Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 378 Liu Muyun asks to marry Yuan Sijin

As the emperor's second choice, Liu Muyun was summoned to the palace the next day, and he was going to be sent to the local area for training. Originally, he still had three months of leave to return to his hometown in fine clothes, and the emperor also gave him a special reward that he could go directly from his hometown. After taking office, Liu Muyun immediately knelt down and kowtowed to express his gratitude for the emperor's great kindness.

When I came out of the imperial study, I met Yuan Pei, and he hurriedly came forward to greet me, "Your Excellency, the emperor has ordered me to go to Pingyang and serve as Pingyang County Magistrate. After returning to my hometown to visit relatives, I can go directly from home to take office."

The two talked for a long time yesterday. At that time, Liu Muyun felt that he was so poor that he really didn't dare to ask a woman to take care of him. What's more, he was Yuan Sijin who had been pampered since he was a child. He had met Yuan Sijin several times at the Cheng family. Although he had never spoken to him, he knew. He couldn't imagine a girl like that, but when good luck fell on him, it felt unreal to him.

Today, I have an official position. Although the official position is not high, it is different after all. In addition, there are rewards from the emperor, so I have the courage to join the Yuan family.

"I wonder if your Excellency will be at home this afternoon?"

A look of satisfaction flashed in Yuan Pei's eyes, "Let's go tomorrow. I'll call your second uncle from the Cheng family to join us tomorrow morning, and we'll have dinner together at noon."

Liu Muyun bowed his hands and turned to leave. Yuan Pei entered the imperial study room to clear up the matter before the emperor.

The emperor was unhappy when he heard this. He felt that the Yuan family was trying to steal someone from him, and he felt better when he heard that it was Cheng Daqianbao who was the matchmaker. Yuan Pei continued: "The emperor also knows about that girl Wei Chen. She has been there since she was a child. She was spoiled by her mother and I, and she is a little naive and ignorant. In the past two years, her mother has also secretly looked at many people who feel uneasy, fearing that the girl will suffer. "

"A few days ago, I always ran to Cheng's house to talk to Xiaosi. I met Liu Muyun. Although I couldn't say that I was happy, I didn't hate it either. Yesterday, when I was having dinner at Cheng's house, my uncle mentioned this matter while joking. Wei Chen felt that Liu Muyun was wrong. All good, he is young and promising, his family background is simple, he is a decent person, he is not someone who just wants to get along with others. If that girl follows him, she will be less wronged in the future."

He said it with a fatherly heart. The emperor thought about it carefully and smiled, "Yuan Qing's taste is as good as ever, and I also admire Liu Muyun. In this case, you have to bring me a wedding wine when the time comes." "

This was the answer, and Yuan Pei hurriedly kowtowed to thank him and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Second Aunt, here is the list of all the betrothal gifts that have been stored in the warehouse. In addition, I heard that the Tu family seems to be a little short of money. Do you need us to send a pig and a sheep?"

Cheng Youqian's wedding day was only half a month away, and the Cheng family became busy again. Cheng Xiaosi began to play as a main player.

Mrs. Qin looked at the list of betrothal gifts and made a temporary decision to reduce the betrothal gifts by 40%. The 40% reduced were more expensive items. "We didn't think carefully before, thinking about how much the Tu family would lose." There is some foundation, but recently it seems that the foundation is very thin, and Mrs. Tu's wife has been stealing items from the mansion to add a dowry to Miss Tu."

"Our betrothal gift is too generous. It will become a burden to the Tu family after sending it over."

Here, those who want dignity have to bring back the betrothal gift as a dowry. In Cheng Xiaosi’s words, marrying a girl is really a loss. If there are many girls in the family and the family assets are not rich enough, just marry a girl. This one item can wipe out a family's wealth, and some people even sell their property to prepare for dowry.

Mrs. Qin sighed, "Let's find a way to send the pigs and sheep over when the time comes." Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "It's our hometown's rule to add food to the woman's wedding banquet. I think it's easier to accept it if you come to Tu's house. It was sent there early in the morning on the first day of the Tu family's banquet, so not many people would know about it."

Mrs. Qin agreed, and Cheng Xiaosi was busy sending people to arrange the matter. He only sighed that the days passed too fast.

In the evening, Dashan Cheng came over and said that he wanted to add some decent tributes to Liu Muyun from the warehouse, "That boy has to wait for the Yuan family to propose marriage tomorrow, and he only has a little reward from the emperor in his hand. He will give all the gifts from the emperor." I've used all the rewards as betrothal gifts, but it's still not enough. You can't come empty-handed for the first time tomorrow."

This is really raising Liu Muyun as his son. Qin has no choice but to personally prepare for Liu Muyun's visit to the Yuan family tomorrow. At this moment, Yuan Sijin is happy and worried at the same time. He is afraid that the joy is in vain, only Yuan The lady's eyes were full of sorrow, "If you really choose him, you will have to follow him to take office. Like your sister-in-law, he will be moved around everywhere, which will be a pain for you."

Yuan Sijin, who is full of longing for the future, said that she is not afraid of hard work at all, because she believes in Liu Muyun and everyone's evaluation of Liu Muyun, and feels that things will get better little by little in the future. , is already a leader among his peers, and as long as he doesn’t make mistakes, he will definitely have a bright future.”

"I think Xiaosi is right. Looking at the many children from aristocratic families in the capital, there are not many who are as powerful as Liu Muyun. He still came out without any help from his family. If he helps her again, he will definitely be even more extraordinary. Even though he is a county magistrate now, he will be promoted in a few years, and by then he may be even higher in rank than my father."

Talking about the future, Mrs. Yuan smiled helplessly. She didn't know how much effort she would put into helping him if he really wanted to get to that point. I hope that guy is a good one.

The rich man brought Liu Muyun to the house on the second schedule. This time Liu Muyun did not let the Yuan family take the initiative. He was a man, so it was his turn to ask for help. His attitude was very respectful, and he used the courtesy of a junior to an elder. Yuan Pei was very Satisfied, he immediately settled the matter without taking Qiao, and spread the news.

The third prince got the news before the Yuan family's wedding banquet was over, and immediately threw the cup. He was originally going to enter the palace this afternoon to ask for his father's decree for a marriage, but he didn't expect that a newly admitted second-placed prince could do so. Taking advantage of the situation, the Yuan family was really confused and confused. After being suppressed by the emperor for many years, they finally took a breath and did not think about looking for a backer. Instead, they surrendered and bet their future on a poor man.

"It's all crazy."

The queen and the prince spared no effort to suppress their mother and son. They were retreating steadily, and if they retreated further, there was really no way to retreat. It was at this time that the uncle of the fifth prince came to the door and offered to help him.

"Is it settled like this?"

Knowing that the matter between Yuan Sijin and Liu Muyun was finalized, Cheng Xiaosi felt that it was too fast. Qin smiled and said: "The elders of the Liu family are not here, and he has to rush back to announce the good news, and he has to make time to take office. Naturally It’s all about simplicity.”

"Fortunately, your future mother-in-law has prepared everything. You don't have to take away all the dowry. Just pick some that can be used and take them with you. Then set up a banquet and invite everyone to attend the ceremony, and this matter is done."

"Liu Muyun's situation is special. No one will say anything. On the contrary, they have to envy the Yuan family for their quick actions. You must know that Liu Muyun is very popular." (End of Chapter)

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