Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 348 Cheng Daqi was impeached

Regarding Cheng Xiaosi's decision to pick up a student, Cheng Daqi didn't say a single extra word after learning about it.

But when she heard Cheng Yousan say that she wanted to go out to pick it up, she gave him a blank look and didn't want to say anything more to him.

The people of the Du family saw that the Cheng family was harmonious and were happy for Du Linxiang. They felt that they were marrying into a blessed family.

The weather is gradually getting hotter. Cheng Daqi, who has a lot of meat, has already put on unlined clothes. The good things festival affiliated to Xijin has also officially kicked off. Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that Cheng Daqi copied Dongshu's good things festival, but for the news For ordinary people who are isolated, how do they know this? They know that there will be a lot of things and they can take advantage of a lot.

"The good stuff festival in Dongshu is right next to the New Year Goods Festival, with only half a month between them. Although the good stuff festival is aimed at merchants, it is ultimately sold to the general public. We are also different. We just split it up and do good stuff in the first half of the year. Festival, there will be a New Year Festival in the second half of the year, there will be no conflict at all, and there is no need to be so nervous.”

"Besides, it doesn't mean that we can't handle this after they handle it. We are thousands of miles apart, and neither the merchants nor the people are the same people. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"We don't sell tea in the same way as others do. We sell it door to door."

The two brothers were fully responsible for this matter, and they had been preparing for it from the beginning. Everything went smoothly. As of now, the goods at the dock have been piled up in the warehouse. Cheng Daqi stood up and breathed a sigh of relief, "The students will be entering in the future." As for the examination room, we will open it the next day after they finish the examination.”

Everyone in the Cheng family was busy again. The Xiao family's escort agency was the busiest. Countless goods and merchants were pouring into the capital, which meant that the demand for the escort agency increased sharply. However, Xiao Zhanpeng took the most capable people in the family to explore new business paths. Time and manpower simply couldn't be transferred. Even Cheng Xiaosi and Cheng Youer went to the escort office to help. Cheng Xiaosi was responsible for escorting escorts, registering goods, and recording accounts, and Cheng Youer was responsible for leading people to load and unload goods.

At this time, the advantage of having a good son-in-law came to light. Just when Xiao He was busy with his feet off the ground, General Erniu came with twenty or thirty strong men. He saluted Xiao He and said: " Mother-in-law, these are the newly retired soldiers from the army this year. They don’t want to think about it for the time being. They don’t have a place to stay yet. Can you help me with the escort agency? "

"These people are all well-trained, and their legs and feet are pretty good. They are inexperienced in escorting, but they are all smart and learn things quickly."

Originally, Xiao He asked him to find him, but he changed his explanation. Xiao He was quite satisfied. Did he beg for the escort below or was he begged for her? After he came, there were two different things. Attitude, not to mention that the son-in-law brought it here personally.

Xiao He said with a smile: "I'm sure you've brought me some peace of mind. I just don't know if these strong men will despise us. It's hard work. There's been too much work lately and it's tiring."

Young General Erniu glanced sideways, and someone immediately stood up and saluted Xiao He, "If my boss can take in our brothers and others, I would be very grateful. For our brothers, as long as they have a place to stay, Land, I can earn a few dollars to live on, not to mention the hardship."

You must know that they have no shortage of places to go, but wherever they go, they work as bodyguards for wealthy families, and they have to be punished in places with big palms. How can they be comfortable in the escort agency? The important thing is that they heard that the escort agency pays well, not to mention that it belongs to a young general. The Yue family, as long as they are still related to the young general, are not fools and will not make the second choice at all.

Xiao He nodded with satisfaction, and immediately arranged for someone to register them, and agreed to work for three days. "If you still want to stay after three days, we will sign the paperwork. But it's not going to be hard, everyone, we will start working today." "There are also wages for these three days. The daily wage is fifty taels of silver. After signing the document, it is fixed at 2 taels of silver per month. If the escort goes out, there will be additional daily allowances. In addition, bonus money will be paid every three months."

"Accommodation and food are provided by the escort agency, and you will see meat and fish every day."

It doesn't matter what the relationship is. It's real money. These people are willing to accept this treatment as soon as they hear it. If nothing else, the fact that they see meat and fish every day is attractive enough. They see meat and fish every half a month in the army. , that is, just three or two pieces.

Cheng Youer stepped forward and took these people to register and make arrangements so that they could work as soon as possible.

This was the first time for Cheng Xiaosi to see such a different side of her mother. She felt that the mother in front of her was particularly charming and a strong woman. No wonder she didn't want to take care of the things in the house. It was more interesting to work in the escort agency.

Xiao He continued to talk to the young general Erniu, thanking him for sending the people in time. The young general Erniu was still a little embarrassed, "I wish I didn't delay my mother-in-law's affairs."

It was the first time that his mother-in-law spoke to him, so of course she had to do it as best as possible.

With the addition of twenty or thirty people, the pressure on the escort bureau suddenly dropped. The original escort bureau could finally take a breath, and soon they were hooking up with the new people. You must know that many of the people here were former mountaineers. Bandits, it is a joy to be able to work with regular soldiers of the imperial court, even those who have retired.

Everything is ready, and the students who are going to take the exam have also entered the examination room. It is said that the people taking the exam and the people watching the excitement have packed the street outside the Gongyuan. You must know that if these people go in today, they may not be allowed to come out. identity.

Cheng Daqi counted the day when the good things festival would begin, and ordered people to spread the word outside. Dongshu had newspapers, and they had mouths. They could spread it to ten or to hundreds, and the effect was not bad.

Just when he thought he was safe and sound, discordant voices arose in the court. Cheng Daqi was impeached for exploiting power. Because all the expenses of the Good Food Festival were borne by the Cheng family, the stall fees naturally belonged to the Cheng family. The court They could only collect taxes, which many court officials could not accept. They even proposed that the court directly take over the event and let Cheng Daqi just do the work.

Cheng Daqi didn't give in. He said in public that it was not impossible, but the court wanted to give the money advanced by the Cheng family first. Since it was done in the name of the court, of course the court had to pay.

Cheng Daqi handed over the account book. From March to now, the Cheng family has spent 50,000 taels for preparations, regardless of the acknowledgment of relatives. Even the street sweeping and decoration were paid for by them, and the stalls were used. The seats we arrived were also booked by them.

When the officials of the imperial court saw that such a big thing had been accomplished with only 50,000 taels, they all said that the imperial court could help. They did not see the emperor's black and blue face at all. They must know that Cheng Daqi had already promised him that in addition to the Cheng family's capital, All the proceeds from this event belong to him. Cheng Daqi is making money for him. These bastards want to use his money to make money for everyone, and they don't care whether he, the emperor, agrees! (End of chapter)

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