt, and then took You Jinling to the garden. On the way, You Jinling gave two small boxes to Cheng Xiaosi, "You and your sister each have one, they are the same, hurry up Keep it, don’t let anyone see it.”

Cheng Xiaosi took it with a smile and gave it to Huahua, asking Huahua to go to the big bedroom, "Come as soon as you come, and you're so polite."

You Jinling gave her a look that you know, "Didn't you make a small fortune recently?"

She was talking about the 500 taels. She thought of something and suddenly looked around, "Your second brother isn't here today, is he?"

"I won't be back until later."

Cheng Xiaosi knew what she was worried about, "Don't worry, you can't see him even if he is here. Besides, my third brother is here today. My third brother will not allow him to speak casually." You Jinling became interested, "How can your third brother still do it?" Control him?"

"Of course, I am the only one who can survive when my third brother goes crazy. No one else is a match."

She didn't dare to say that her third brother was going to take action when he got angry. The key was that he used his poisonous tongue to attack your heart first, and then used his punching skills to attack your body. It was a two-pronged attack.

The most powerful thing is that you don't mind injuring the enemy a thousand times and losing eight hundred to yourself. If you hit the main one, you will be worse off than me.

"Your third brother is pretty good."

You Jinling became interested in Cheng Yousan, and Cheng Xiaosi started to sell him, "It's pretty good. His appearance is not bad, his figure is good, and his kung fu is improving day by day. Even though he seems to speak poorly sometimes, but That's all for outsiders, but he's still very nice to his own people. The key is to still listen to advice, even though he's fierce."

To make it more vivid, he gave an example, "Last time I sprained my foot, and my third brother looked disgusted and said, "Why don't you be so stupid that you get sprained when you walk."

"Then he walked in front of me and squatted down, saying: I'm really impressed by you if you don't come up yet."

"Then he took me back on his back. The main thing is a rough one with a fine one. I think my third sister-in-law will definitely be very happy in the future."

You Jinling asked with a smile, "Are you trying to sell your third brother to me?"

Cheng Xiaosi would never admit it, "I'm just explaining that my third brother is really good."

Eugene Lingling was happy, "Okay, I understand, I will consider it."

It's been so obvious. If she pretended not to understand, wouldn't she be showing that she was stupid?

After sending the person to the garden, everyone present was an acquaintance, so Cheng Xiaosi went back to the front yard to pick him up.

Soon the whole Shunyi uncle's house became lively, more and more guests came, even the old ladies from many people's houses came to join in the fun. Cheng Xiaosi felt that these people didn't necessarily think highly of the Cheng family, they were just here. I have been stuck at home for too long and I want to come out for some air.

One of them, an old lady, said that she had not been out for more than half a year, and she felt that her eyes were not full, and everything felt new. She must have been suffocated in her palm-sized yard.

Most of the ladies came to Shunyi Uncle's Mansion for the first time, and their compliments were said as if they were free of charge.

First of all, it is true that the current Shunyi Uncle's Mansion looks grand and full of flowers; and secondly, now that the Yuan family and the Niu family are in-laws, the tide has naturally risen. I didn't see that Mrs. Yuan and Mrs. Niu brought their daughters-in-law to help here. ?
When the guests arrived, the sisters took all the girls to the front yard to greet the ladies. Before the guests arrived, the smell of different makeup and powder arrived, and then about twenty girls came with smiles full of smiles. I was stunned to see all the ladies.

"Coming like this, just looking at it makes people happy. It's so alive. Why do I feel so young?"

The person who spoke was Mrs. Wu, and there was a boy at home who was talking about getting married. When she saw the group of girls coming, she felt itchy because she thought this one was pretty and that one was pretty too.

"Greetings to all ladies."

The girls all cheered, and all the ladies sitting here expressed admiration with their whole hearts and eyes, "Get up quickly."

"Miss Wu has become even more beautiful after not seeing her for a few days. Mrs. Wu, you are so lucky."

"Miss Zhang is becoming more and more beautiful, and she attracts people to look at her."

"I heard that I wrote a good poem in Japanese a few days ago. She really lives up to her reputation as a talented woman."

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