Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 346 Bring some achievements to Cheng You3

Fang Shisan began to feel sorry for his sister again, feeling that Yuan Su was just a heartless and unlucky person. How he treated the Yuan family in the past was how he treated the Cheng family now. The gap here was really chilling.

She wanted to go back, but unfortunately she couldn't because the emperor didn't agree and he hadn't seen the Fang family's one million taels of silver yet.

Fang Shisan could only stay in his yard and not go anywhere.

Without her, Yuan Sijin, who lived in the Yuan family, felt as happy as having escaped from prison. Every day he happily went out to play with Cheng Xiaosi, or went to banquets, just to spit out all the grievances he had felt before. Ri took Cheng Xiaosi shopping again, saying that she wanted to buy some powder for herself, "I heard that the new powder has a new formula, and it looks great on the face."

"How beautiful is it?"

Cheng Xiaosi was taken to various banquets by her in the past few days, and he expressed that he was really tired.

"It's really beautiful. You'll know it when you go there."

The two were sitting in the carriage. Cheng Xiaosi opened the curtain with a smile and saw many young men on the street. Then he remembered that the scientific examination was coming, and they should all be students from all over the country.

"I heard that many adults have nephews from my hometown here to prepare for the exam, but the Yuan family didn't come?"


Yuan Sijin said: "My family has a house in the capital that is specially used for students from my hometown to take exams. It is very quiet inside, and there is a husband sitting in charge. If you don't understand anything, you can ask on the spot. There are always guests coming and going in the house. Disturb them from studying."

"How many have come?"


"so much?"

Cheng Xiaosi was very surprised. You must know that there is no one in the Cheng family. Those who can take the scientific examination must be Juren. "Do you have more than twenty Juren in your family?"

What is the background of this?

Yuan Sijin smiled and said: "There are so many. There are six Juren. The others are all here to learn from experience. Let's get a feel for it first."

"That's not a big deal, there are six of us."

There is only one person in the Cheng family who has just taken the scholar examination. It is not known whether he has passed the examination or not. The gap is really not that big.

No wonder the emperor wants to suppress them. Such aristocratic families have already occupied all the resources. The students who come out with the resources are naturally better than those who come out by tightening their belts. Over time, aren't all the officials in the court the children of aristocratic families?

It is difficult for students from poor families. They have no resources and rely on hard work and intelligence. However, those children from aristocratic families with the blessing of resources shoulder the honor and disgrace of the family and have a heavy burden. They are more diligent than students from poor families and have better conditions. Someone will bring them a drink of water. On the other hand, you can study hard without any distractions.


The Cheng family is also in trouble.

The two got out of the car and entered the shop. The waiter saw that the two of them were dressed richly and enthusiastically promoted their powder. Yuan Sijin just took one look at each item and asked someone to wrap it up. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "You guys Your fifth brother’s shopping methods are all the same.”

"Can I use it all if I buy so much?"

Yuan Sijin smiled and said: "I can give them away. I am going out to a banquet the day after tomorrow, so I will take two of them with me."

As soon as the two people went out, a beggar-like man rushed up and tried to rob them. The driver quickly stepped forward and tried to kick the man to the ground. Cheng Xiaosi moved faster. When the beggar rushed over, she Yuan Sijin pulled away, and then kicked the beggar out. The coachman also rushed to the beggar, with his chicken feet facing the beggar. Two scholars dressed up hurriedly stepped forward to help. After chasing a few steps, they saw the beggar running away. Helplessly, he turned around and walked back, holding his hands towards the two of them, "Are the two girls scared?"

Cheng Xiaosi raised his eyes and looked at it. What a coincidence. Last night, her third brother told her about someone playing hero to save a beauty on the street. He told her to be careful. Today, she encountered it.

Huahua on the side stepped forward and said, "The coachmen are all boxers. They are just beggars. They can't accomplish anything. The two young masters are serious."

After saying that, he took out some pieces of silver to reward them. The two of them hurriedly declined, "I'm just waiting for an uneven road. Girls don't need to be polite. The streets are crowded with people. I'm afraid it's not safe. Why don't we give two gifts as gifts?" Girl, go back home." "No need."

Cheng Xiaosi pulled Cheng Xiaosi into the car and directly ordered the driver to leave. The two of them stood at the door and sighed helplessly. They were in trouble again.

Cheng Xiaosi, who was in the car, told Yuan Sijin, "Don't keep running outside these days. The two people just looked at you and made you uneasy."

Yuan Sijin was puzzled, so Cheng Xiaosi said, "Don't you know what this capital is like? When would a beggar dare to rob in broad daylight, let alone people like us who are not easy to rob at first glance?"

"You said it was arranged by those two people?"

"must be."

Cheng Xiaosi looked at them just now, and both of them had calculations in their eyes, "Some people will think of some evil ways when they know that they are hopeless in the scientific examination. For example, a hero will save a beauty on the street, and then he will step forward to express concern, and give others a favor. Go back home and find out more about the girl. Maybe the girl from a wealthy family has fallen in love with him, or she thinks he is a talent and wants to take a gamble. This way, the scientific examination will be paid for, and maybe she can rise to the top. "

"You have to know that there are many men who want to take advantage of others. They just don't say it out of shame, but there are quite a few who do."

Yuan Sijin nodded in agreement, and then remembered that so-and-so lived in his father-in-law's house for many years, and that so-and-so made no money and kept spending his wife's dowry money, "It's very shameless."

Cheng Xiaosi once again told her not to go out all the time recently, and even sent her home directly before going back.

On the way, I met Cheng Yousan who was patrolling. He told him what had just happened and gave him the address, "Two men wearing gray cloth scholar's robes, one of them has two small characters on the end of his eye."

Cheng Yousan understood, and used all the tricks until his sister came to see if he didn't catch her.

"Go back. Didn't grandpa assign you a bodyguard? Remember to take it with you when you go out in the future."


When Cheng Xiaosi saw the carriage heading towards home, he immediately led his men to arrest the two students.

Cheng Yousan came back that night, "Two cowards, they did everything after being frightened. Just seeing that you two were well dressed and there were carriage servants, I guess you are girls from a wealthy family, so I wanted to come." They both came from a wealthy family and spent a lot of money in order to run a business in the capital, but now they can't even afford the rent, so they came up with such a trick."

"They found that beggar randomly, but now he can't be found."

Cheng Xiaosi clicked his tongue, "Forget it if you can't find her. Just go out less often from now on."

Cheng Yousan said cheerfully, "I have accomplished a meritorious service by catching those two people, and my superiors even praised me."

Then he took out a gold bracelet from his arms and said, "This is for you."

Cheng Xiaosi became happy, "Is this an unexpected surprise?"

"Forget it."

Cheng Yousan continued to talk. The concierge came and said that a student had come and came specifically to see Cheng Yousan. Cheng Yousan was curious and said, "I don't know any student."

"Is it possible that they are classmates of those two people, coming to plead for mercy?"

When Cheng Xiaosi said this, Cheng Yousan became more excited, "Is it possible that the success is about to come again?"

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