Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 295 What, the third prince is here too?

Cheng Sanniang thinks that the eldest son of the Jiang family is very good. He is not only knowledgeable, but also not pedantic. She has a good impression of him.

The eldest brother of the Jiang family feels that a free and straightforward girl like Cheng Sanniang is very suitable for him and is the partner he is looking for.

When they saw their mothers, they all nodded, and the smiles on Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Qin's faces became even more sincere. Mrs. Yuan smiled and arranged lunch, and everyone had lunch at Yuan's house before leaving.

"How about it, but do you really think it's okay?"

After returning to the house, Qin asked Cheng Sanniang. Cheng Sanniang nodded, "If what he said to me today is not false, he is an extremely good man."

Mrs. Qin breathed a sigh of relief, "I heard earlier that both men and women in this family are scholars. I was worried that it would be a bit inconvenient for them to speak. But when I saw them today, I thought they were okay, just a little more elegant."

He wasn't the kind of person she thought he was, who was so stupid at reading.

"Don't worry, let's make a decision. When your father comes back, we can inquire more about it and see the Jiang family's attitude."

She was anxious, but there was nothing the woman wanted to do in a hurry.

Cheng Sanniang nodded. She was not as high as the other mountains. The Jiang family's family background was already a high level for her. I think people were more interested in her uncles and cousins.

At the same time, Mrs. Jiang was also asking what the eldest brother of the Jiang family meant, "She is a good girl, and she is born with a good temperament. I think she has her own opinion, but her knowledge and family background are a bit inferior, but we already have some people in our house." For many people who are studying, if you marry a wife like this again, the life of your family will be over."

"Someone has to take care of things at home and outside the home. Miss Jiang San is also literate, and the Cheng family brothers are not separated. They are all prosperous. I am satisfied, what do you mean?"

The eldest brother of the Jiang family said 'hmm' first, "My son thinks it's good too."

As soon as he finished speaking, a servant hurriedly came to send a message, "Madam, eldest young master, the girl cried so much that she died."

The two of them were shocked, "What's wrong?"

"The girl said it was Qiao Jiang who died."

The eldest brother of the Jiang family was very confused, "Who is Qiao Jiangsheng?"

Mrs. Jiang sighed, "The scholar in the story book, let's go and have a look."

I really don’t dare to let anyone who loves books come in this house anymore. What’s going on every day?

The eldest brother of the Jiang family was speechless, "In the future, let her read less story books and go out more often."

I feel more and more that Miss Cheng San is very good.

That night, the Cheng family had dinner and talked about the Jiang family again. Mr. Cheng said that he couldn't wait to inquire about it today. People outside had very good comments about the Jiang family. "I don't think our family has even produced a resounding scholar." , are all waiting for the second boy, but it’s a pity that the second boy is not ready yet, so let’s get some exposure from the Jiang family first. It would be a great thing if the Jiang family can give some advice to the second boy before the scientific examination.”

Taking the imperial examination requires more than just one's own talent and experience. Otherwise, why is it said that some of the parents in the family have passed the examination, but it is relatively easier for the children and grandchildren of the younger generation?

Rich experience in taking the exam is very important. Generations of the Jiang family have been engaged in archeology. As long as the descendants of the Jiang family fail, they are still very likely to pass the exam. What does this mean?

They are really good at this.

Cheng Daqi hurriedly said, "If you put this aside later, it's better to be a good boy. This is a major event in the third girl's life. Don't include other things too."

"I know."

Mr. Cheng smiled and said: "Don't you think the Jiang family boy is pretty good? If it doesn't work, I won't be able to mention this matter. Brother, don't worry, I don't feel bad for my own daughter?"

Only then did Cheng Daqi laugh again. Next, the Cheng family was still very busy, busy doing business and preparing for Cheng Erniang’s marriage.

The Qin family once again arranged for people to clean up the house and buy flowers and things for hosting banquets. In the midst of the busy work, Yuan Su made arrangements for hot spring bathing. Cheng Yousan asked for leave and took his guards with Yuan Su. Escorted the sisters in the mansion out of the capital.

The breath of spring is getting stronger, especially after leaving the capital. There is already new green in the fields. Cheng Xiaosi counts on her fingers that it has been a full year since she came here.

Habits are really scary. She has already integrated into her current life and adapted to the current world.

‘Xiaosi, what are you thinking about? ’

Hua Bao and Sha Gen'er went out together making a fuss and nestled next to Cheng Xiaosi. Seeing Cheng Xiaosi looking at the scenery outside the window, Hua Bao approached her and said, 'Xiao Si, are you homesick? ’


Cheng Xiaosi thought about it carefully. Her grandfather was the only one in her family. He died long ago, so there was nothing left to think about.

"Hua Bao, are you homesick?"

After all, the chickens in such a big brood are all its brothers and sisters.

‘I didn’t think about it, I didn’t want to. ’

Hua Bao clung to her tightly, and his brothers and sisters were not smart enough. They would only instinctively look for food and drink. If they were not protected, they would have been killed long ago.

Shagen'er forced Cheng Sanniang away and leaned closely against Cheng Xiaosi. Cheng Sanniang patted its head angrily, "You know how to fight for favors all day long, are you getting fat again?"

"Eat all day and then sleep. Look at you, you've made a big circle."

Yuan Sijin, who was sitting opposite, also reached out and poked the stupid root, "You have indeed gained a lot of weight. You won't be able to get a hole in the future."

Silly Gan'er's beady eyes made them laugh and joke, and his silly look made the girls even happier.

Although Zhuangzi where they were bathing in hot springs was not too far from the capital, the carriage still walked from morning to evening. Firstly, it took care of a few frail girls, and secondly, they had a meal when they passed by a small town at noon. , which delayed time.

"Fifth Young Master, you are here."

Zhuangzi's steward came very quickly and led people to welcome several people out of the car. "Fifth Young Master, the rooms and soup pools you have ordered are ready. Zhuangzi has also prepared side dishes."

Yuan Su saw there were guards here, "Are there any guests?"

This Zhuangzi Road belongs to the royal family and belongs to the emperor. It is open to high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the court, as long as they can afford it.

The steward said: "It's the third prince. The third prince arrived yesterday afternoon."

Cheng Xiaosi suddenly laughed, the kind that no one could help. She used to want to turn around when she heard the third prince was there, but now she suddenly wanted to see the third prince, and then she spoke righteously when no one was around. He said, "The third prince knew I was coming, so he came here to wait. Please don't waste your energy on me." ’

When she thought of this, she lowered her head so that no one could see the uncontrollable smile on her face.

Yuan Su glanced at her and understood what she was snickering about. Then he resisted the urge to laugh too and said to the steward: "Look for an opportunity to pay tribute to the third prince later." (End of Chapter)

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