Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 301 Scared me to death, woo woo woo

Before a girl gets married, acquaintances will come to add makeup and express their blessings. This is a normal thing, but it makes Xiao He feel sad because she thinks of Cheng Erniang's last marriage and the rush of the marriage. At that time, the Cheng family had just moved into the city and didn't know many people yet, so there were only a few people adding makeup, so it was very deserted.

I couldn't help but feel once again that I owed this most obedient and sensible child.

"Mom, why are you crying again?"

Cheng Xiaosi held her arm, "Are you reluctant to leave my sister?"

Xiao He smiled and pressed his eyes, "Mom is so happy. I see your sister every day. Why do you feel so pretty today?"

Cheng Erniang blushed with embarrassment and lowered her head, not daring to answer. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "Among the sisters, my sister is the most beautiful. She looks beautiful every day."

Mrs. Yuan smiled and nodded, "It is indeed beautiful, but Xiaosi is also very beautiful and cute."

Cheng Xiaosi understands that fat people are called cute. She eats half a bowl of rice more than her sister, so she naturally has an extra ring of flesh.

Just as she was smiling, Cheng Sanniang came. She was dressed more neatly in the mansion than when she went to Yuan Mansion. Looking at her dress, she knew she was a very capable girl. After seeing the ceremony, Mrs. Jiang couldn't help but say, "The girl from the Cheng family is serious They are different water spirits, each with their own beauty, and the three girls are smart and smart."

Mrs. Qin's eyebrows and eyes were all smiling, "This girl only has this advantage. She refuses to read more books and becomes more energetic when she touches the abacus."

"There are a lot of girls in this capital who can study, but there are not many girls who can do accounting. This is no worse than studying."

Mrs. Qin said something, and Mrs. Jiang naturally took up the topic, "If I can get the third girl to be my daughter-in-law, what if I can't read those orphan calligraphy and paintings?"

These words were more direct. Cheng Sanniang's ears turned red and she chose not to say a word.

His hand was suddenly held, Cheng Xiaosi lowered his head, and Xuan'er smiled sweetly at her, "Fifth Aunt, Xuan'er wants to play with Sha Gen."


Cheng Xiaosi nodded happily, "I'll take you there."

After returning from the hot spring village, Sha Gen almost turned into a human being. He wore a piece of clothing every day and never took it off or pierced it. He was in a daze every day, all just because he soaked in the hot spring.

When the hot spring water flows out of the hot spring pool, it passes through a small ditch. It was soaking in it, and it lost strength at the end of the soak. When I found it, I saw only a big ball of hair in the ditch. I thought it had drowned. It was inside. After drying it and drying its hair, I wanted to soak it, but I was stopped.

Just a few days ago, it jumped into a large water tank on its own. After soaking for a while, it came out. After that, it became less active and slept with its arms stretched out, just like a human being.

"Auntie, Shagen is so hot."

Xuan'er and Wen Sheng squatted next to Sha Gen'er's nest. Xiao Cheng Qing, who came after hearing the news, also reached out and touched Sha Gen'er, "It's hot."

"Fourth Aunt, is Shagen sick?"


Cheng Xiaosi was startled and moved forward to touch it. As expected, the stupid root was really hot. So, it was not about to turn into a human. It was because it caught a cold after being soaked in cold water. Is it because it had been motionless for the past two days because it had a fever?

Oh, I was careless.

"Has it ever been sick before? How was it treated?"

"Forget it, Huahua, go find Mr. Yuanwu and ask him. If it doesn't work, let's take Shagen'er to see a doctor. I don't know if the medicine that people take will be of any use to him."

Huahua left quickly, and Huabao came too. When he learned that the silly mouse had made him sick, he cursed and said that if there was nothing he could do, he would go out at night and find some herbs. Yuan Su came quickly. After examining Shagen, he said he had never been sick before. "Try giving him some antipyretic medicine."

There are ready-made fever-reducing medicines available in pharmacies. You can just bring them back and fry them. Cheng Xiaosi specifically told him not to say that they are for rats, but that he is sick and his whole body is burning hot.

It was almost noon when the medicine was ready. After feeding Shagen'er half a bowl, there was still no change. Cheng Xiaosi sighed anxiously and suddenly shouted, "Sure," "It can't be the plague, right?"

"Don't scare yourself, it eats cleanly, so it won't happen."

Yuan Su felt that Shagen'er should be isolated, so he immediately said that he would take it away and take it outside the city, and then send it back when it was ready.

Cheng Xiaosi also knew the seriousness of the matter and asked him to take Hua Bao with him to take care of him.

She explained Huabao in detail, and then sent two of them to follow Yuan Su. When she returned home, she had her house smoked, and then she began to stay at home, for fear that something would happen to her. After all, Has anyone ever seen a child with a fever?

Can rats still have fever?

She was also glad that Shagen'er had been in the house for the past two days and had not gone out. In the past two days, she and Huahua were the only ones in her house. She almost cried while holding Huahua's hand, "What should I do with Huahua? I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you." ”

Huahuaren was dumbfounded and still doesn't believe it. "Girl, don't be afraid. We have kept the silly root very clean. We sprinkle powder on it every month. It will be fine for sure."

Cheng Xiaosi thought of Yuan Su again. If it was true, hadn't she harmed Yuan Su?

I feel extremely guilty and blame myself, as well as Xuan'er, Vincent and Xiao Chengqing. What should I do?

Xiao He came to see her. She lied that she was not feeling well and wanted to sleep. Xiao He left without thinking much. At night, she said that she seemed to have caught a cold and would not go out for fear of spreading her illness to everyone. Cheng Sanniang had someone deliver the meal to her.

At this time, Cheng Xiaosi felt extremely guilty. He wanted to tell everyone but everyone was in panic. They felt that it was impossible not to say anything. The only thing he could look forward to was to come back tomorrow to see what happened to Shagener.

Worrying and fearing until dawn, Cheng Xiaosi felt that his whole body was chilled. When Huahua touched her, he exclaimed, "Girl, you have a high fever."

Cheng Xiaosi touched it herself and cried immediately. It was over, it was really over this time, she was infected.

"Huahua, go find my father and ask him to send me out."

"Remember to cover your face so as not to infect them. No, just stand at the door and shout. Close the windows tightly and don't let the disease escape."

Huahua also cried. Just when she was about to call, there was a knock on the door. They were both startled. Xiao He's voice came from the door, "Xiaosi, open the door."

Cheng Daqi was also knocking on the door, "Xiao Si, open the door."

Cheng Xiaosi sat on the ground and hugged his knees, "You go ahead and find a car to take me away. I'm sick. It's contagious and can kill people."

"It's okay, Shagen'er has recovered."

This was Yuan Su's voice. He was worried. After staying outside the city for a night, he came straight here from the capital. He was afraid that Cheng Xiaosi would think too much, and as a result, she had to lock herself up after he left yesterday. Woke up.

Yuan Su's voice sounded like the sound of nature to Cheng Xiaosi's ears. He got up and ran to the door, "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay. It got better when we got to the mountain, and then ran to the grass to find herbs to eat. This morning it was full of life again. I thought I'd wait a little longer, but I haven't brought it back yet."

The door suddenly opened, and Cheng Xiaosi threw himself into Yuan Su's arms, crying so loudly, "I was scared to death, wuwuwu~~~"

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