Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 322 Cheng Xiao4: I feel like I have become more capable

The two Cheng brothers passed the time by talking to each other at home. Cheng Xiaosi, who entered the palace, suddenly found that he no longer felt as uncomfortable as when he came back a few days ago. He was actually in a good mood. He waited at the entrance of the Queen's Palace for half a stick of incense and felt that good.

Seeing the Queen, she was even more enthusiastic than before, "I heard that your Majesty had a headache a few days ago, is she feeling better?"

"It's much better, it's just an old problem, it's no big deal."

The queen looked at Cheng Xiaosi with a somewhat complicated look, but her face was still dignified and decent.

"Having said that, you still have to be extremely careful. In the spring, everything revives, and illnesses become more common. Fortunately, I have great blessings, and I think I will be immune to all illnesses."

Oh my god, she actually said something like this in such a scene. I really admire myself for how capable she is.

Seeing her smiling today, the queen smiled and said, "I see you looking happy, but is there something happy?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled even brighter, "It's strange to say that I was very excited when I arrived at the entrance of the palace. I don't know why, but I was very happy. I was even happier when I saw the queen."

"Mother, am I too rude?"

The queen found it interesting, "What you said is really new, how can you still be happy as soon as you come?"

"No, I don't know what I'm happy about. Maybe I'm blessed by my empress, and I feel physically and mentally happy inexplicably."

Seeing that her happiness did not seem to be fake, the queen was a little satisfied. She had no choice but to win over the Cheng family earlier, but the Cheng family was unwilling to repay the favor, so she was naturally unhappy.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. What have you been busy with?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "My sister got married, so I learned to be a housekeeper at home. Although I may not need it in the future, my mother said that every girl's family should be able to do it. Unfortunately, I am very stupid and can't learn well."

The queen also laughed and said, "You are just lazy, but you are very smart when I look at you."

"I can't help it. I just want to sleep when I see those account books."

"Well, it shows that you are still lazy, but it doesn't matter. You are a lucky person and you will not have a hard life in the future. It doesn't matter if you can't learn. Are you busy at home lately?"

The queen did not give up and still wanted to test the attitude of the Cheng family.

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "I have always been busy, either doing business or keeping accounts. My grandmother can only rest because she is old. She misses my father, so she has no time to rest."

"I've been busy with some business recently, and the escort agency at home is also busy. Even I can only see people at night."

The queen picked up the teacup and took a sip, and said: "Uncle Shunyi presented a new trade route, which is a great achievement. The emperor also attaches great importance to this trade route. I heard that there are people in the court who want to follow this trade route." Is the team setting off?"

Cheng Xiaosi said he was not sure, "But my father is very easy to talk to, and he hopes that the court and the emperor will be well. I think he will agree to everyone who wants to follow me."

The Queen said this, which meant that the Prince also wanted to get involved. Cheng Xiaosi pretended not to know and continued to talk to the Queen with a smile. She basically answered whatever the Queen asked. She spoke more than before, and the Queen's attitude was also a little bit different. It's getting better.

Seeing that Cheng Xiaosi was almost done and looked annoyed because of his carelessness, she carefully picked up the small box that Huahua had brought and said, "When I saw the empress, I was just happy and forgot all about it."

"My grandmother asked me to bring this to my empress. It is a pair of bracelets that my father got by chance. It is said that they came from overseas. This material is very magical. It is not only translucent, but also has golden threads inside. It is extremely dazzling in the sun. Grandma thought that only the queen could wear such an object, so she specially asked me to bring it." She looked at it, it was a golden hair crystal, but isn't it rare now? As long as it is rare, it is a noble thing.

The queen took it and looked at it carefully. She found it really special, especially the color. "You are so thoughtful. Thank your grandmother for me."

"As long as your Majesty likes it, Grandma Fang came to the house and taught us sisters a few rules so that we would not be rude in front of others. My grandmother is extremely satisfied and at the same time is very grateful for your kindness."

The queen liked hearing this and said, "Your rules are indeed much better than when you first came here. It can be seen that Grandma Fang taught you carefully."

The Queen once again looked at Cheng Xiaosi and found it pleasing to her eyes. She also felt that her previous failure might have been due to her haste, and now she just needed to take it step by step.

At the same time, Lord Fang was inquiring about Cheng Daqi. The person serving him was also an old man who had been with him for many years and remembered it better than he did. "Sir, this Uncle Shunyi is the Cheng Daqi who was imprisoned by you back then. , everyone in the capital knows about his background, and he can’t be wrong.”

Mr. Fang's face was solemn, and when the person was right, the matter was right, "He was tricked."

In the evening, Mr. Fang found Yuan Pei and did not dare to tell lies to Yuan Pei. "I saw him at the palace gate the day I first arrived in Beijing. I thought he looked familiar. I saw him again later, but I just couldn't remember where I met him." I passed him until I heard the emperor call him Daqi, and then I suddenly remembered him."

"One of these two brothers is called Da Qi, and the other is Da Fu. It's hard to forget them once you hear them."

He guessed that the rumors and gambling in the capital were all the work of the Cheng brothers.

"Things that happened back then"

He was never embarrassed to explain it too clearly, but Yuan Pei understood. Using power to suppress people made the Cheng family brothers suffer a great loss, and even put people in jail. As a result, they did not expect that they would have opportunities later.

"Do you think those things outside are all done by the Cheng family?"

Mr. Fang nodded. Apart from that, he really couldn't think of anyone else he had offended. However, he was not sure. There were so many merchants that he had bullied over the years, so it's possible that no one was doing it secretly.

But Cheng Daqi is the most suspicious.

Yuan Pei told him that it was impossible, "The Cheng family brothers have always been cautious in Beijing and are kind to everyone. Even if they recognize you, they will not rush to retaliate. They will consider the gains and losses of the entire Cheng family."

Although he said this, he already believed in his heart that it was the Cheng Daqi brothers who did it. But even so, he would still find a way to dispel Mr. Fang's doubts. After all, he didn't want to offend anyone.

"Businessmen always put profits first. What benefits can you get from taking revenge at this time?"

"They don't have much foundation in the capital, so they won't take this risk. In my opinion, even if they recognize you, they will just pretend not to remember you."

After being deceived by him for a while, Mr. Fang was doubtful. He also felt that the capital was a place that would restrain him, so he had to finish what he was doing and go back as soon as possible. There was no place where he could feel comfortable.

As soon as he left, Yuan Pei told Yuan Su about the matter, "In my opinion, it was your father-in-law who did it. The Cheng family is capable of doing such a thing."

Yuan Su also thought so, "The Fang family is in ruins."

This is the conclusion he came to.

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