Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 324 Yuan Su: My heart and eyes are all about you

Cheng Xiaosi burst out passionately, leaving Fang Shisan speechless. She wanted to argue but didn't know how to change her stance, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak at all.

Tears slowly accumulated in the eye circles, and I felt ashamed and angry, "you"

She wanted to say it was vulgar, but in the end she could only kneel down in front of the queen and said, "Please make the decision for me."

The queen was very regretful. She originally thought that Fang Shisan had some extraordinary skills. The prince had discussed with her earlier and there was no possibility of accepting her as a concubine. Now there is no possibility at all.

Cheng Xiaosi is an obedient type among noble girls. She is not someone who wants to be the best in everything, nor is she someone who speaks her mind straight away. Fang Shisan, a person with such a temper, cannot compete with her. If she encounters It is even worse to be afraid of other noble ladies in the capital.

"Although Xiaosi's words are a bit more direct, they are not unreasonable. Your sister has been dead for a long time, so she should be allowed to rest in peace. As for the matter of Yuanwu and Xiaosi, the relationship between the two has always been good, even if there is a rift, they should They handle it themselves, you are an outsider after all, and it is really inappropriate to get involved."

"Get up."

Fang Shisan knelt and did not get up because Cheng Xiaosi's reaction was beyond her expectation. She had inquired about Cheng Xiaosi's temperament before coming and knew that she was a weak and timid person. She thought about how much more she would say. sentence, and then took the opportunity to ask the queen for permission to marry.

She couldn't marry anyone better, and Yuan Wu was a very good choice. According to Yuan Wu's temper, even if he didn't like her, he wouldn't treat her harshly, and she was confident that she could win Cheng Xiaosi.

If you can’t be a concubine, what about your common wife?

It's better than returning to Weiyuan to see the faces of her sisters at home. Maybe the family will marry her to whomever they want for the sake of marriage.

Besides, Cheng Xiaosi had the title of county lord, so it didn't mean she had been wronged.



Cheng Xiaosi sighed, "I'm afraid Miss Fang feels aggrieved. I spoke too directly and didn't consider Miss Fang's feelings. How about I apologize to Miss Fang?"

It's not that she wants to give in, but that she wants to give the queen face.

"Miss Fang, I'm a dumb person and can't speak. I'm sorry if my words just now have hurt you."

"Get up quickly, don't embarrass me."

Oh my God, she felt like she was full of scheming at this moment. When she went back, she would tell Grandma Fang and her third sister to listen to her. After a review, she might make some progress next time.

She personally helped Fang Shisan up. Fang Shisan was so angry that he had to find a way out for himself, saying that he didn't think deeply and didn't think well.

The queen was even more fortunate that the prince was too busy recently and had no interest in Fang Shisan, otherwise she would have had a headache.

After chatting with the queen in the palace for a while, Cheng Xiaosi left the palace, followed by Fang Shisan. After leaving the palace, Cheng Xiaosi's expression changed and he walked to Fang Shisan, "Miss Fang, what are you doing today?" What do you want to do?”

"Are you thinking of Yuan Su?"

Fang Shisan felt guilty for a moment, but he refused to admit it, "The county master thinks too much. I have already explained it and have other intentions."

"There is no best, because you think about it in vain."

After saying that, she turned around and got on the carriage and asked the driver to go directly to Yuan's house. She wanted to find Yuan Su.

Seeing that she was not arrogant at all like what he saw in the Queen's Palace, Fang Shisan knew that he had been deceived. Many people who came to the capital had been deceived. Cheng Xiaosi was not a coward at all.

Cheng Xiaosi in the car felt that he had entered the palace inexplicably today, and Fang Shisan was dizzy.

I have to scold Yuan Su for a while.

When he heard that Cheng Xiaosi was coming, Yuan Su was happy. As soon as he arrived in the yard, he saw her leaving in a hurry. Before he could speak, he heard her say: "Why are you laughing? What's so funny? I have something to do with you." Find a place to talk." Yuan Su

Did he offend this aunt?

He didn't even leave the house?

When the two of them arrived at the courtyard where Yuan Su was staying temporarily, Cheng Xiaosi immediately told what happened today, "Tell me, what did you mean by her? She wanted to forcefully open my mouth and force me to eat shit. It disgusts me." .”

"It's all you. You always explain. Did she come to you and say something, such as a true confession?"

It is said that women are talented in this area and can be better than detectives at critical moments. At this moment, Cheng Xiaosi performed it vividly. On the way here, she conducted various deductions and concluded that Fang Shisan must be the first to speak. After passing it, he failed, and then he danced to the queen.

Yuan Su didn't expect that Fang Shisan hadn't given up yet, so he could only choose to explain honestly. Cheng Xiaosi slapped his hand on the table, "I knew she had ulterior motives. She was just going to pick up shrimps when she couldn't catch a big fish." eat?"

Yuan Su: He is not Xiami.

"I was too polite to her today. If she dares to talk nonsense in front of me next time, I will slap her in the face."

"After all, I still blame you. It must be because you spoke softly and left room for me."

"No, I really don't."

Yuan Su tried his best to defend himself, "Really, if you asked Ji Feng, I sternly refused immediately. I'm not that kind of person."


"Real, more real than real gold."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "I don't think you are that kind of person either."

"If you hadn't given up the title of the number one young master in Shilihuacheng, how could it be the person you are now? How could you still be seduced by beauty after seeing so many beauties? It must have been by someone like me who is smart, dignified, cute and charming. Interesting people are attracted.”

Yuan Su nodded quickly, "That's it. I have never taken her seriously. Even now I can't think of what she looks like. All my eyes are on you."

"So good at talking?"

Cheng Xiaosi poked his finger and said, "Do you know how to draw? Do you want to draw one for me and hang it in the study? When you have nothing to do, you can look at the painting and think about others."

Yuan Su looked at his fingers happily, "This is a good idea, let's do it today."

"Ji Feng, go get ready."

Jifeng went there in a hurry. To be honest, he watched the whole process and listened to every word, but he still didn't understand. The fourth girl came in an angry manner. When she talked about Miss Fang, she was also very angry and slapped the table. Why are you laughing again?

How does it work?

After talking for a long time without taking a sip of water, Yuan Su hurriedly poured water for her. Cheng Xiaosi, who had drank the water, asked again, "The queen asked if our wedding date has been decided. How was it decided?"

Yuan Su felt that the queen's question was a good one, "My mother will go to my aunt to discuss it in the next spring. Can we get married just after the wedding?"

Cheng Xiaosi coughed lightly, "I'm presumptuous, am I the one who can decide this matter?"

"Yes, yes, you are rude to the fourth girl."

Jifeng, who had just moved the table out, said that he couldn't see it anymore. Poor Miss Fang didn't know how to cry at this moment. If he knew that she walked out like this, his young master would see his relationship with the fourth girl getting better again. I'm afraid it would be I'm going to cry to death.

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