Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 382 It’s up to you to decide whether to give in or not.

Cheng Daqi was calm and unfazed as to what kind of Wang family was coming to the capital. For him, he just had to do the errands, and it had little to do with other people's prosperity and it would not have any impact on him.

The female relatives did not care about the important affairs of the court, but only paid attention to the marriage affairs of their children. Mrs. Yuan sighed with satisfaction and said that although Liu Muyun was not from a high family background, he was handsome, knowledgeable, and ranked second in high school at a young age. "That girl of mine said You have all seen it before. She was spoiled by me. She is not as stable as Xiaosi and not as smart as Sanniang. If she marries into a rich family, I am afraid she will suffer a loss. I am worried about her marriage. Speaking of which, it is still Taking advantage of the Cheng family."

If we don't say that he is very lucky, he would be the second choice if he picks up someone at the door. Of course, Liu Muyun's luck is not bad. If he hadn't met the Cheng family, it's hard to say whether he would be the second choice today.

"Speaking of which, that boy Wu Lang is lucky enough to marry his mistress."

Xiao He smiled very happily. She now particularly admired Mrs. Yuan. No matter whether it was true or false, she could always talk about Xiaosi and look very satisfied at all times. Mrs. Qin also learned this, When he met the Tu family, he also praised the eldest girl of the Tu family.

"Calculating, there are only seven or eight months left."

Yuan Su was talking in the yard, his eyes filled with anticipation. Cheng Xiaosi tilted his head and asked, "What seven or eight months?"

"The wedding day."

"Now even the yard has been repaired and everything is ready, just wait for the day to come."

Yuan Su was living life with his fingers crossed, wishing that tomorrow was his wedding day. Cheng Xiaosi looked at him curiously and felt that this man was really powerful. After only a short time, she could feel that this man was full of heart and eyes. If it's him, how good is his acting skill?

Seeing his expectant look, she couldn't help but tease him, "That means you still have more than half a year to be free. After all, you are still free now. How about you, do you want to go to Shili Flower Field and your Say goodbye to those old friends?"

"Where did this old sweetheart come from?"

Yuan Su squeezed her hand and said, "Don't tease me about the past."

If he had known early on that he was going to get married and would be abducted by Cheng Xiaosi, he wouldn't have acted without scruples.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "Then you can also tease me about things in the past, for example, saying that I am a coward."

"You're not afraid now?"

Cheng Xiaosi tilted his head, "Whether or not to give in will be decided based on the situation at the time."

For example, when her head ailment strikes, it's up to her to decide when it will strike.

Yuan Su couldn't help laughing, it was obvious that people outside were deceived by her honest appearance.

After returning from the Yuan family, the Cheng family became completely busy. Cheng Youqian's wedding day was getting closer and closer. The Cheng family began to send out invitations and sweep up and down in preparation for the wedding.

As the day drew near, someone arranged by Cheng Xiaosi knocked on the door of the Tu family before dawn. The Tu family had been prosperous for generations, but never wealthy. The house was in the east of the city, and the courtyard at Sanjin was not small, but it could not hold a family. There are many people and it is very crowded. When the old butler opened the door, he saw Uncle Wang's smiling face and immediately cheered up. Uncle Wang smiled and said: "My family asked me to bring some pigs, sheep, ducks and geese. This is the rule of our hometown. We should add two ounces to the woman's wedding banquet." A dish can be delivered to you now?"

Behind Uncle Wang was a cart, which contained prepared meat, mutton, etc. The old housekeeper's eyes lit up when he saw such a big cart. He never expected that such a custom existed in the Cheng family's hometown. With so much meat, After the meal, you won’t have to worry about the food at home.

The news soon reached the ears of the eldest girl of the Tu family. At this moment, everyone in the Tu family was already up. The old lady who was serving her was full of joy, "I think the Cheng family is the first family in the capital that knows how to be polite." , How many things have been sent to the house from the engagement to now, the girl is blessed."

The eldest girl of the Tu family was happy in her heart, but she sighed quietly. The Tu family had a hard life, and she didn't have the confidence to climb up to a wealthy family like the Cheng family.

"Girl, don't worry. The Cheng family thinks so highly of girls, life will be better after she comes to the family."

The old grandma also sighed. The life of the Tu family was so difficult. They all relied on pawning to live. It has not been peaceful recently. The young masters wanted to stick to the Cheng family, but the old man ordered her not to do it for the sake of face. He asked her to say that her in-laws were so rich. , It’s okay to just go forward and live a good life, you can just go back when you find a chance. Isn’t that the same for the Qin family? They were not much better than them before, but life has become easier after meeting the Cheng family.

Mrs. Tu came and found a few things packed in boxes to use as dowry. "The Cheng family sent over the list of betrothal gifts. Mother really doesn't know how to come up with such a large dowry, so I can only feel wronged to you."

Miss Tu shook her head. She knew what was going on at home better than anyone else. It was not easy to come up with so much, and there were so many younger brothers and sisters in the family. What would happen if they were all left to her?

After talking for a long time, Mrs. Tu warned, "Don't think about your parents' home when you get to your husband's house. Your mother-in-law said she wants you to help with the housekeeping. You must not have any evil thoughts. Your father and brothers have to think about the life at home. No way, it's not your turn as a married girl to worry about it, just live your life well."

Her family was poor, so she got married to such a family. The people in her family had some ideas. They had already eaten into her dowry. She would never let these people harm her daughter. She was a good official girl. They all hired famous teachers to teach chess, calligraphy and painting since they were young, and they learned a lot of talents. Only her daughter could only learn some words because her family was not well-off, and she helped take care of the mess at home early on.

If it weren't for my two-level housekeeping skills, I still wouldn't be able to reach a family like Shunyi Bofu. Although my family background is a little shallow, my life is so easy and decent.

"They were all sent over, and the Tu family was happy to accept them."

Uncle Wang, who brought back the meat, also felt that the Tu family was a bit poor, but fortunately they were very polite.

Cheng Xiaosi said 'hmm', "Today we have to ask the people on the stove to calculate the menu on the table again. All the ingredients must be prepared. When will the hired cook come?"

This time, the Cheng family is marrying a daughter-in-law. Unlike a married daughter, the arrangement is very large. Fifty tables have been prepared for the banquet in the house alone. Cheng Youqian interacts with people in the mall all day long. When they heard that he was getting married, everyone wanted to Come, firstly, to join in the fun, and secondly, everyone knows that there will be many people from the officialdom coming that day, and it is a good time to make friends.

There are also eighteen tables of flowing tables prepared outside the house to entertain some people from outside and the beggars who come to join in the fun. A cook is specially hired to prepare the tables outside.

"The menu has been sent, the ingredients can be purchased tomorrow, and the chef will come the day after."

Cheng Xiaosi said, "It's hot, so be careful with the ingredients. Also, don't leave any dishes behind after the banquet. Send them all outside."

It would be too wasteful to throw it away. It is better to invite beggars outside to eat it.

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