Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 385 Cheng Xiao 4 who is exhausted and paralyzed

The guests who came to celebrate today came one after another. I thought that there would be some people from the army. After all, the Niu family was also related by marriage, but I didn't expect so many people to come, and these people all arrived when they were about to sit down. They all followed the courtesy, and as soon as they entered the door, they were guests, so they were naturally greeted warmly.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "It's crowded and lively. Civil servants, military officers, merchants, etc. are all here today. I think it's pretty grand, right?"

"It's grand."

The Qin family laughed when they talked about it. So many people came to see their son get married, so they were given such face, which showed that their Cheng family was currently prosperous.

Cheng Sanniang came to see Mrs. Qin and was going to toast the ladies. Cheng Xiaosi said: "I'm watching over here. Second aunt and third sister, please go quickly."

If she wants to be in charge of logistics, she won't be able to sit at the table.

Mrs. Yuan has been secretly watching Cheng Xiaosi. I heard that she is now helping the housekeeper, but I have never seen her with her own eyes. I saw that she was helping to greet the guests in an orderly manner today. From time to time, she was able to handle everything calmly when people from below asked her for instructions. The whole process was greeted with a smile, and I felt even more satisfied, and said to Yuan Sijin: "Learn more from Xiaosi. Those who don't show off their skills will not be timid when encountering problems, and they can do things well. They are better than what they want everywhere." It’s much better to be in the limelight.”

Some girls want to be strong in everything, want to stand out wherever they go, look smart, but lose their wits when things really happen.

"Fourth girl, the person in front of you is such a drinker that you won't have enough wine."

Manager Hua was sweating and drank a few sips of water throughout the day. It was the first time for his family to hold such a large banquet and so many people came, so he was a little inexperienced.

"Many generals came here, drinking wine is like drinking water. Some people drank it directly from the wine jar, and their stomachs were like bottomless pits. I have just sent people to buy as much as they can."

The Cheng family was originally a businessman and was already a very good drinker. Who knew that compared with those in the army, they were not worthy of a table? It was really scary.

Cheng Xiaosi asked Manager Hua to go to the kitchen to have a look again, "Tell them to prepare more meat and vegetables. After all the preparations, the wine is consumed so quickly that the food on the table may not be able to hold it. People are coming to join in the fun. We Of course I have to say hello."

Manager Hua hurriedly left, sighing that by the end of the day, his bones would fall apart.

Cheng Xiaosi originally wanted to go to the bridal house to see the bride, but seeing the hustle and bustle in the front yard, he had to give up. Yuan Su went out for a trip and came back with two shortbread cookies in his hand and gave them to Cheng Xiaosi, "Have something to eat." pad."

"The three brothers have no time to help you."

Cheng Youer and Cheng Yousan were originally supposed to help Cheng Xiaosi greet the guests, but now they have become part of the group that holds Cheng Youqian's drinks, and it is impossible to come to help.

Cheng Xiaosi took the shortbread and took a bite. "I don't feel hungry even though I'm busy. Go and eat quickly. Someone is coming to see you."

Li Yuanhao is also here today. He has not been released since he was captured last time. He doesn't know how he got out today. Maybe he was locked up for a long time. He jumped very high and laughed very loudly.

"Yuanwu, you're not feeling well after not seeing Xiaosi for a while, aren't you? You ran away in the middle of the drink, hurry up, hurry up, your share is reserved for you, you can't run away."

He stepped forward with a smile, grabbed Yuan Su and left. He turned back and smiled at Cheng Xiaosi: "Sister Xiaosi, I've taken him away. You can rest assured and do your work. He can't disturb you anymore." Today he has become a habit of laughing. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and waved to him, "Go ahead, go ahead."

I don’t know how long the excitement in the Cheng family will last. The emperor in the palace has already seen the Wang family and has not seen Cheng Daqi. However, he has received the fine wine that the Cheng family asked the palace people to bring him. At that time, Mr. Uncle's steps were weak and he couldn't hold his tongue straight. He heard that the emperor had ordered him to enter the palace immediately, but Mr. Yuan stopped him and said that he must have violated the emperor's etiquette by entering the palace, so Mr. Cheng sent him away. These two jars of fine wine are waiting for me to come to the palace tomorrow to apologize."

The emperor looked at the wine jar on the table and asked, "How many family members does Cheng have today?"

"There are so many. I heard that the uncle's house was hosting fifty tables today, so he even went to the restaurant to reserve a dozen tables. The servant saw that there were so many merchants there today, and General Niu also brought many people from the army to eat. Wine, when I left, the Cheng family’s buyers were out shopping for wine.”

The person who sent the message had received benefits from the Cheng family, so he naturally spoke to the Cheng family. The emperor laughed, "Those people under General Niu are very good at wine barrels. This is how much the Cheng family can afford." Liquor, I took the people to make teeth for the festival."

The servant who delivered the message laughed along with him, "The generals in the army arrived just when they were about to sit down at the table. Fortunately, the Cheng family made an extra reservation at the restaurant, otherwise we wouldn't know how to entertain them."

The emperor laughed again, and the dissatisfaction that Cheng Daqi didn't come today quickly disappeared. He thought that the whole family was serving them loyally, so he would feel comfortable today.

The Cheng family's banquet broke up at midnight. People in the courtyard were drunk and the wine jars were piled up in the back kitchen. They invited people from the winery overnight to collect the wine jars the next day, but they couldn't pile them up. "Why are they so drinkable?"

Those people in the army drank so much that the steward doubted life. He felt that if he invited these people in the future, he should prepare a wine pool, soak these people in and drink, and see if they could drink them all.

Cheng Xiaosi returned to the yard with legs that were like lead. Cheng Sanniang, who was yawning, came from the new house. The two sisters met at the door. They both looked like they were about to fall down from exhaustion. Then they went back to their houses, Huahua He hurried forward to help Cheng Xiaosi clean up. Cheng Xiaosi lamented, "My legs hurt too, and my face hurts even more. In the past few months, I haven't smiled as much as today."

"Fortunately, I also ate two shortbread cookies, otherwise I would still be hungry and very tired."

Huahua said with a smile, "Many ladies are praising the girl today. They said they didn't expect the girl to be so capable. Mrs. Yuan praised her the most."

"The fifth young master is the most attentive to the girl. He even went to buy shortbread for her. The taste of the shortbread must be quite good."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "Don't be envious, sooner or later you will have your own shortbread."

Huahua laughed and waited for Cheng Xiaosi to lie down before quietly going out. When it was dark, Huahua appeared in front of Cheng Xiaosi's bed again, "Girl, get up."

Cheng Xiaosi, who felt like he had just laid down, didn't even open his eyes, "It's already dawn?"

"No, it was someone from Mr. Yugyeom's courtyard who told me that the new young lady has gotten up. She is going to serve tea today. She got up early. The old lady and the madam are both up, and the third girl next door is also up."

Cheng Xiaosi opened her eyes, yawned and got up, thinking that she must tell her new sister-in-law not to be so diligent in the future, or to just be diligent quietly, as she was still growing.

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