Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 355 The powerful old lady has arrived

Cheng Xiaosi's kite was destroyed. Before he even played with it, a few carrots stood around, lowering their heads and not daring to speak.

Yuan Sijin held the incomplete kite and sighed, "It's only natural that I can't play with such a good kite. The frame is broken and there's no way to repair it, right?"

Several boys all shrank their necks. Xiao Chengqing looked at her fourth aunt with tears in her eyes and said it was because the kite was stuck on a branch. I tried to pull the kite down, but it broke.

"I'll let Third Uncle pay."

Cheng Xiaosi's mouth twitched, "Why should your third uncle pay for what you broke?"

He lowered his head and pinched his fingers, "I have no money."

"I can't bully your third uncle even if I don't have money. I'm the only one who can bully your third uncle before he gets married. Do you understand?"

Xiao Chengqing raised his eyes and burst into tears. He felt that he had been greatly wronged for not bullying his third uncle. Vincent went to pull him, but he threw Vincent away. Cheng Xiaosi said: "You did it?" If the kite is broken, you should apologize to me instead of asking your third uncle to compensate you. You are still crying so wronged, which shows that you still haven’t realized your mistake. Go and stand in front of the flower pot at the back to cry, and I won’t let you listen. Just keep crying and go ahead.”

This kid has been dancing higher and higher lately.

Little Cheng Qing stood still, his mouth still open. He didn't know whether to cry or not. Seeing his funny look, Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but smile, "Cry, cry louder, don't stop, hurry up."


He was bullied by his fourth aunt.

"Yes, that's it. Cry with strength. Well, not bad. You can breathe smoothly. Come on, louder."


Xiao Chengqing felt that he couldn't get off the stage today because his fourth aunt was too bad.

"Don't cry. You have to cry and talk at the same time. If you don't tell me, how will I know your grievances and what are you crying about?"

Cheng Xiaosi barely grasped a handful of melon seeds in his hand. Xiao Chengqing couldn't cry anymore. He howled for a while and peeked at his fourth aunt from time to time. When he saw fourth aunt, he had no intention of letting him go and cried even louder. .

Just as Mr. Cheng was about to send Liu Muyun out, he couldn't help but go to see Xiao Chengqing when he heard her heartbreaking cries. Liu Muyun came with him. When he arrived, he saw the girl who talked to her at the door last time sitting and listening. When a baby cries, I keep asking her to cry louder.

There was a girl next to her covering her mouth and laughing, looking very happy.

"What's going on here?"

Xiao Cheng Qing, who was about to call it a day, cried even more when he saw someone coming. Cheng Xiao Si smiled and said, "He wants to see how loud his voice is."

Mr. Cheng smiled at little Cheng Qing and said, "If that's the case, then just keep crying."

The little baby is like this. He thinks that crying can achieve his goal. He is very smart and will watch your reaction while crying. If he feels that this trick is not working, he will stop crying in the future. If the adults are soft-hearted, he will only get worse in the future.

Cheng Xiaosi was happy, "Look, everyone supports you, just keep crying."

Xiao Cheng Qing, who squeezed out a few tears, looked around and saw that everyone was smiling, so he felt embarrassed.

"You persuade me, you persuade me, and I won't cry anymore."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and shook his head, "How is that possible? I just like to hear you cry, so just cry."

"But take it easy. I heard that crying too loudly will damage your voice. Once your throat is damaged, your speech will be like a duck quacking, but it is also unique. From now on, when you hear the duck's voice, you will know it is you."

Xiao Chengqing.

"I don't like ducks, so I won't cry." "What's the matter? I haven't heard enough, so just cry."

"I won't cry anymore."

"If you want to cry, I like to hear it."

Xiao Chengqing really felt that he was being bullied, and his eyes were really red this time. Finally, he said coyly, "I'm sorry, I broke your kite. I shouldn't be brave."

"Oh my god, you already know the word 'show off', you are very powerful."

Cheng Xiaosi pinched his face and said, "Since you have admitted your mistake, I will forgive you and won't ask you to make amends. Are you happy?"


I really regret my actions just now. Wouldn't it be better to apologize honestly?

Yuan Sijin laughed happily, his eyes fell on Xuan'er and Vincent. The two siblings subconsciously took a step back. Vincent hurriedly said, "I won't cry."

Then he added, "Sister doesn't cry either."

Yuan Sijin smiled even more happily, and glanced at Liu Muyun. At this moment, Liu Muyun's eyebrows were stained with a faint smile, and he stood there quietly, as soft as jade.

After being stunned for a moment, Yuan Sijin continued to smile, but he was not as arrogant as before.

Cheng Dashan sent Liu Muyun out, and the little carrot heads continued to play. For the little kid, the humiliation only made him sad for a while, but he soon recovered. He said that his uncle made a wooden horse for him, which was fun. Now, I want to take Xuan'er and Vincent to see it.

"People are far away and still watching."

Cheng Xiaosi joked, "Do you think Liu Muyun is pretty good?"

Yuan Sijin's ears were slightly red, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just took another look."

Cheng Xiaosi hummed a little tune, "Just because I look at you one more time in the crowd, I can never forget your face again."

“Cheng Xiaosi!!!”


From this day on, Yuan Sijin came to Cheng's house more frequently, saying that Xuan'er and Wen Sheng missed their fifth aunt.

Cheng Xiaosi saw through it but didn't say it. Except for the occasional joke, she didn't really want to get together with Liu Muyun. The main reason was that she didn't know Liu Muyun well. In addition, the Liu family's family background was not high in comparison, and the Yuan family might not look down on it. , unless he's in high school.

The days are still busy, and the good things festival is becoming more and more popular. Mainly because people around the capital have also got the news and come to pick up the bargains. Cheng Daqi and Cheng Daqian are busy all day long, and Xiao He is also missing. There are many figures, but the busiest one is Qin.

Marrying a daughter-in-law and marrying a daughter requires a lot of preparations, and everyone has lost weight visibly. Every family in the capital knows that the Cheng family's female relatives who have not been invited to the banquet recently will definitely be busy even with Cheng Xiaosi. It is at this time that the Yuan family The old lady arrived. When she arrived at the gate of the Yuan family, she didn't get out of the car because no one from the Yuan family came out to greet her.

She didn't even smile when she entered the door. When she moved into the courtyard she was given, she also disliked that the courtyard didn't have the heritage of a century-old family. She also found fault with the furnishings in the house that weren't valuable enough, so she had everything in the house moved out. Place what you brought.

While serving the two daughters-in-law who came with her, Mrs. Yuan stepped aside and couldn't help sighing. She was glad that her mother-in-law was kind and never found fault with her.

Just after sitting down for a while, the old lady asked Fang Shisan, "Why doesn't that child come to see me?"

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