Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 276 Zhou Xiaojiang is confused, you shouldn’t come

Chapter 276 Zhou Xiaojiang is confused, you shouldn’t come

Cheng Youer's obsession with You Qinglian's unrequited desire is difficult to dissipate for a while, but now he can control himself, talk and laugh, and is much more crazy than before when he mentioned You Qinglian. The condition is much better.

Cheng Xiaosi can still recall the scene where the two brothers fought for You Qinglian. They are much more harmonious now.

"We can't go out today, let's play together."

Cheng Yousan looked disgusted, "Want to play throwing sandbags with you?"

"What's not allowed?"

Cheng Yousan smiled, turned around and walked into the house, "I would rather sleep."

Cheng Youer also turned around, "I wasted my brain studying before, so I need to have a good sleep these two days."

How could a big man like him play throwing sandbags?

I never played with it when I was a kid, how could it be possible now?

Cheng Xiaosi sighed, "This year is not very interesting."

Mainly because she lived like this on weekdays and had too high expectations for the New Year, so she felt somewhat disappointed. Fortunately, in the afternoon, Xiao He and Mrs. Qin brought many things to the yard of the sisters, saying they wanted to take inventory again. Cheng Erniang’s dowry.

"I was so busy before the New Year that I didn't have time to do this. I'll take advantage of the few days of the New Year when I have nothing to do. If nothing happens, the Niu family will come to my door in two days to decide the wedding date. Get ready at this time, so you don't have to worry about it. Panic when you get it.”

Xiao He thought that Cheng Erniang was in a hurry last time to get married and didn't have time to do many things. This time everything had to be done carefully.

As soon as the warehouse was opened, Cheng Xiaosi saw the room full of objects, such as fabric ornaments, copper basins and barrels, and just a few boxes of materials for making clothes. "With so much material, how long will it take to make clothes?" go?"

Mrs. Qin smiled and said, "Some materials are not always available. There are many rare things. As long as they are kept properly, they will last for ten or twenty years. You have to make several clothes a year, so this material does not count. many."

She helped purchase these materials years ago, and they were not enough in her eyes. If Cheng Erniang hadn't repeatedly stated that she didn't want so many, she would have had to have them delivered.

"Are these jewelry?"

Cheng Xiaosi opened a box, with small boxes neatly arranged inside. Qin nodded, "I sent the gold and silver I brought back from the Yan family earlier to be melted, and made a new batch. It will all come in handy later.”

"These ornaments, calligraphy and paintings are rare and difficult to deal with, so just keep them."

Cheng Xiaosi lamented the richness of the dowry. It is no wonder that a girl from a wealthy family has to eat the dowry for a lifetime. If she cannot finish it in her lifetime, she has to leave it to her children to continue to eat.

Mrs. Qin said again, "I'll have someone buy a few new shops and take them away as dowry when the time comes."

Xiao He looked around and was extremely satisfied. He took Qin's hand and said, "Thank you very much."

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome. I regard these as my own children. Besides, it's just a matter of talking. The people below will take care of it."

Xiao He smiled and said, "Even so, it's still because of your troublesome arrangements."

Seeing that the two of them were thanking each other again, sisters Cheng Xiaosi and Cheng Sanniang also had a look of helplessness in their eyes. Just as they were about to say something, Cheng Yousan came in a hurry, "Xiaosi, come quickly."

"What's wrong?" Cheng Xiaosi went out, and Cheng Yousan took her to the pomegranate tree. "The eldest brother of the Zhou family is here again. You have to help me this time."

Cheng Xiaosi immediately became energetic, "That Miss Zhou who is obsessed with you?"

"What, you haven't given up yet?"

"On the first day of the Lunar New Year, you come to our door and start a hunger strike again?"

Cheng Yousan was helpless, saying that the girl was crying at home every day, and asked his brother to tell him that she wanted to be his concubine, "Are you crazy? How can I be worthy of her infatuation?"

"I was told this two days before the Chinese New Year. I was almost driven crazy. Please save me quickly."

Cheng Xiaosi also felt crazy. Why should a good girl be a concubine?

"I can't help you with this matter. You have to ask your mother to come forward in person."

This time the visitor was the eldest brother of the Zhou family again, and he was talking about his sister. "It's not suitable for any of us to go except my parents."

Cheng Yousan nodded and called Xiao He again. When he learned that Cheng Yousan still had a peach blossom debt, Xiao He was about to beat him on the spot. Cheng Xiaosi hugged Xiao He's arm and said, "What does it have to do with brother?" , he didn’t even look at the girl. It was Miss Zhou who fell in love with him, so he tried to avoid it. Miss Zhou had threatened her parents and elder brother at home without eating or drinking. The eldest brother of the Zhou family was not the first Here comes the time."

Cheng Xiaosi is not happy with Miss Zhou, whom he has never met before. It is not a crime to like a man. He can just fight for it by himself instead of threatening anyone. If he is married back, if he doesn't like her, he will be fine. Threatening a whole family with not eating or drinking?

She didn't like it, and Xiao He didn't like it even more. That's how she got here. Back then, she saw that Cheng Daqi had taken advantage of him regardless of her family's objections, and let her parents and brothers follow Dim Sum for so many years.

"Go back to your yard and practice."

After saying that, she went to the front yard, and Cheng Xiaosi wanted to go with her. Xiao He didn't stop him, and asked about the matter in detail on the way.

The eldest brother of the Zhou family mustered up a lot of courage to go to the door. On the way here, he thought of many ways to persuade Cheng Yousan. He thought that the Shunyi uncle's family had a great business, so what would happen if he had one more woman in the backyard? Most of the young masters from the aristocratic families in the city had already married each other, so they were not surprised, but they didn't expect to see Xiao He.

"Why did Young General Zhou come to Lao San's office today?"

Xiao He was not polite either. How could a girl who grew up in a bandit's den be a living Bodhisattva?

The eldest brother of the Zhou family was full of things to say and didn't know what to say, but Xiao He spoke up, "But are you here for your girl?"

The eldest brother of the Zhou family handed over his hand, "My sister has been obsessed with it since she met the three brothers. She thinks about the three brothers all day long. My mother can't bear the pain of my sister and can only let me go away shamelessly."

Xiao He interrupted him before he finished speaking, "Young general Zhou is confused. You shouldn't have come."

The eldest brother of the Zhou family was startled, his face turned red, and he was embarrassed and angry. Xiao He said: "You have worked with my third child for some time. I think you know him better. You know that sometimes he can't keep his face. You can't stop thinking about your sister." I mentioned it to him once, but before today he didn't mention it a word. Firstly, he was concerned about your sister's reputation, and secondly, he really didn't have that idea."

"Although my uncle's house in Shunyi was a merchant in the past, he also respected the rules. The sons and daughters in the house were all busy with their careers and there was no precedent for taking concubines. Furthermore, although my uncle's house did not have much family connections, I still hope that the girl's family will have some. I cannot accept a daughter-in-law who has a cheerful temper and frequently goes on hunger strikes to threaten her parents and brothers."

"If General Zhou is a sensible person, he will not mention this matter again in the future, and we will act as if we never knew about it."

(End of this chapter)

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