Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 350 Fang 3 who came to beg for mercy

"This is really a blessing from Bodhisattva. Amitabha, I have to go and offer incense to my ancestors and tell them this good news."

In the front yard, Mrs. Cheng had tears in her eyes and a look of joy on her face. Cheng Daqi and others were also happy. After many years, the Cheng family finally had a person who could read. What a pity, the two or three generations of the Cheng family were all There is no shortage of money, and there is no shortage of good husbands. However, the children and grandchildren in the house are not able to study, and they are quite good at doing business.

He thought that his sons would not survive either. After all, there were only two decent ones in sight. He could only place his hope on his grandchildren, which he never expected.

"Okay, very good."

It is an ordinary thing for ordinary nobles. The Cheng family is so happy that it is about to celebrate the New Year. This makes Yuan Su hard to understand. Cheng Xiaosi explained it to him and he understood, "It is indeed a good celebration. It’s a good start.”


Cheng Xiaosi sighed, "All the children and grandchildren of the Cheng family feel that they are not good at studying, mainly because there has not been a scholar in the family for several generations. They all expected that Lord Wen Changxing had forgotten the son of the Cheng family. This time I Even if the second brother is just a scholar, he can give others confidence. It would be even more extraordinary if he can be a civil servant in a few years, even if he is the last to pass."

"Of course, it's still not as good as yours."

There were several candidates for one scientific examination, and the Cheng family would not be able to catch up in another twenty years.

Yuan Su said: "Everything is difficult at the beginning, but things will get easier later on."

Everyone was happy. Only Cheng Youer sat on the chair and said nothing. His ears were red and he was a little embarrassed. After all, he was just a scholar. In other families, at most he would only get a few words of encouragement from the elders in the family.

Seeing that his family was so happy for him, he felt warm in his heart. Cheng Yousan stepped forward and hooked his neck, "Why don't you say a few words to everyone?"

"What's there to say?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, his face turned red, and he held it in for a long time before saying, "I will be more diligent."

I wanted to say that I would definitely pass the exam next time, but after thinking about it, I still didn’t say it out loud. I felt that saying such a thing at this time was like bragging.

Cheng Daqi said cheerfully, "You just have to know what's going on, but don't force it too hard. Just do your best."

He was a pretty good scholar, but he had no illusions that he could get the top prize. If he really got the exam, he would wonder if the Cheng family's ancestral graves were burned, which was unrealistic.

Yuan Su watched from the side and felt that the Cheng family's family tradition was a bit unexpected, and it was easy to be satisfied. If it were another family, he would also give a few words of advice, to avoid arrogance and impetuosity, and to prepare well for the next scientific examination. To prepare, it is necessary to give instructions.

The Cheng family's requirements are not high, and everyone is happy together without adding any burden to the person studying, which is good.

"I'm happy today, let's have two drinks."

After Cheng Daqi said something, everyone separated and went about their business. Yuan Su was also left to have a drink together. He remembered that General Erniu had been at home these past two days, so he ordered someone to call over and have a drink together.

Yuan Su secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When it came to drinking, it had to be the black bull.

The drinking lasted until the afternoon, and two sons-in-law were chatting with Cheng Daqi. Cheng Daqi laughed very loudly. Cheng Daqian looked on with envy. He also had a son-in-law, but it was a pity that he was far away from him. He only regretted that he had been there. He lost his mind and married off his eldest daughter far away.

"Girl, someone is looking for you."

Huahua didn't look too happy. Cheng Xiaosi was playing with the little girl from the Du family. He raised his eyes and asked, "Who's looking for me."

"It's that girl Fang."

Fang Shisan?

Cheng Xiaosi was a little surprised. She had almost forgotten that there was such a person in her busy life recently, "What does she want from me?"

Huahua shook her head, "Do I need to send her away?"

"Bring it in."

She guessed that Fang Shisan came to beg for mercy.

I don’t know what has happened outside recently. Some merchants have accused Fang Shisan’s father of abusing power for personal gain while in office and colluding with officials and businessmen. It is said that the emperor has ordered people to investigate. The emperor is also a ruthless person, even his own family members are not spared.

Fang Shisan came not long after. He looked very haggard after not seeing anyone for a long time. He could tell from a glance that his life was not going well.

"Miss Fang, don't be polite, just sit down wherever you want."

Cheng Xiaosi took the initiative, "I wonder why Miss Fang came to see me?"

Fang Shisan looked up at her, feeling very complicated. Why did she come to Cheng Xiaosi?

Begging for mercy?

Still want to ask for clarification?

"The County Lord has never liked me very much?"

"I've been thinking about it recently, and it seems that I haven't done anything to offend the county boss."

Cheng Xiaosi picked up a piece of fruit and ate it, "Miss Fang, do you like me?"

Fang Shisan was speechless, Cheng Xiaosi chuckled, "You don't like me, for the same reason, I don't like you either, for the same reasons."

"But my sister is dead, she can't threaten you."

"Since she is dead, she should die completely, instead of being talked about by you. You will make me think that she is not dead yet."

Facing Fang Shisan, Cheng Xiaosi didn't want to pretend at all, "Since you know that Yuan Su is engaged to me, you shouldn't ask him to take you with him wherever you go. Isn't it enough that Sijin is with you?"

"To put it bluntly, except for blood relatives and people recognized by me, I am not happy when a mother appears next to Yuan Su."

"Besides, you have ulterior motives. I don't embarrass you everywhere just because I am satisfied with Yuan Su's attitude towards me, not because of who you are."

"Miss Fang, this capital is not suitable for you."

I thought that the Fang family girl would be so powerful with such a famous reputation, but the result was mediocre.

That reputation must have been something he boasted about.

Fang Shisan tightened his hand on the veil, knowing clearly that he shouldn't come today, and that he would only be humiliating himself if he came.

Before coming here, she thought that she could convince Cheng Xiaosi to put down his grudge against her, and that as long as she would help her, she would be able to stand up. Now that she thought about it, it was really ridiculous.

"I'm disturbing the county master today."

After saying that, she stood up and turned around to leave. A girl chased after her to prevent her from going the wrong way. She happened to meet Yuan Su who smelled of alcohol. The moment he saw Fang Shisan, Yuan Su thought he was drunk. Yes, dazzled.

Then Fang Shisan glanced at him with red eyes, holding the handkerchief to press his eyes while walking.

A familiar person arrived at Cheng Xiaosi's yard, "I seemed to have seen Fang Shisan just now."

"It's her."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't hide it from him, "I had forgotten about her, but she actually ran up to me and said some random things. Naturally, I told her so unceremoniously, but she couldn't bear it and left. .”

He raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Su angrily, "If you feel distressed, you can chase after me."

The tipsy Yuan Su woke up immediately and said, "Nonsense, I have nothing to feel bad about. I'm just worried that she will talk nonsense in front of you and make you misunderstand me."

Cheng Xiaosi poured him a cup of tea, "Don't worry, I may have to believe others, but I don't believe what she said."

Yuan Su was about to nod but felt that this was wrong, "Others can't believe anything. I am innocent. You have to believe me."

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