Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 406 Uncle, is he going to die?

Xiao He said that today she would show Cheng Daqi some color and settle old and new grudges together. Seeing that the Cheng family could not persuade her, they sent someone to invite the old lady of the Xiao family and told Cheng Daqi to hide away for the time being. , if you come back like this, you will have to be torn into pieces.

Because he did not make trouble for the third prince, the emperor praised Cheng Daqi again in the court today for taking away his worries. Cheng Daqi looked frightened on his face, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He knew that the emperor was not a generous person, and he only had his own son. If you hit him, you can't even stare at him twice.

After getting off the bed, I happily talked to Yuan Pei. Now I see that in the second half of the year, I should be preparing for the New Year Festival again.

As soon as he walked out of the palace gate, the Cheng family's boy ran up and said, "Uncle, it's not good."

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that there were still outsiders around, the young man didn't dare to say anything, so Yuan Pei took the initiative to hand over his hand, "Uncle, if you decide what you just mentioned earlier, it will be easier for you to make subsequent arrangements. I will take the first step."

"Master Yuan, walk slowly."

After the people left, the young man quickly said the matter, "The madam took her mace and wanted to fight you. The old lady and the second madam stopped her and asked you to hide and don't go back for the time being."

Cheng Daqi subconsciously didn't believe it when he heard that his son was bleeding all over the floor after being beaten by him. Dead hand, why is it so serious?
Thinking about the strange look in his eyes a few days ago, I felt even more annoyed. I just felt that that bastard was lawless and must have married the daughter of the Marquis of Wenchang on purpose to make him angry. It was really hateful.

"It must be that kid who is pretending."

"Go home."

He wanted to see for himself how well that kid was pretending, and to see him expose him with two slaps.

The angry Cheng Daqi didn't listen to the boy's explanation at all. He had lost a lot of weight and got on the carriage. "Why are you still standing there? Go back quickly."

The boy sighed, he was going back to die. With this attitude, he would peel off his skin even if he didn't die.

At this moment, the Xiao family had already visited Cheng Yousan. When they learned that he fainted and vomited even if he moved slightly, and had no energy, they immediately became furious. The first person to speak was Cheng Yousan's aunt, Xiao Hongfei. The eldest aunt of the Xiao family, the eldest lady of the Xiao family, "What kind of temperament does my brother-in-law have? How can he beat his son on the bed? The youngest is so old, but the father is still so careless."

"If you make a big mistake, you will be punished according to family law. But everyone's family law is to slap on the butt or slap on the back. There is no reason to say hello to the head. The head is such an important place. If this is a stupid slap, What's so great about it?"

"This is my son. He has not been liked by his father since he was a child. He has been beating him every three days. He is addicted to beatings. How much hatred is there?"

Mrs. Xiao also had a serious face, "It has indeed passed."

The old lady of the Cheng family originally asked her relatives to give some advice to her daughter, but it was hard to say anything when she saw her lose her temper. It was indeed the wrong thing that that bastard did.

Mrs. Xiao saw her embarrassment and said, "My dear, don't be anxious. Little Laosan is very lucky this time. Didn't the doctor say that he can be recuperated? That's a blessing. If he is really beaten stupid, I don't know where he will go." Regret, let’s just wait and see what Xiaolaosan’s father has to say?”

This was to be explained clearly when Cheng Daqi came back. Mrs. Qin remembered that she had sent someone to hide her eldest brother, and she didn't know how long it would take.

Cheng Xiaosi sat beside Cheng Yousan's bed and glared at Cheng Yousan angrily, "I asked my mother, this morning my father promised you to marry Yu Jinling. He must have remembered the way you were giggling before. , tell me, are you asking for it? You clearly know what your father and second brother are thinking, but you still have no taboo at all about causing trouble. Are you okay now?"

"Second brother doesn't know yet when he returns to the academy. When he finds out, he will most likely come to his senses. Then he will have to give you a punch to make you arrogant, make you unable to hide things in your mind, and make you so unstable." Cheng Yousan I was so dizzy, my head was still hurting, I couldn't sleep, and I heard Cheng Xiaosi say that I regretted it, and I was indeed not very stable.

"If second brother wants to beat me later, you should stop him for me. At least wait until I get better."

"Deserved it."

Cheng Xiaosi was still worried about his head, "It's better now. Both of us, brother and sister, have head problems. We can go out together to blackmail people in the future."

"Hey hey hey~~~"

Cheng Yousan tugged at the corner of his mouth and almost vomited again. Cheng Xiaosi was so frightened that he quickly shut up, "Close your eyes and go to sleep. I'll drink a bowl of sugar water later."

Cheng Daqi came back quickly and hurried in. Those who didn't know thought he was worried about Cheng Yousan's situation. As soon as he entered the yard, he yelled, "Where is that bastard? Is he still alive? Drag him out."

"You want to drag the water out?"

Mrs. Cheng, who was originally quite worried about her son, was very angry now and felt that she should teach this bastard a good lesson, "I asked, where did the third child offend you, do you want to beat him hard? "

"Mom, please leave it alone. That bastard must be pretending to be sick. I must teach him a lesson today."

Xiao He was angry. After her anger, she calmed down and said, "Then say what you said again."

Cheng Daqi felt guilty for a while, and then he realized that people from the Xiao family had also arrived, and he felt even more uneasy. Cheng Xiaosi said, "Dad, the third brother didn't pretend to be sick. You slapped the third brother on the temple. Then The place is so fragile. The nosebleed kept flowing and it took a lot of effort to stop it. The doctor was inserting needles and giving medicine, which was quite dangerous."

She really doesn't know how to help her father this time, hey.


Xiao He sneered, "What, you mean so many of us united to lie to you?"

The eldest sister-in-law of the Xiao family spoke again at this time, complaining to Cheng Daqi for a while. She couldn't stand spanking children the most, especially when a man beats a child. What kind of skill is that?
"Brother-in-law, please tell us all, what did the youngest do wrong to make you treat him like this?"

Cheng Daqi was completely panicked, and walked in to see Cheng Yousan. Cheng Yousan didn't want to see him, so he closed his eyes directly. He smelled the faint smell of blood in the room, and Cheng Daqi sighed heavily, with endless regret. The intention surged.

In order not to disturb Cheng Yousan's rest, everyone went to Mrs. Cheng's yard. Cheng Daqi remained silent in the face of everyone's scolding. At this moment, Xiao He was extremely disappointed with him, "How many children have you taken care of? They are all big." The third child was the naughtiest when he was little, and he always made you angry, so you beat him frequently. Of all the children, he is the only one who has ever been beaten by you."

"After so many years, you have become a grandfather, and the third child has also started a family. You still beat him from time to time. It is because the third child is careless. If it were another person, I am afraid he would hate you."

"When he gets married, are you going to beat him up if you don't agree with him? Is such a big kid so shameless?"

Cheng Daqi raised his eyes to look at her and saw the extreme disappointment in her eyes. His heart suddenly hurt, and he weakly defended himself, "I was angry at the time, so I wanted to teach him a lesson. It's not serious because I was angry. It's my fault. "

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