Chapter 31
It was just dawn that morning, and two carriages set off from Cheng's house, their wheels rolling towards the gate of the palace.

I don't know how many invitations the queen has invited. As soon as the carriage entered the street, there were a lot of sounds of carriages and horses. When I lifted up the curtain, I could see all the carriages with lanterns hanging from various houses walking on the street. A voice sounded faintly.

It took about two incense sticks for the carriage to arrive at the gate of the palace. After waiting for a while, the mother and daughter got out of the carriage and followed the palace people who came to welcome them into the gate.

"Mrs. Cheng, Mrs. Cheng, the two girls, please."

Du Linxiang smiled and put a large piece of silver into the hand of the chamberlain, "Thank you for your hard work."

The waiter was more polite, and took the initiative to talk about the people who came to the flower viewing banquet today, the general arrangement, etc., and specifically mentioned that Yan's family was also invited, but Mrs. Yan was ill and would not come today.

The mother and daughter all smiled, "Thank you for letting me know."

The palace has its own majesty, with carved railings and jade eaves, and even the auspicious animals and immortals on the roof are very gorgeous.

This is the second time for Xiao Si Niang to visit. She also visited the Forbidden City before, but there is still a big difference between visiting and experiencing the imperial power personally. At least there is more fear and the tension of the people around her. Xiao Si Niang held Cheng Er Niang hand, "Sister, don't be afraid."

The purpose of their coming in is to go to the banquet in a low-key manner, leave safely, and the limelight is not within the scope of consideration. When the time comes, they will go wherever there are few people.

Cheng Erniang smiled at her, and Du Linxiang also turned his head and smiled at the sisters.

When they arrived at Fengyi Palace, a palace maid in blue palace clothes came to welcome the mother and daughter in. It was already bright at this time. As soon as they entered the door, they heard laughter coming from inside. The ladies and ladies from various families who had arrived earlier had The girls were talking with the queen.

After the report, the four mother and daughter entered the hall, the laughter suddenly faded away, and everyone's eyes turned to the four mother and daughter, after all, they were considered to be the hottest figures in the city recently.

"The minister's wife sees the empress, a thousand years old!"

"The courtiers see the empress, a thousand years old!"

The queen raised her hand with a smile, "Get up, Miss Cheng Er stepped forward and let Ben Gong take a look."

Cheng Erniang had already combed her hair back into a girl's bun. Everyone present could see clearly what it meant. Under the encouraging eyes of Xiaosi Niang, she slowly stepped forward and saluted the queen again. The queen said: "It was Xiaosi who came last time." I used to say that her sister was gentle, dignified, and had a very good temperament. Today she seems to be a woman as good as water."

"I like the gold thread blueprint you gave me very much."

"These ladies and girls who came here today are all in your favor."

The women on the side quickly echoed and praised Cheng Erniang. If you want to ask why the queen gave Cheng Erniang such face, it must be Cheng Daqi's 10 taels of silver. As the saying goes, the emperor wants to use the Cheng family, and the queen naturally knows it. What to do.

The ladies present were all human beings, and their words of praise came towards Cheng Erniang as if they were free of charge. Xiao He and Du Linxiang showed their support. The fourth lady also sat together holding Cheng Erniang's arm. Cheng Erniang was moved in her heart. , always with a slight smile on his face.

At the moment when a court lady came to report that Yuan's family was coming, everyone looked towards the door, and soon, an old lady with gray hair led several female relatives into the door, the queen smiled even more, and also called He said hello, "I didn't expect the old lady to come in person. It seems that the golden thread blue in this palace is indeed rare enough."

The Yuan family stepped forward to salute, the queen stretched out her hand and raised her hand, "Old lady, you don't need to be too polite. No one in this capital knows that you love flowers the most and have the most experience in appreciating flowers. If you can come in person, this palace's flower feast It’s all very different.”

The elder lady smiled and sat down, "How can I sit still when I learn that the queen has got the golden blue? This flower can only be heard but not seen. Even if the queen doesn't send a message, the old lady still has the audacity to come and take a look. .”

The queen smiled and stood up, "So, everyone can go with me to see what the legendary golden thread orchid looks like."

The blue golden thread looked different from what the Fourth Lady had given her at that time. The color on the petals was darker, and the golden thread, which was not so conspicuous at first, was clearly visible. Everyone gathered around and marveled at it. The elder lady rarely touched the petals and told stories. It is recorded in the book, "This flower will only have a slight blue color when it first blooms, and will deepen a little day by day. At the end, the petals will be deep blue, and the golden thread will cover the entire petals, which will be radiant under the moonlight or candles."

The empress was not as blue when she first got it, "Sure enough, the old lady has discerning eyes, waiting for the golden thread to be covered with petals. I will definitely invite the old lady to enjoy the spectacle again."

The old lady smiled and said she would definitely come. Her eyes fell on the pot of flowers and she couldn't move away. These were supposed to be her flowers, but it was a pity.

The wives gathered around a pot of flowers and marveled, many secretly thought that Cheng Erniang was really lucky, and she got such a rare pot of flowers on her front feet and her back feet after returning home. With this pot of flowers, it will not be difficult to talk about marriage in the future , at least the one who got the queen's favor.

Three girls came with a smile. They were all princesses in the palace. The queen smiled and said: "You guys are here just in time. The flowers in the imperial garden are blooming just in time. Let's take the girls from each family to enjoy the flowers."

This was the purpose of the three princesses coming, and soon the girls followed the three princesses away, one by one approaching the three princesses like butterflies.

Xiao Si Niang took Cheng Er Niang's arm and deliberately walked behind the crowd. One of the two sisters wanted to keep a low profile, and the other didn't want to flatter her. The yin and yang said to Xiao Si Niang angrily, "I didn't realize that you are smart once."

According to the bad-tempered temperament of the past, shouldn't he be sent to You Qinglian's hands without hesitation?

Xiao Si Niang thought that this person was so similar to her third brother, and mocked her with similar eyes, "You can't tell much."

"Cheng Xiaosi." You Jinling grabbed her, "I advise you to keep your eyes open and listen to your mother if you have nothing to do. Don't act like a fool all day long."

Xiao Si Niang broke free and said with a smile: "It's as if you are so smart."

Looking at the vicious ones, they are almost becoming the tyrants of the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion. Didn't they fail to deal with Zhang Yuewu's mother and daughter?
You Jinling was almost furious. Her sister said that without the support of Shunyi Bofu, the mother and daughter in the backyard would not be able to dance. But how can we stop Cheng Xiaosi's eyes from being blinded by shit?

"I have never seen a fool like you. If you are not afraid of embarrassment, I am. Don't always come to our palace in the future. You are not welcome."

Among all the concubines in the capital, the Wenchang Marquis Mansion is the best at making monsters. She calls herself a talented woman and a beauty whenever she has nothing to do. Whenever she appears, she will not be able to calm down, and she will almost go to heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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