Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 315 Cheng Xiao4: I can’t survive this day

"Did my father really say this?"

Cheng Xiaosi didn't believe Yuan Su's words at all. It was impossible for her fat father to be so kind to him.

Yuan Su said, "My father-in-law didn't say it out loud, but he thought so in his heart. I know it."


Cheng Xiaosi laughed dryly, "As long as you are happy."

"By the way, why haven't you seen the young Marquis recently?"

The young Marquis of Shunping Marquis Mansion seemed to have disappeared and hadn't been seen for a long time.

Yuan Su didn't expect that she would still care about this, "The old Marquis invited a famous teacher back to his mansion, and the young Marquis has been studying in the mansion."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

Yuan Su smiled and said: "The famous teacher will leave in three months, so we must not hurry up and learn."

It's time to learn. As the young prince of the Hou family, he is very naive.

Cheng Xiaosi spoke as if he had a clear understanding, "It's time to learn, the young Marquis is more naive than me."

"If he hadn't come from a good background, he would be living on the streets now."

Yuan Su nodded with concern, feeling that this was a tactful statement, as his life should have been long gone.

"The weather is nice today, let's go shopping?"

"I thought you were going to leave the city gate and fly a kite."

Yuan Su spoke a little tentatively, "It's not safe outside the city. Even though the kidnappers have escaped, who knows if they will come back with a kill?"

Cheng Xiaosi thought it made sense, and even discussed the kidnapping with him, "Speaking of which, you have also spent a lot of money, so why haven't you been targeted?"

"Although the Yuan family is not as good as before, it has some foundation. Others will not think that the Yuan family does not have that little money. Besides, there are many properties in the house, which are enough to support my expenses."

"By the way, mother said that she would give you a village in the suburbs as a betrothal gift. I will bring some people to take you to see it someday."

Yuan Su calculated the time and said, "In half a month, the scenery will be the best then."

Cheng Xiaosi was very surprised, "You want to give me a village?"

"What are you doing for me?"

Is there such a good thing?

Seeing how silly she was, Yuan Su couldn't help but pinch her face and said, "Here you go, you can do whatever you want."

"Don't pinch my face."

Cheng Xiaosi protested, "My third sister said my face is almost like a plate. If I pinch it further, won't it get bigger?"

She found that she was getting fatter and fatter, mainly because she ate and drank in the house every day and couldn't go out after eating, so the fat accumulated.

She said she didn't want to eat, and her mother also persuaded her to eat more, saying that she could only eat at home for a year, and it didn't matter if she was a little fatter. She would definitely lose weight when she got to the Yuan family, but the Yuan family was not a poor family. What's the big deal if the Yuan family's cooks cook better food?

"Don't take me to eat something delicious. From today on, I will go on a diet and eat less. What will happen if I am too fat to walk in the future?"

Yuan Su pinched her face again, "Where is the fat? You used to be too thin, as thin as a piece of paper. Now you are better than before, and you can eat more."

Cheng Xiaosi rolled his eyes at him, "Do you know where the meat on my body comes from?"

"I've heard too many words like this." Even she used to think this way. The young lady is too thin and she has more room to eat, so she eats and eats until now. If she continues to eat, she will Time for a double chin.

Yuan Su chuckled and took out Cheng Xiaosi's favorite shortbread from the side. It was stuffed with meat and still warm, "So, do you want to eat it?"

Cheng Xiaosi.

He took a hard bite of the shortbread and said vaguely, "I can't live this life."

I went out to play. I ate half full before I even got out of the car, and I sighed for a while.

"How big is the Zhuangzi you want to give me?"

"It's not big." Yuan Su said lightly, "It's only eighty acres. Now the fruits, vegetables and grains eaten in the mansion are sent by this village. From now on, the food in the mansion will depend on you. If you don't agree, I won't Food to eat.”

Cheng Xiaosi's mouth twitched slightly. Eighty acres seemed good, but it was in the suburbs of Beijing. The Cheng family spent a lot of effort to buy a property. Forty-six acres was pretty good.

"Since it is the ration of the mansion, whatever you do for me, just keep it."

"I'm just kidding, there are other Zhuangzi's in the mansion, and there are several in the suburbs of Beijing."

Cheng Xiaosi raised his head and said, "Are you trying to tell me that I met a rich man?"

Her family had gone to great lengths to buy more than forty acres of land, and the Yuan family actually had several properties. Oh my, I thought my family was quite wealthy at first, but now I know what it means to be a wealthy family.

Seeing her sighing for a while, Yuan Su took her hand and said, "Let's go shopping. Whatever rich people you like today will buy it for you. You don't have to save for me."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Cheng Xiaosi said that he had accepted his fate. He was born to only enjoy happiness. What can he do?

The two of them walked around and even went to the flower and bird market. The warm sun was shining above them, the spring breeze was blowing in their faces, and the flowers and plants were scattered in front of them. It was really pleasing to the eye. During the journey, Xiao Si once bought a golden blue flower. Seeing that the shopkeeper was still busy, Cheng Xiaosi stopped and took care of the boss's business before leaving.

After leaving the Flower and Bird City, the two of them were going to see if there were any fashionable jewelry in the city recently. A carriage stopped beside them, and Fang Shisan opened the curtain and said, "Fifth brother, the county master."

Yuan Su raised his eyes and saw the people in the carriage. He cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Fang is here."

A man who was estimated to be in his forties was sitting calmly in the carriage. He cast an appraising look at Yuan Su. His gaze soon fell on Cheng Xiaosi and quickly looked away, "Shopping with the county boss. ?”

Yuan Su nodded, "The weather is nice today. I invited Xiao Si to go out for a walk together. I won't disturb my uncle. I will take care of him someday."

After saying that, he took a step back, and the people in the car said nothing more. The curtain was lowered, and the carriage moved forward.

Cheng Xiaosi was curious, "Is that Miss Fang's father?"

Yuan Su nodded, and Cheng Xiaosi snorted, "There are really no rules."

So what if she was the emperor's uncle's family, and she didn't have a title, but she was the county head personally appointed by the emperor. Even if she had no real power, she was still the county head. No one in the capital should be polite to her. She was not used to being polite, but the other party ignored her. To put it bluntly, it means contempt for the emperor.

What's important is that the look he gave her just now made her very uncomfortable.

He raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Su, "What did he mean just now? Why do I feel that there was dissatisfaction in his tone?"

"Is it possible that you didn't go ten miles out of the capital to pick him up today?"

Yuan Su met his gaze and laughed, "Why, don't you like him?"

"Can I like him?"

Cheng Xiaosi was very honest, "He must have regretted it and felt that you did not protect his daughter from the Fang family. I heard that the prince has been busy recently and has never seen Miss Fang at all. The third prince has been struggling for a few days and was taken care of by the emperor." After being called into the palace, it stopped again."

"Oh, I don't know what his expression will be like when he sees my father. No, I will tell my father when I get back. I said he looks down on me."

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