Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 343 Yuan Su died on the spot

Xiao Chengqing had a bit of a social cow's constitution, and he knew everyone he met. After a while, he took a boy from the Du family and followed him to the guest room to settle down.

Cheng Sanniang and Cheng Xiaosi went to their sister-in-law's yard to meet the old lady of the Du family, who was an elder.

Du Linxiang had just given birth and was still weak. His eyes turned red when he saw his mother. Xiao He left the house on the pretext of making arrangements. When he saw the two sisters coming out, he said, "Come back later and let your sister-in-law and her Mother, please talk more."

He said with emotion again, "That is to say, the people you promised are close to each other, and you can see each other at any time. This is the bad thing about marrying far away. It is very difficult to see your parents, and you can't see them for a year. I have to meet you once."

She thought of herself. She had not returned to her parents' home since she came to the capital. No matter how good her husband's family was, how could it be compared to her parents' home?

Fortunately, her parents have moved to the capital, and she can see them whenever she wants.

"Madam, Mrs. Yuan is here."

The news that a boy had been added to Shunyi's house had been released early. Mrs. Yuan was here to give gifts, and only close family members would come at this time. Everyone else had to wait until the child was full moon before coming.

"I heard that the baby was born last night. Is it a boy?"

Mrs. Yuan not only came by herself, she also brought Yuan Su and Yuan Sijin with her, and of course, Xuan'er and Wen Sheng, the two siblings.

Mrs. Yuan took Xiao He's hand and began to congratulate, "My mother-in-law, you are so lucky."

Xiao He also smiled happily, "It's a boy, weighing six and a half pounds. My daughter-in-law gave birth to one before. This time it was much smoother than the previous one. Both mother and child were safe. No, my Du family's in-laws also arrived early in the morning. Now Mother and daughter are talking in the house."

Xiao He took Mrs. Yuan to Du Linxiang's yard. Du Linxiang, who had already received the news, simply cleaned up. Only Mrs. Du was a little embarrassed. She was so tired and had not changed her clothes yet. How could she be seen as a noble person?

Just when he was thinking about whether to avoid it, Xiao He had already brought Mrs. Yuan through the door. Mrs. Yuan stood in front of the bed and greeted Du Linxiang for a while, then looked at the child that the nurse was holding, smiled and praised her before sending him off. After receiving the gift, I did not hold the baby during the whole process. This is also the rule. The newborn baby is delicate and cannot be held by outsiders.

"Is this the Du family?"

Mrs. Du wanted to salute, but Mrs. Yuan gave her a little help, "Quickly excuse me. I saw that Mrs. Du's family is so busy, so she must have come to see her daughter as soon as she arrived. She also has pitiful parents in the world. There is no one who cannot do their best for the sake of their children." ."

Xiao He agreed very much, "Children are treasures in the palm of your hand. Isn't it my mother who this woman is most anxious about giving birth to and feels distressed about?"

"Fortunately, everything went well. This is God's blessing."

Mrs. Yuan nodded, saying that she would not disturb Du Linxiang's rest, and comforted Mrs. Du, "My daughter and grandson are all safe and well taken care of, so you can relax and pay attention to your own health."

Madam Du nodded, "Thank you Madam Yuan for your concern and coming to visit in person. Lin Xiang is very grateful."

"We're all one family, as we should be." What Mrs. Yuan didn't say was that she also had the opportunity to visit her daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law had been wronged, and although she was coaxed by that bastard, she couldn't pretend I don’t know, right?

After leaving the house, Xiao He led Mrs. Yuan to the front yard. On the way, Mrs. Yuan thanked Cheng Daqi for her kind words, "It's also Wulang's good fortune. He met such a capable father-in-law who cared about him so much that he learned the news." Sometimes I don’t know how to be grateful.”

Xiao He was naturally polite. Although he and Cheng Daqi didn't feel so good as a couple, they both had the same idea and did not take credit for themselves. "If the emperor hadn't originally meant this, no matter how nice he said it, it wouldn't matter. Yes, the child's father has said that Mr. Yuan is in charge of the household department, and he does everything well no matter how big or small. The emperor highly appreciates it. Wulang is also a smart person. It is only a matter of time before the emperor promotes him. Do you want to talk to him about that? A few words don’t matter much.”

"Don't be so polite. Yesterday Wulang came with so many gifts, which makes us so embarrassed. We are all a family and we should support each other. There is no need for these false gifts."

Mrs. Yuan was happy when she said this, "It's because you and uncle are so broad-minded. The gifts Wu Lang gave were more for apology. Xiaosi was wronged, and he himself regretted it and felt uncomfortable. He was thinking about how to make amends at home."

"No matter what he is, his temper needs to be tempered. He is still thinking about things so poorly even though he is getting married."

Xiao He said with a smile: "I didn't care about this matter. Xiaosi came back and mentioned it. I thought about their young people's affairs and let them learn to solve it on their own. Parents can't be involved in everything."

"What you said makes sense."

The two talked affectionately, completely forgetting that there was a group of people behind them. Yuan Su secretly wanted to take Cheng Xiaosi's hand, but before he could do so, Xiao Wensheng shouted loudly: "Aunt, Fifth Uncle wants to If he wants to hold your hand, give it to him.”

Xuan'er wanted to cover his mouth, but it was too late, she had already said everything she needed to say.

Everyone looked at Yuan Su. Yuan Su blushed and didn't know how to explain it. Mrs. Yuan couldn't help but smile. Xiao He also had a smile in his eyes. After all, he still couldn't bear that his son-in-law was being looked at by everyone. Judgment, "We adults have a say, you can speak for yourselves."

Yuan Su cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, mother-in-law."

Xiao He smiled again, turned around and started joking with Mrs. Yuan. Before he had walked a few steps, Mrs. Niu came with Cheng Erniang and Niu Wanqing, followed by Mrs. Jiang and Miss Jiang. They all got the news and came to send congratulatory gifts. of.

Yuan Su let out a heavy breath. Judging from this scene, there was no chance for him to talk to Xiaosi today?

Why is life passing so slowly? How long will he have to wait to marry someone?

The Cheng family became lively all of a sudden. The Qin family who had settled the Du family also came to help greet them. Niu Wanqing was an old acquaintance of the Cheng family, but it was the first time for the Jiang family girl to come here. The sisters were all looking at her. , Cheng Sanniang whispered: "Is this the girl from a scholarly family?"

Just standing there, I can feel the scent of books, and there is a touch of sadness between my eyebrows. I don’t know what I am worried about?

Cheng Xiaosi whispered, "That is your future sister-in-law. I heard that she likes obedient books. I will help you get them later."

When it comes to telling stories, who in this city has more stories than her?

Cheng Sanniang nodded, "Then it's up to you."

Yuan Su, who was next to him, heard their conversation and sighed in his heart. Let alone talking to Xiaosi, he was afraid that he would be too addicted to it. It was inappropriate for him to stand aside with so many girls.

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