Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 335 Yuan 5, I really misjudged you

"what are you doing?"

Seeing that Yuan Su suddenly came up to him and was only a short distance away from him, Cheng Xiaosi subconsciously took a step back and looked around, "I tell you, if you dare to act like a hooligan in public, I will beat you on the spot." Kill you."

Yuan Su's face moved a little closer, his breath could hit her face, and she could clearly see the long eyelashes. Cheng Xiaosi was a little panicked, and his eyes evaded, "You, you."

"Didn't you mean to hit me?"

Yuan Su came closer again and said, "I'll give you a beating."

Cheng Xiaosi gritted his teeth, "Where is your dignity?"

"Between a wife and dignity, of course I choose a wife."

After saying that, he took her hand and touched his face, "I'm going to slap you twice in public to calm down?"

"Do you ever feel like a scoundrel?"

When Cheng Xiaosi saw someone coming this way, he immediately wanted to let go, but Yuan Su held on tightly and couldn't break free, "Let go, someone is coming."

"Not afraid."

Yuan Su acted like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, "See who it is. I will seal his mouth later."

Cheng Xiaosi was afraid of him, "Relax, let go, I won't hit you anymore."

"Have you calmed down yet?"

"No, no, go back and be angry again, please let go quickly."

Seeing her acting like a thief, Yuan Su turned his head to look at the person who came, then turned and pecked her on the lips quickly. Cheng Xiaosi suddenly came to his senses and immediately gave her a series of dog scratching fists, " I let you have sex, you big hooligan."

Yuan Su laughed at the beating and waited until the footsteps were almost approaching before grabbing Cheng Xiaosi's wrist, "Okay, someone is coming."

Both of them looked at the visitor, and Li Yuanhao walked over curiously, "What are you doing here?"

Yuan Su continued to hold Cheng Xiaosi's hand, "Why did you run out if you weren't studying at home?"

Speaking of this, Li Yuanhao pounced on Yuan Su, "Yuan Wu"

Yuan Su pulled Cheng Xiaosi away from him, "If you have something to say, just say it, just like a ghost."

Li Yuanhao lamented, "You have no conscience~~~"

Cheng Xiaosi blinked and looked back and forth between the two, his expression gradually changing, "What is your relationship?"

Before Yuan Su could react, he said, "It doesn't matter."

Li Yuanhao looked at him sadly, "Where is your conscience?"

Cheng Xiaosi turned around and said, "Are you two a couple?"

After saying that, she suddenly shook off Yuan Su's hand, "Okay, what we have been talking about for a long time is just a cover-up, right? This one is the real owner?"

Li Yuanhao still didn't know what happened, "What is Fang Shisan?"

Cheng Xiaosi glared at him fiercely, resisted the urge to laugh, grabbed Yuan Su's wrist, and said: "He and I are married by the Emperor. Even if you are the young Marquis, there is nothing you can do about it. Is it possible that you still want to marry me?" Do you want to be a concubine?" Seeing the cunning flash in her eyes, Yuan Su chose to play along with her and said to Li Yuanhao, "Stop your dirty thoughts. Xiao Si and I are of the same mind. You have no chance. Young Master, I don't like your words."

Li Yuanhao slowly came back to his senses, and then jumped up three feet high, pointing angrily at the two of them, "That's too bad, you are too bad."

"Yuanwu, I really misjudged you."

Yuan Su raised his eyebrows and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it nicely. Don't let Xiaosi misunderstand anything you throw at me."

Li Yuanhao's eyes wandered between the two, and then he realized that he had been tricked. He was suddenly surprised, "You two really have the same expression. Why, do you look like a couple before you get married?"

"I know, you must have happened while I was in seclusion. I hate it so much that no one came to visit me."

God knows how he lives these days. He has endless homework to do every day, endless lectures to listen to, and he is eager to wait for someone to come and talk to him and let him be a little lazy. , he is too difficult.

After looking at the situation, he continued to look at Yuan Su with resentment, "I treat you as a friend, but you didn't even think of coming to visit me. I'm disappointed, so disappointed."

Cheng Xiaosi could understand his thoughts very well. She was like this when she was learning abacus and accounting at home, but...

She learned it painfully every day, but she learned it. Why did Li Yuanhao seem to be even more fussy than before? Is it possible that things must be reversed when they are extreme?

Yuan Su took her to the side and sat down, poured her a cup of tea, and then said to Li Yuanhao: "Your father has told the outside world that no one is allowed to come to see you. Everyone knows the specific situation, so naturally no one comes. "

"How's it going? How's your study going?"

Li Yuanhao took the tea he handed over and said, "Forget it, a few old men have been chattering in my ears all day long, using chicken feathers as arrows, and punishing me at every turn. Fortunately, yesterday an old man had a heart attack due to anger. , you don’t want to teach me anything, my old man is not here today, so I came out.”

"Originally, I still wanted to find you, but your concierge said you were very carefree when you came here."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "You ran away secretly, what will happen when you go back?"

Li Yuanhao said hurriedly: "You guys have to help me. I want to run away, so I'll run away overnight."

Yuan Su tilted his head and said, "You can't run away."

The people from the Hou Mansion came, led by the chief steward of the Hou Mansion. Li Yuanhao stood up and was about to run. Yuan Su grabbed him and said to the approaching steward of the Hou Mansion: "Young Master wants to run away, please ask steward Wen." Send him back."

Manager Wen raised his hand to him and said, "Thank you very much, Fifth Young Master."

The servant of the Hou Mansion directly stepped forward to take over Li Yuanhao, "Yuansu you?"

Yuan Su gave him a calm look and said to Manager Wen, "Manager Wen, please take a step to speak."

The two of them took two steps to the side. Yuan Su lowered his voice slightly and said, "I think the young marquis is not normal. I'm afraid I'll have to ask an imperial doctor to take a closer look when I get back."

Manager Wen's heart tightened, "What do you mean, Fifth Young Master?"

Yuan Su hesitated to speak, and finally sighed, "I'm afraid his brain was stimulated by something. He was incoherent when he arrived. He was laughing and yelling. I'd better ask the imperial doctor to take a look at this."

Li Yuanhao, the old man with pricked ears, immediately understood. He had misunderstood Yuan Wu. He burst out laughing in front of everyone. Manager Wen was scared out of his mind. This was the treasure of the masters of the Hou Mansion. If What's wrong with being stupid?

What kind of harm did this group of old stubborn men do to their little prince!

"Thank you, Fifth Young Master, for the tip. We'll be back soon."

The group of people quickly left with Li Yuanhao. Li Yuanhao took the opportunity to give Yuan Su an appreciative look, and then continued to pretend to be crazy. Cheng Xiaosi looked suspicious, and Yuan Su explained, "Some people can't learn, so there's nothing they can do." If he can’t learn, why bother him.”

Cheng Xiaosi thought it made sense, and then glared at him with an evil look, "Let me tell you, what's going on between you and me is not over yet!"

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