Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 395 Miss Wang 2, are you okay?

Tu Yao Niang raised her eyes, then lowered her eyes and sighed quietly. It would be great for a girl from a wealthy family in the city to have three thousand taels of silver when she gets married. Yuan Sijing is getting married, and Cheng Xiaosi is just adding makeup to buy it. The jewelry was thirty thousand taels. When she heard this number, she felt like she was dreaming, but she still asked if she would be considered stingy?

Who is generous when she is stingy? Who are you going to piss off?

Taking in all her expressions, Mrs. Qin smiled at Cheng Xiaosi and said, "That's enough, how can you be so stingy?"

The elders in the family knew that Yuan Su had sent two hundred thousand taels, and they only lamented that Wulang of the Yuan family was really generous, "That money was originally given to you, for you to spend on yourself, so you definitely don't have to think too much about it. Don’t think so much.”

"Today's account hasn't come out yet, please help."

"OK then."

Cheng Xiaosi sat down. Now she seemed to be proficient in accounting. Seeing that there was a large amount of money being transferred, she asked, "The new street will be built with an initial investment of one hundred thousand taels?"

Mrs. Qin nodded, "I made some estimates before, and the total cost is at least 500,000 taels. However, Gengoro contributed 100,000, and your brothers' friends also invested some money. Our own investment should be less than 200,000. Everything is fine.”

"That's okay."

Mrs. Qin said again, "Today we will transfer another 50,000 taels. Your second uncle will be of use, and we will also invest some money with the Wang family's business firm."

"It should."

Cheng Xiaosi crackled for a while, and then gave the account book to the accountant, who would handle the follow-up work. Tu Yaoniang, who had watched the whole process, had not caught up with the rhythm, and Mrs. Qin did not rush her. I heard that she paid for a hundred taels when she was at Tu's house. She had to rack her brains to save money. The Cheng family's debt was still too big for her and she needed time to get used to it.

"Gengoro, where are you going?"

On this day, Yuan Su came out of the Rites Office and was about to take the snacks he ordered early in the morning to deliver to Xiaosi. Just as he was about to get in the car, he heard a familiar voice. He frowned slightly. Miss Wang Er behind him stepped forward and said, "Yuan Wulang , are you going to find Cheng Xiaosi?"

Yuan Su turned around and asked, "Miss Wang, is there something wrong?"

Miss Wang Er said, "I went to Qianzi Garden today, but I couldn't get in. I heard that you are a regular visitor there. All the girls there are stunningly beautiful and talented. Please take me there."

Yuan Su refused her without hesitation, "I won't go."

"Are you afraid that Cheng Xiaosi will be unhappy?"

"Isn't it said that girls in the capital are the most generous, and they will take the initiative to help their husbands take concubines."

Yuan Su nodded, "I'm afraid that Xiao Si will be unhappy, so I won't go. Now I want to go talk to Xiao Si, so I'll take the first step."

"Then you still go to Hualou to have a drink?"

Miss Wang continued to pester Yuan Su as if she couldn't understand her face, "That's different. I can go to the Flower House to have a drink, and I can also go to Qianzi Garden, but I can't go with another woman."

"Miss Wang, no matter where you are, a woman's reputation is extremely important. You should cherish it."

After saying that, he got into the car directly. Ji Feng glanced at Miss Wang Er and drove away directly in the carriage. This girl most likely coveted the beauty of his young master. Oops, his young master’s appearance was nothing like it. Strange.

Watching the carriage go away, Miss Wang stamped her foot, and a man walked out from the corner not far away. Miss Wang's brother came forward and said cheerfully, "I'll just say it's useless. Young men from these aristocratic families in the capital." You know how to play, but they know the importance and have rules in their eyes, so you'd better follow us back, our Cang Fu man is the one suitable for you."

Miss Wang rolled her eyes at him, then turned and left, "Why don't we see a man who looks like this in our local area?"

The person next to him laughed, "You throw him on the boat for a month and put him in a coarse cloth coat. Soon he will no longer be like this. He will still be a dark and rough man."

“Do you understand people by their clothes?”

Miss Wang Er imagined the scene and sighed, "Heisheng is also the most handsome one. Forget it, go back. This capital is not suitable for me. I don't feel comfortable venting my anger here. The people here are not nice." A speaker can interpret eight hundred meanings in one word."

Looking up at the sky, I feel that the sky is not as blue as the seaside. When they arrived at Cheng's house, the janitor, who had become accustomed to Yuan Su's arrival, happily invited him in. He arrived at Cheng Xiaosi's yard, and Cheng Xiaosi was not surprised at all when he saw him coming again. , she is used to it.

"Come and give it a try. I made you a new pair of socks. I feel like you've improved a lot."

Yuan Su was a little surprised, "Is it done?"

Xiao Si had always said that she would help him make socks, but he actually didn't expect much. After all, Xiao Si's needlework skills couldn't be praised against his will.

"It's done. I checked it carefully. It's perfect."

The white socks made of fine cotton looked like they were cut out in a sewing room. Cheng Xiaosi only had to sew them together, but she was busy with such a simple task for a long time, as long as she felt that the needle was not working in her hand.

Yuan Su took it and looked at it carefully, with a smile on his face and eyes, "It's really good. I must have been working on it for a long time."

"a whole day."

Cheng Xiaosi felt quite accomplished, "Do you want to give it a try?"

"Let's not try it."

Yuan Su folded the baby and gave it to Cheng Xiaosi. He couldn't put it on yet. He had to wait until Xiaosi came through the door before he could put it on. He took Cheng Xiaosi's hand and said, "Don't do it in the future. It will hurt your hands and eyes." .”

Cheng Xiaosi nodded with a smile, "I think so too. Look at my fingers, they hurt when I touch them."

Several needle holes have not healed yet. Yuan Su sighed, "Thank you for your hard work."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled with curled eyelashes. Just when she was about to express her strong will, someone from her father's side came and said that she would invite Yuan Su to speak.


Yuan Su was helpless and had no choice. His father-in-law had been displeased with him for a day or two, and he didn't know what to say to him soon.

As soon as the person left, Huahua walked up to her, a little worried, "Girl, will the Fifth Young Master think you are stupid?"

Cheng Xiaosi.
"Is it possible that he always thought I was extremely smart?"

Her character is just not very smart and timid, right?
"Besides, I'm just not good at female work. It's not a crime, right? I'm very proficient in what else the embroiderer needs to do. We can't take away the embroiderer's work because she still has to support the family."

Huahua: As long as you are happy.

"How to make the old man happy?"

Yuan Su thought his father-in-law was going to do something to him. He was a little dumbfounded when he heard the question. Cheng Daqi said fiercely, "I think you are quite capable in this area. Tell me quickly."

"No tricks."

Yuan Su chose to tell the truth honestly, "Just use your heart."


Cheng Daqi asked him to talk carefully, and Yuan Su suddenly came back to his senses, "Father-in-law hasn't been to Xiao's house for some time, right?"

Cheng Daqi nodded, "There are a lot of things going on lately, so I have no time to spare."

"Excuse." Yuan Su said bluntly, "If you really want to, how can you not have time?" (End of Chapter)

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