Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 28 Little 4, cousin, thank you very much

Chapter 28 Xiaosi, cousin, thank you very much
The little Fourth Lady didn't hide the matter about Jinxianlan, and smiled and said to Mrs. You: "My sister said that when I was injured, the Queen specially sent people to see me and gave me medicinal materials. I should thank the Queen for her grace. You know If the empress likes flowers, she will send them over."

Mrs. You glanced at Zhang Yuewu's mother and daughter, and said to the young lady: "The golden thread blue is a flower planted by the gods in the legend. It is extremely hard to find. Your sister is a lucky one."

The fourth lady agreed very much, "My sister got it by chance. It's fate."

He spoke very proudly again, "My sister is beautiful, gentle and virtuous, you don't even know that when my sister-in-law came back and found out that my sister returned home, she was so angry that she wanted to kill someone first, and then she moved a lot of things into her house and said she wanted to raise her." My sister has been a little dumbfounded all her life, saying that there are too many things to pile up."

"In the past two days, my sister-in-law has made up her mind to let my sister take care of the house. She said that she is very good in this area and has sent all the ledgers to her. But she doesn't want to and the two of them are still arguing. I went out to buy jewelry today. My sister-in-law can’t wait to buy all the items in the jewelry store and give them to my sister, saying that girls always want to dress up beautifully.”

As he spoke, he laughed to himself, "My sister is so good, her blessings don't stop at the moment."

Mrs. You was a little surprised. No matter whether a married girl is divorced or abandoned, returning home is not a good thing for her natal family. She will worry about affecting her future children, especially sister-in-laws. It is also unhappy to go to her mother's house twice more.

This Cheng family is different, they can risk everything for their married daughter, and even take her home and treat her like a treasure.

In the eyes of Mrs. You, what the young lady said today must have been instructed by her mother and also the meaning of Shunyi House. Miss Cheng, who returned home with Li, will not stay at home as an old lady for the rest of her life, but will remarry. .

The little fourth lady who came out of Mrs. You's place originally wanted to find You Jinling. She also wanted to borrow You Jinling's hand to deal with the mother and daughter. However, Zhang Yuewu and her daughter had too many questions to ask. She was not given this chance.

The first thing is to ask the fourth lady, who never speaks much in front of outsiders, why she talks so much?

"My father said that I used to be like a saw-mouthed gourd. I should learn more from my cousin. I can speak and speak nicely. That's how I like it."

The fourth lady was a little shy, "So many people like my cousin, and I'm very envious of her."

She carefully pulled You Qinglian's sleeve, "Cousin, I have been learning from you secretly when I was at home. My father even praised me for being more generous. Cousin, you will teach me more in the future."

You Qinglian.
Is everything true?

"What happened to the golden thread blue?"

Xiao Si Niang didn't want to hide it from them either, she told them the story and said: "Your Majesty has never seen it before, it's just a little strange, and I can give it away, fortunately, your Majesty likes it."

The mother and daughter have nothing to say, this incident clearly shows that they are not in the limelight, You Qinglian is a little annoyed that her aunt has not been to the uncle's house these days, and she doesn't know any news, You Qing who has been killing people with her eyes Huan asked Xiao Si Niang angrily, "Why didn't you let us know that there is such a good thing?"

What an embarrassment to say. Zhang Yuewu scolded You Qinghuan before Xiaosi Niang opened her mouth. After scolding the person, she explained to Xiaosi Niang, "She has been ridiculed one after another in the past two days. She is angry. Who is she talking about?" It's all fierce, it's not aimed at you, don't take it to heart."

When she said this, she was also wondering if it was because her people didn't pay enough attention to the people who bought her. She didn't receive any news about such a big matter, and she felt regretful in her heart. On the surface, it didn't show at all. Looking happy, "This is also Erniang's blessing. Erniang has such a big incident, and my aunt can't help it if she wants to help. With this status," Xiao Siniang thought, what would the original owner say if she was here? A common enemy?

"Marquis Wenchang will one day see the goodness of my cousin. My cousin is so gentle, beautiful and kind-hearted. It's really aggrieved."

Zhang Yuewu felt relieved again. The mother and daughter talked in harmony with each other for a while, and soon the topic turned to the matter of entering the palace for the banquet. The fourth lady expressed her embarrassment, "I want to go with my mother." , my maternal cousin knows about it, and I don’t dare to do it without her."

The mother and daughter were very disappointed, and they didn't doubt what Xiao Si Niang said, after all, they didn't dare to provoke Xiao He.

Xiao Si Niang looked frustrated, "I can't even go in easily in the palace, let alone bring someone with me, even if my mother doesn't stop me, I can't do anything, my cousin can only go to Mrs. You, I see You seem to be very talkative, so you should agree, right?"

Zhang Yuewu smiled bitterly. After all, he did not dare to say anything wrong with Mrs. You in front of the Fourth Niang. You Qinglian's face was full of reluctance. The next words of the Fourth Niang gave her hope again, "Today the mansion received Mr. Zhang, the Minister of War, According to the post on the house, Mrs. Zhang’s birthday is in ten days. If the You family is still so abominable and doesn’t take my cousin with them, my cousin will go with me.”

"Military Minister?"

Zhang Yuewu became interested, "This aunt knows about it. I heard that Mrs. Zhang is from a noble family. When I think about it, there will be a lot of guests."

The unwillingness in You Qinglian's eyes faded away and replaced with a look of joy, "Xiaosi, cousin, thank you very much."

Zhang Yuewu also held her hand, and the green energy came out of her sleeve again. Xiao Si watched the green energy wrap around her wrist, and then it broke off automatically, encircling it like a bracelet Her wrist, no next move.

Zhang Yuewu seemed to know nothing, "Xiao Si, you also know the situation in this mansion. Your cousin is so outstanding in everything, she is the first daughter in the mansion. Madam has never liked your cousin. She looks after your cousin." There is no one good in those families, and my aunt and your cousin have nothing to rely on in the capital. Fortunately, you are protecting us, Xiao Si, Auntie feels in her heart."

The old beauty started to cry, and the little fourth lady hurriedly expressed her loyalty, she hurriedly shared her hatred with the enemy, scolded You Jinling severely, and left with an excuse when she really felt that she couldn't continue acting, Zhang Yuewu sent her to the gate of the courtyard, turned around Taking a deep breath, You Qinglian always felt that Xiao Si Niang was different today. Zhang Yuewu said, "After all, it's not my own. After being detained in the mansion for so many months, Xiao He didn't know how much thought he put into it."

"As long as she still has us in her heart, don't let what you think on your face show in the future."

"Since you're going to a banquet, get ready, I'm going out."

The Marquis Wenchang’s Mansion looks glamorous, but in fact life is not easy. In the past few years, their mother and daughter’s life is all supported by Cheng Daqi’s money. Even the Marquis likes her here. He just came a little more.

In the past three months, Cheng Daqi has not sent any money, and the number of Lord Hou has come less, and besides Cheng Xiaosi, the adults also need Cheng Daqi.

"Go get busy."

After dismissing You Qinglian, Zhang Yuewu went back to the room and locked the door with her backhand, and then talked to the air on her own.
(End of this chapter)

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