Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 358 Cheng Daqi takes eye drops

"Aunt, fifth brother will not agree."

As soon as she regained her energy, the old lady couldn't wait to call Fang Shisan to confirm whether Yao's words were true. When Fang Shisan sobbed, her face became even more ugly, and then she offered to let Fang Shisan go. The idea of ​​marrying Yuan Su.

"Why not? You are the daughter of the Fang family."

The old lady has been proud of being a daughter of the Fang family all her life. She feels that any girl from the Fang family will be lucky to marry into that family. Yuan Su has no reason to refuse. Not only will he not refuse, but he will also be grateful.

"I just want to aggrieve you a little at the beginning. After all, the merchant girl was granted a marriage by the emperor, and you can't get over her. But as long as you capture Yuan Wu's heart, it doesn't matter whether the wife is a legitimate wife or not."

"It's not impossible."

Fang Thirteen seconds understood the cryptic meaning of her words. After all, the most taught thing at home was how to handle men and how to deal with women who dared to compete with them.

"When you have a child, the Fang family and the Yuan family will become even more inseparable. Don't be afraid of good children. Your aunt will support you. You must not let that merchant girl bully you."

Fang Shisan was a little moved. At this point, she had no better future. If something really happened to her father, she would...

"I'm afraid that Fifth Brother won't like me."

I'm really embarrassed to say that I've been rejected before.

"You are so beautiful, your skin is like cream, and you are so talented. What man wouldn't like you?"

The old lady has made up her mind and wants to finalize the matter as soon as possible. If Fang Shijin is really convicted, the Fang family daughter will also lose her status.

The important thing is to get started earlier than that merchant girl, so that you can get pregnant as soon as possible and gain the upper hand.

"Send a message to the head of Fu'an County and ask her to come and talk."

Winning the small and big ones was naturally not enough evidence, so she decided that the merchant girl was easy to handle.

Fang Shisan was silent and lowered her eyes. No one knew what she was thinking now.

"If she invites me, I will go. In what capacity does she invite me?"

Cheng Xiaosi also knows how to take advantage of Qiao. Isn't it just showing off? Isn't she worthy of being a county head?

"Reject it. I've been very busy recently and have no time to spare."

"Go and say something to the Yuan family's grandmother again, and then go and pay her respects when you have free time."

Even if I go, it can't be to see that old lady.

The messengers had all come in, let alone seeing Cheng Xiaosi, so she could only go back in despair. When she learned that Cheng Xiaosi had refused, the old lady became very angry again. Even Yao was surprised. This man gets angry at every turn, why hasn't he made himself angry to death?

In the imperial study room, the emperor looked at the silver presented by Cheng Daqi and was very satisfied, "Is it over?"

"A few more days."

The market, which has been popular for ten consecutive days, has passed its peak, and the number of people going there every day has gradually decreased. A large part of the reason is that the goods brought by the merchants have been sold out, and they have withdrawn early, and there is no more to replace. There is nothing the merchants can do about it.

"The remaining days will become more and more depressed day by day, until on the last day, all the money that should be earned will be earned."

The emperor encouraged him very much and said: "This is the first year to do this. It is very good to achieve such results. I believe it will be better next year, no, at the end of the year."

Cheng Daqi laughed along and said that he was under great pressure and the emperor's desires could never be satisfied.

"Da Qi, what do you think of Fang Shijin?"

The topic jumped so fast that Cheng Daqi almost failed to keep up and answered respectfully, "Wei Chen and Master Fang are not familiar with each other." The emperor said, "But Fang Shijin said that you were deliberately retaliating against him. First, you spread rumors in the city to ruin his reputation, and then Falsely accusing him of corruption.”

"Really unfamiliar?"

"I dare not deceive the emperor. I am really unfamiliar with him."

Cheng Daqi looked calm, "Weichen did meet Mr. Fang back then, but things have passed so long, there is no need to pursue revenge again, and I don't dare to."

"Don't you dare?"

The emperor didn't believe it.

Cheng Daqi handed over his hand, "Back then, Wei Chen learned from the listeners that the Fang family and the emperor were the same family and shared the same blood. Mr. Fang also said to the outside world that if he was particular about it, the emperor should also call him cousin, the emperor's cousin, Wei Chen. I dare not have any intention of revenge."

"It would be fine if Wei Chen was alone. However, Wei Chen has a family and a wife. There are many people who need Wei Chen's protection. With the emperor's gift and a future, Wei Chen doesn't dare to gamble."

The emperor raised his eyes and glanced at him, not doubting what he said at all. In his eyes, the Cheng family had no foundation, and could only be protected by being loyal to him. Cheng Daqi was bold but cautious, and would definitely not take advantage of him just to vent his anger. Take the entire Cheng family to gamble.

What's more important is that his people didn't find out that those things were done by the Cheng family.

"It's good that you know what's going on. I rely on you and you haven't let me down. I believe you are not a man who is driven by his own impulses."

Cheng Daqi quickly lifted his robe and knelt down to kowtow, "I swear to be loyal to the emperor to the death."

"Get up."

Cheng Daqi didn't dare to straighten his back when he stood up. The emperor asked with a smile, "I heard that everyone in your family is so busy that even the waiter has gone to work as an accountant in the escort agency?"

Cheng Daqi burst into laughter, "Your Majesty, the good things festival is a success, and the business of the escort agency has also improved. We couldn't help it, so the young lady arrested her to help."

He said with a helpless expression, "That girl is always lazy. She went there for two days and even took a day off."

The emperor smiled, "Yesterday the queen was still talking about her not being here for some days. Go back and talk to her and ask her to come into the palace to talk to the queen."

Cheng Daqi bowed in response, let out a long breath when he left the imperial study room, and put his hands behind his waist, looking very beautiful.

Fang Shijin, if I can’t kill you and you bleed the same blood as the Emperor, aren’t you afraid that the Emperor will drain your blood?

Oops, it seems like you can even touch your wrist with your hands behind your back. Oh my god, has he lost weight again?

As Cheng Daqi left, the smile on the emperor's face disappeared, and his eyes were filled with coldness. How dare Fang Shijin claim to be his cousin?

Does he fit too?

"I heard that someone from the Yuan family is here?"

The chamberlain on the side bowed to answer. Having understood the emperor's intention and accepting Cheng Daqi's favor, he immediately explained the old lady's behavior, and finally said: "Master Yuan has not gone back to his house for dinner recently, and has made appointments with people everywhere. Eat wine and don’t come back until midnight.”

The emperor's expression became even more dissatisfied. He felt that the women of the Fang family were so ignorant, "Go and tell the queen that there is no need to see her."

She was especially good at showing off her face to the other side's daughter. Once she met the Queen, no matter what she said, people outside would know how much the Queen respected her and felt that they could step on the Queen's face.

The chamberlain went there in person, and the queen didn't want to see anyone from the Fang family. She was often made things difficult when she was the daughter-in-law.

The emperor wants to bring shame to the Fang family, and she wants it.

At this time, the old lady was having people deliver messages to the palace. She originally wanted to wait for the Queen to send someone to greet her, but as the Queen was ignorant, she went alone. (End of chapter)

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