Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 387 Gengoro, where are you going?

"Speaking of which, the Wang family is really powerful. Let's think about the business first. We have to meet people before we know the specific details. We also need to see what the Wang family wants."

Cheng Dashan, who was originally planning to rest for a few days, rubbed his brows. The emperor could not see the Cheng family resting for a day.

Cheng Daqi said that he had sent someone to leave a message for the Wang family and would meet them early tomorrow morning. Cheng Daqian said hurriedly: "I'll meet them in person. Don't invite them to my home for the next two days. It's really too much to bear." .”

People who run maritime business should be better at drinking. He really can't stand it anymore.

"The servants in this mansion have their legs swollen from running. They need to rest for two days. Take it easy, take it easy."

Cheng Youqian's brother also nodded, saying that they couldn't bear it. Cheng Youqian was quite sorry. Because of his affairs, everyone in the family was tired. Even little Cheng Qing took on the heavy responsibility of greeting other children yesterday. Today, Slept in bed for half a day.

Yuan Su also slept for half a day. He didn't go to the Ministry of Rites today. When he woke up in the morning, he felt dizzy. He drank two bowls of hangover soup before he felt better. Yuan Xin came to him with a bowl of millet porridge, "Now You know how powerful you are, how could you do these things if you were naked?"

Yuan Su drank porridge after washing, "You won't drink until you get married?"

"It's just that we didn't get married, and we didn't become a monk. Didn't my second uncle also have fun drinking?"

Yuan Xin thought about it and suddenly realized that no one had invited him to drink for a few days. Yuan Su said, "I haven't even met you, so why should I drink?"

"Those people are just jealous."

Yuan Xin Shiran sat down and said, "I am the one raising my family. What if their wife finds me?"

"Hey, I'm just not confident enough, so be on guard against me."

Yuan Su said 'hmm', "I also think it's possible. In my opinion, don't go out if you have nothing to do, so as not to harm the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law. When the time comes, the husband comes knocking on the door, and you won't be able to handle it."

"How boring were those days?"

"It's not boring. I found something for you to do."

Yuan Su put down the spoon and said, "When Xiaosi comes in, we will have a child soon. When the child is born, you will help take care of it. Think about it, the child will call you grandfather in the future."

"How interesting."

Yuan Xin was shocked. The idea of ​​letting him take care of the child was simply...

Great! ! !

"Then let's just say this. When you have children in the future, whether they are girls or boys, you will take care of them for me. I have experience, and you will be brought up by me."

Yuan Su smiled and nodded, "The one you brought up will kiss you, and you will be his biological grandfather from now on."

Yuan Xin was so beautiful that she touched her face twice, "It would be great if she was a little girl. How beautiful will she be when she grows up?"

Looking around the room, he suddenly patted his leg and said, "You haven't prepared anything for my little granddaughter yet. Don't worry about this. I will prepare it."

"Hey, it's been so long since your future wife arrived. When will my little granddaughter come?" Yuan Xin stood up, looking like you were useless, "I'll go check out the baby's little bed first. Which material should I use? The one you used was good, but it’s old.”

Seeing him walking away waving his fan, Yuan Su also stood up with a smile. Jifeng came in and said, "Sir, the master of the Ministry of Rites is here and wants to see you for something."

"Go here."

I just took a day off, why did I come here to find something?

The Cheng family had a full day's rest, and only regained their energy in the evening. The new daughter-in-law, Tu Yaoniang, was very embarrassed. She slept soundly in the new house for half the day on her first day as a new daughter-in-law. This happened I'm afraid I can't find it anywhere in the capital.

The meal in the evening was light, and wine was not eligible for the table for the time being. Everyone drank the millet porridge and felt very comfortable in their stomachs. After the meal, everyone sat around and talked. Xiao He said that the escort agency would also come next. It's not that busy, and there's nothing important happening in the mansion. I can go to more banquets in the capital.

Mrs. Qin also meant the same thing, "Sanniang's wedding stuff has all been prepared this time. Don't panic. There will be many banquets in the second half of the year. It's time to go out for a walk. In addition, we should take a break these days and have some free time." I’ll give it to a few guys who haven’t settled yet to look at my wife.”

The old lady was happy. Now that everyone was taking care of everything in the family, she just had to take good care of herself and not cause trouble to everyone.

Cheng Daqi told everyone about the Wang family, "If the negotiation goes well, a banquet will inevitably be held in the house, and the escort agency will have another job."

He looked at Cheng Yi and the others, "I heard that there are quite a few people coming from the Wang family this time, including two or three young masters. Then you should spend more time making friends."

"I heard that a girl is here?"

Who knows this?

"Let's talk about this later."

After talking about this and several other things, the topic finally fell on Tu Yao's mother, "Now that you are married, this is your home. I heard that you are the head girl in your mother's family. I will help your mother-in-law more in the future." Some, there are a lot of businesses in the family, if you think there is any business that can cooperate with your mother's family's business, just tell Yugyeom, he can make the decision on his own."

He knew that Tu's family was not well-off. Tu Yao's mother stood up and thanked her, but she did not insist on saying that her mother's family was good.

In the days that followed, the Cheng family was not so busy, especially the women of the Cheng family. They appeared again in the shops or theaters where ladies liked to spend time in the city. Mrs. Qin, a generous mother-in-law, bought a lot for her daughter-in-law. There were many materials and jewelry to dress it up so luxuriously that when Tu Yao's mother returned to her parents' home to visit her sick mother, the Tu family had a new understanding of the Cheng family's wealth and had more ideas.

"Gengoro, wherever you are going, take me with you."

Outside the Rites Office, Li Yuanhao asked some friends to come to Yuan Su to have a drink. After walking a few steps, a man chased them. Li Yuanhao turned around and said cheerfully, "Miss Wang is also greedy for wine." Already?"

These days, Cheng Daqi has been in close contact with the Wang family in Cangfu. The two parties had a good conversation. Cheng Daqi was still entertaining the Wang family in the mansion. That day, Yuan Su came to talk to Cheng Xiaosi, so they drank together. In addition, the emperor ordered the Ministry of Rites to settle the Wang family, so this task fell on Yuan Su, and he became somewhat familiar with the Wang family.

Miss Wang Er has a straightforward and bold temperament. She always wears men's clothes with a ponytail. She hangs out in the capital when she has nothing to do. She doesn't get along with Cheng Xiaosi and other girls, but she likes to play with these young men.

"It's good to drink wine. I'm not bragging. You can't compare to my drinking capacity combined. When I went to sea with my father, I drank wine as water."

"Where are you going to have a drink today? Can you take me with you?"

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