Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 41 You Qinglian: Join if you can't beat it

Chapter 41 You Qinglian: Join if you can't beat it
This evening brought long-lost joy to the Cheng family. The dishes on the table were complete and sumptuous, and there were bursts of laughter. Even the tabby cat brought its cubs over to join in the fun. Mother and son shared a fish. Huabao Station Followed by a piece of silly music on the big vase in the house.

Under the ostentation of the servants in the mansion, Uncle Shunyi bought up the flower market in order to surprise his wife, and bought a lot of jewelry to please his wife. The matter spread like wildfire, which made Xiao He, who appeared on the birthday of Mr. Zhang, the Minister of the Ministry of War, a lot more. focus on.

"Mrs. Cheng, you look even more radiant after not seeing me for a few days."

"Mrs. Cheng, come and sit down, we haven't had a good talk together for a long time."

"Mrs. Cheng, today's hairstyle is unique and gorgeous, but the one given by my uncle?"

Xiao He, who had been to banquets many times, had never received such attention before, and he felt a little uncomfortable for a while. His jokes made everyone laugh, and he received a new round of congratulations from the ladies.

These powerful wives are all good people. A few days ago, Uncle Shunyi and his son once again contributed 10 taels of silver. The emperor praised him greatly in the court, saying that he would use the 10 taels to widen the roads from several cities to the capital, so as to make it easier for the people to come and go. Under such circumstances, as long as Uncle Shunyi is willing, it is very easy for his son to find a more idle position in the court.

Besides, the Cheng family now goes out in glamorous outfits and no longer pretends to be the same as before, which gives everyone some breathing space. In addition, there is also a fourth daughter of the Cheng family who has received a baby phoenix. The future of the Cheng family can initially see some brilliance. Naturally, everyone Is willing to give face.

Feng Ming, I don't know whether she will end up in the emperor's harem as a concubine or in the prince's mansion, it doesn't matter where she goes.

"Mrs. Cheng, the fourth lady in the family is going to grow up with Ji?"

Xiao He said with a smile: "There are still more than a month left, so I won't bother all the ladies to come and watch the ceremony."

I originally wanted to do it in a low-key manner, but which girl from a wealthy family would not do it in a grand manner?

Her little four should also do a big job.

Everyone started talking and laughing again, saying, "You can look up to such a good family," and "I don't know which son is so lucky." Despite everyone's excitement, they never thought about letting their son be married. The Yan family's experiences are still vivid. At present, Mrs. Yan has not recovered yet.

Finally, sisters You Qinglian and You Qinghuan, who were picked up by the young lady, could hardly hold back the smiles on their faces when they heard what the wives were talking about, and seeing the young lady who was walking in front of them clenched her hands even tighter. The handkerchief in his hand, Cheng Xiaosi used to walk behind them.

"Xiaosi, are everything they said true?"

You Qinglian took two quick steps and stood shoulder to shoulder with the fourth lady, "Did you really get a little phoenix?"

"That's right." The fourth lady nodded, "Actually, it's just a golden pheasant, and it's just called Little Phoenix by everyone."

"Xiao Si, my cousin is really happy for you."

You Qinglian happily held Xiao Si Niang's hand, "You used to be too scared to raise your head when going out to banquets. Today, my cousin sees that you are generous and generous, and you also got the legendary little phoenix. Your life will be even easier in the future."

"Xiaosi's outfit today is really nice."

Xiao Si Niang said with a smile, "I have been learning from my cousin seriously recently, and I am very happy to be praised by my cousin today."

Join if you can't beat him. This You Qinglian is more powerful than she thought. She thought that You Qinglian would be unable to hold back when others were praising her.

You Qinglian smiled more and more happily. She was born well, and she was dressed very well today. Even if she looked like a sister with her little fourth lady, she still attracted the attention of many people. She was a master.

"Cheng Xiaosi must be a fool."

When You Jinling saw this scene, she couldn't wait to go forward and spit hard. Obviously, her mother had already grounded the mother and daughter. As long as Uncle Shunyi didn't meddle in other people's business, her mother could take advantage of the situation and take You Qinglian's hand. Marry far away.

"Her brain must have been eaten by a dog."

"Cousin, let's sit in the gazebo."

The little fourth lady had no friends, and no one took the initiative to come up and say hello to her. She wanted to find a corner to sit still, which was against You Qinglian's ideas. How could she just sit there after finally going out for once?
Seeing that she didn't want Xiao Si Niang to say that she was dizzy, this excuse was very useful, and You Qinglian didn't dare to force her, after all, it was the head that had been opened, "Cousin will send you to sit there, and then my sister and I will go Go shopping, and call you if there is anything interesting?"


She wanted to see how the pair of sisters would start without her company, and how they would draw everyone's attention to her.

As soon as the two sisters walked away, You Jinling came back full of anger. The young lady looked at her leisurely and asked:
"Are you going to say I'm sick?"

"Cheng Xiaosi, are you sick?"

You Jinling asked this question almost at the same time, and then sat next to her, "Cheng Xiaosi, can't you see that their sisters have always been using you? Can't you see that they have always put you down and raised them up?" alone?"

"Are you really stupid or fake?"

Xiao Si Niang asked with a smile, "What can I do if I see it?"

She also has Fat Dad behind her. Even though she seems to have been convinced now, the thought she has spent on the mother and daughter over the years is not fake. It has become a habit. She can persuade Fat Dad now mainly because of her. We are on the same front as him, so there is no rush.

You Jinling didn't care about that, "If you still have any brains, you can't let them take advantage of you like this. You must deal with them severely."

Xiao Si Niang raised her eyebrows, "You hate them?"

"After so many years, have you got anything good from them?"

what's good?

Speaking of this, Yu Jinling became even more angry. The good thing was that she was blamed by her father, saying that she had no tolerance for others and that she was not as good as a concubine. Her mother was also blamed together, which made her feel aggrieved just thinking about it.

You Qinglian can drive her crazy!

Xiao Si Niang handed her a walnut, "Complement the shape with the shape."

You Jinling looked at the walnuts in her hand for a while before realizing that the young lady was scolding her. Just as she was about to speak, the young lady stood up, "Let's go shopping together?"

You Jinling snorted coldly, "Aren't you afraid that your cousin will cry after seeing this?"

Xiao Si Niang said, "When the time comes, I will say that I will take the initiative to watch you, lest you play tricks."

How honest she is, but unfortunately, Eugene Ling doesn't believe it.

Today is Mrs. Zhang's birthday, naturally many people came to congratulate her. The ladies present have the ability to turn any banquet into a blind date, and the master is happy to arrange it. To avoid suspicion, I saw sister You Qinglian talking to the two men from a distance, and the atmosphere looked pretty good.

"Fox spirit."

You Jinling couldn't stand it, "It's like she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to show off."

Later, I saw the two sisters approaching Mrs. Wenchanghou, looking like filial piety and good daughters. The fourth lady tilted her head and said, "Look at her brain, how good it is."

Knowing that taking advantage of the power of the head of the house, Mrs. Wenchanghou would not only show them embarrassment on such an occasion, but would even praise them a few words.

You Jinling was about to step forward angrily, but the fourth lady grabbed her and said, "Warm reminder, at this time, if you go up with a gun and a stick to scold them, it will only make you appear domineering and bully the concubine and concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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