Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 376 If you like it, you should start early.

"Why are you so lucky? It's just one, it's just one."

The Cheng family set off firecrackers, and the whole family began to celebrate Liu Muyun happily. They also invited the Niu family, Yuan family, Qin family, Yao family, Jiang family and other families to the banquet, which was very grand.

Many envied people robbed the students, some even robbed several of them, and provided them with delicious food and drinks, investing real money, but in the end the results were unsatisfactory.

Yishun Yibo's Mansion only raised one and he was still second in the list. How can they be convinced?

The crucial second place was delivered to his door by himself, which made them even more angry.

But no matter how jealous they were, the Uncle Shunyi Mansion was very lively at this moment. Cheng Daqi picked up his wine glass and cheerfully said to everyone: "Everyone knows that there is no son in our Cheng family who can reach this point. We are destined to have a relationship with Brother Liu." With such a fate, we shamelessly took advantage of Brother Liu and took this opportunity to invite everyone to join in the fun. We only hope that our children and grandchildren who are studying at home will be blessed by Wenquxing and earn a share of glory in a few years. "

He mentioned the Cheng family's shortcomings in an understatement, and everyone laughed. General Yao's temperament was indeed outgoing, "Uncle, the days are long. I see that your sons are very promising, and the whole family is With such harmony, one day the Wenqu star will fall into your home."

"Then let me borrow the good words from General Yao. Come on, cheers."


Sitting at a large table were all the children and relatives, and there were not many outsiders. Even the scholar Jiang Hanlin was sitting happily on the table, tasting wine and laughing. General Yao stood up and poured wine for him, "We are rough people born here." I'm a little afraid of scholars. I knew you were here to ask for it, so I took care of it today, and I felt relieved when I saw you. You are different from those old scholars, you are very open-minded."

This was the first time that a military general poured him wine. Jiang Hanlin thanked him repeatedly and said with a smile: "General, these words are embarrassing. Military generals have the city in mind. What the soldiers fight on the battlefield is bravery and fearlessness of death." , what the generals strive for is not only bravery but also extraordinary wisdom, understanding of the art of war, and control of people's hearts. In his life, Jiang Mou admired the generals the most. They are brave, brave and resourceful, and have outstanding skills. Unlike me, who are full of thoughts. Wen Zhang, he is very weak."

"Jiang Hanlin, Mr. Jiang, we must have a good drink today."

Several generals thought Jiang Hanlin's words were good. No wonder he was from a family that was married to Shunyi Bofu. He was so transparent. Look at how well he said this. He was not like other scholars who were open-mouthed and rude to martial artists!

The elders were enjoying themselves at this table, and the other tables were filled with sons and daughters of various families, including the young general Erniu, the eldest son of the Jiang family, the young general of the Yao family, several young masters of the Qin family, Yuan Su, etc. After all, the Cheng family said from the beginning that it was a family banquet for their relatives. Since it was a family banquet, of course the whole family had to go out together.

Liu Muyun is also at this table. There are military generals, civil servants, and businessmen on the table. They can talk about any topic. They are all young people and they can't stop talking. The eldest son of the Jiang family and Liu Muyun are the most popular. It is said that back then, he did not rank as high as Liu Muyun in the imperial examination, so he started discussing knowledge at the dinner table. Cheng Youer interrupted from time to time and studied hard;

Cheng Yousan made eye contact with the young general of the Yao family, chatting happily, and even said that they would compete together after dinner.

Sitting in the side yard were all female relatives. Madams from all the families had come, and they had also brought girls, children and grandchildren from each family. There were several tables, ranging from big ones to small ones. The Cheng family was rich, and any children who came were of their own. In his own position, the older one and the younger one were eating in a proper manner, which made them extremely happy in the eyes of all the ladies.

"Fourth sister, do you still have the book of words you gave me? I have already finished reading the one you gave me."

Miss Jiang Jiang sat next to Cheng Xiaosi and pulled Cheng Xiaosi's sleeve with a smile. Cheng Xiaosi nodded immediately, "Several more books have come out recently, and they are all very interesting. Some of the stories have not been on the market before. After a while, I'll get it for you." What she gave the girl from the Jiang family was self-reliance, self-reliance, and fighting back. Some of them were broken and could never be reunited. The girl from the Jiang family refused to accept anyone who came and could read any subject. Cheng Xiaosi He quietly suggested, "It's boring to just read it. Why don't you just pick up the pen and write it yourself? You can write whatever you want. That would be great."

"Write it yourself?"

The Jiang family girl had never thought about this problem before, but then her eyes lit up. She had read too many story books. In some story books, she knew the ending as soon as she read the beginning. It would be good if she wrote it herself.

"I'll go back and think about it, but you have to give me a few more copies today."

"What are you two mumbling about?"

Niu Wanqing put down her chopsticks and said that there were so many people for a while and everyone was playing with sandbags. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and shook his head, "It's so hot today. When we came in, everyone was a sweet-smelling girl. When we leave our house later, everyone will be in perfect clothes." It smells sour, this is so bad."

"We are going to see the Yao family's young general later. I haven't seen anyone yet."

When she said this, everyone started making fun of Niu Wanqing. Niu Wanqing made a big blush and rarely spoke back, mainly because she talked too much and she had no chance of winning.

When Mrs. Yuan heard a group of girls laughing and laughing, she also congratulated Mrs. Niu. She was worried about her daughter again. After the meal, the female relatives in the room sat talking, and Mrs. Niu said about Liu Muyun, "He is really a good talent, especially The clothes he wears well today, the person he wears is very handsome, the eyebrows are good, and the eyes are pure. I heard that the family is simple, and it is also a well-mannered family that cultivates and educates people."

Xiao He nodded, "Those clothes were given to Zhang Luo by my younger siblings. My younger siblings have a first-class taste. I gave Zhang Luo the clothes for the girls in the family. I won't talk about the materials. It’s her decision what style to wear, each girl wears something different, and it all suits their temperament.”

Everyone praised Mrs. Qin again, saying that she managed the household well and was good at raising children. They also praised Cheng Sanniang and the Jiang family as well. Then Xiao He said about Liu Muyun, "She can be regarded as ours." We have some kind of fate in our family. We should have been through such a lively life. After all, we are not related to our family, but we can't help but that boy is so popular. The other sons in the family are a little behind in their studies. He has been helping a lot these days. A boy was reviewing his homework, and that’s why there was such a excitement today.”

Mrs. Qin also smiled and said: "That boy is really nice. My master would like to recognize him as his adopted son, but he is too embarrassed to say it."

Mrs. Niu looked at Mrs. Yuan, "Aren't you moved?"


Why aren't you moved?

Originally, her own girl had talked about Liu Muyun several times at home. She had become interested in him early and sent people to inquire about him. Now that he was ranked second in high school, she was even more excited.

Mrs. Jiang smiled and said: "If you fall in love with her, you should act early. That is to say, the Cheng family has met her. If it had been any other family, they would have decorated the wedding hall. Now the wedding invitations are being distributed widely."

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