Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 392 Came to give her money again

In Cheng Xiaosi's heart, Yuan Sijin was not just talking nonsense, she really thought so. The more she talked, the more she felt that she would be at a loss in marriage. The main reason was that she had too much and her demands on Yuan Su were small.

"I need to think about this carefully."

"No." Yuan Sijin almost went crazy, "This is nothing to think about. Can you just pretend that I haven't been here today?"

"You're here."

Cheng Xiaosi remembered what Yuan Su had told her to do, to persuade Yuan Sijin, and immediately became energetic, "I remembered, your fifth brother asked me to tell you how not to be bullied."

Yuan Sijin didn't want to hear this now, but Cheng Xiaosi had already started, "We are all girls, and we will be sisters-in-law in the future. What I tell you is the truth, you have to remember it."

"Don't forget about yourself when you get married. You have to keep a hand in everything, you know. You must know that you are the only one you can rely on in this world. Man, I will die for you today. If I can't guarantee that I will be able to do it for another woman in a short time, Go to hell, just listen to what they say, believe it 70% to 80%, but don’t take it seriously.”

"You need to know one thing about my mother-in-law. Liu Muyun is from a poor family, and his family must have high hopes for him. In the eyes of his relatives, this is like ascending to heaven, which is a big deal. There is smoke coming out of the ancestral graves, and nine out of ten people think that You are all high-ranking, you just need to watch, don't rush to their house, you are a daughter of the Yuan family, you should have the dignity of a daughter of the Yuan family."

In Yuan Sijin's eyes, just eating porridge and side dishes every day means suffering a lot. Eating wild vegetables is just a fresh meal. She doesn't understand what life is like for people who eat wild vegetables as their staple food. In short, she They don't know the sufferings of the world at all. Liu Muyun's family lives in poverty. This kind of family gap takes time to get used to.

"Don't even think about giving money to the Liu family. You have good intentions, but in the eyes of others, you are just insulting them with money. In the end, they are enjoying a good life with your money, but in turn they are full of disrespect for you. Complaining is not worth the gain.”

"Don't be too generous with your actions. You have to know that a few taels of silver are extremely important in other people's eyes."

She talked a lot, whatever came to mind, and told Yuan Sijin all the situations she might encounter. Finally, "Your fifth brother said that your aunt has arranged enough people to take you with you, and also arranged a powerful mother-in-law." I'll follow you and let my mother-in-law talk about any inconvenient things when we get to Liu's house. The effect will be better than telling you in person."

"Fortunately, your time in the Liu family will not be long, and you will take up your post as soon as possible."

"Your father-in-law, you don't have to worry. I believe your father will have a heart-to-heart talk with him when he arrives."

Liu Muyun only seems to have a good future now, but there are too many variables in the process. Whenever he encounters some incompetent relatives who hold him back, the future will still be dull. Throughout the ages, how many second-place picks have become the top picks in the end? Can you be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister?

Yuan Sijian's heart became even heavier, "My mother told me that the Liu family has a simple population and has much less trouble than the wealthy families in Beijing, but she didn't say that."

"Because my aunt was also born as a rich lady, and she doesn't know that a poor family doesn't mean it's simple. Who doesn't have a few relatives?"

Yuan Sijin became even more confused about the future. Cheng Xiaosi patted her hand and said, "These are all possible. Just be aware of it. It's not a big deal if the soldiers come to block the water or the soil. After all, there are only two The most important thing is to keep your dowry and come back with the news after being wronged."

Yuan Sijin said "Hmm". Worried about her future, she temporarily forgot to dispel Cheng Xiaosi's worries. She pulled Cheng Xiaosi and talked about her uneasiness again. It wasn't until Cheng Xiaosi told her that she was happy that she sent her away. I felt refreshed when I left the house and on the way back home, and had more expectations for the future.

"Come back so soon?"

Just as Yuan Su returned home, Yuan Sijin came back. Hearing his fifth brother's voice, Yuan Sijin suddenly remembered what he had done and felt guilty for a while, "Ah, um."

Yuan Su was curious, "What did Xiaosi tell you?"


Yuan Sijin's eyes wandered, "Nothing?"

Yuan Su raised his eyebrows, "You didn't say anything?" "You did."

He's going to die, how can he explain this to Fifth Brother?
Also, why did she come back? Didn’t she still have to persuade Xiao Si?
I was hoping for a chance and thought, Xiaosi is so powerful, he should be able to convince himself, right?
Intuition told Yuan Su that there must be something going on here, "What exactly did you say? Tell the truth."

Yuan Sijin closed his eyes, and with a sudden heart, he told Yuan Su what Cheng Xiaosi said about marrying someone not worth it. Finally, he lowered his head and said, "I didn't mean to do it. I just haven't been in a good mood these days. As soon as I talked about Xiaosi, I said that it made sense, and said that it would be a loss to marry you. I persuaded her, but "

Yuan Sijin raised his eyes and glanced at Yuan Su quickly, "I think what Xiaosi said makes sense. She has so much dowry. It is said that the family even prepared a coffin for her and a well was dug for her. She comes to our house It's like eating and drinking is your own, and you have to help you work, be filial to your parents, give birth to your children, raise your children, and spend your own dowry to buy betrothal gifts and dowries for your children. I don't even know what she wants to marry. you."

This matter was getting darker and darker. After saying this, Yuan Sijin felt that he was really crazy and his legs were weak, "I, I, I don't know."

After saying that, he ran away. He had caused trouble, or it was something he couldn't solve.

Yuan Su felt like he was about to burst into tears. Is this really his sister?

He kindly asked Xiao Si to teach her his experience, but she also gave him to Huo Huo?
He raised his feet and was about to go out. He thought of something and turned back to his yard, but Cheng Xiaosi still saw him half an hour later and said calmly, "Is today another day when you don't go on errands?"

Yuan Su held a box in his arms, stepped forward and handed the box into Cheng Xiaosi's hand, "It's for you."

Cheng Xiaosi was curious, "What?"

"Bank notes."

"Why did you give me the banknote? It's not like I don't have money to spend."

After opening the box, Cheng Xiaosi took back what he said on the spot, "I don't have so much money to spend, how much is it here?"

"The silver note of two hundred thousand taels can be redeemed at any time."

Cheng Xiaosi.
"What happy event is this?"

"Or were you stimulated by something?"

By giving her so much money, could it be that he was thanking her for enlightening Yuan Sijin?

Yuan Su took the box from her hand and put it into Huahua's hand, saying, "Put it in your girl's room."

Huahua is in a daze, just envious, and...
The fifth young master is so generous, and she, a girl, watches it every day. This is going to hurt her. How will she face those little brothers who only have two or two months of money in the future?
As soon as she left, Yuan Su took Cheng Xiaosi's hand and said, "Sijin came to you and talked nonsense?"

"Why do you think it's a loss to marry me? I look so unreliable?"

Cheng Xiaosi suddenly realized, "It's just for this. Oh, that's what I said. Do you understand?"

"Don't take it seriously?"

Yuan Su looked at her seriously, "Don't you feel a loss?"

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