Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 418 Xiao Zhanpeng felt sorry for his old son-in-law

With Cheng Yousan as a living treasure, the already lively Xiao family became even more lively. The bodyguards and escorts who came back with them all sat at the dining table after finishing their work, eating meat and drinking wine. Cheng Yousan was diligently serving food to others. Drinking wine, I asked people how their new business was going and if there was anything particularly interesting.

These escorts all knew Cheng Yousan, and they were outgoing. They laughed quite loudly when they talked about interesting things. They even told Cheng Yousan about the new rules they saw outside. Cheng Yousan nodded repeatedly and wished he could go there himself. trip.

Cheng Xiaosi and Yuan Su were sitting in the garden talking to her grandmother. Mrs. Xiao said that Xiao Chengli was back and the family had to prepare for his wedding. Cheng Xiaosi was curious, "Should we do it in the capital or go back to our hometown?"

"Of course I want to go back to my hometown."

Xiao Chengxin and Xiao Chengli were both engaged to be married. They were also girls from Xiao Zhanpeng's old friend's family. One family ran a martial arts school, and the other family was a horse dealer. It was said that the girls from both families had good tempers and were quite skilled.

Cheng Xiaosi glanced at Yuan Su with a smile, told him about the backgrounds of his two future cousins, and joked: "In this way, both men and women in my grandpa's family are masters."

Yuan Su smiled and stood up, cupping his hands and saying, "Please Xiaosi, please protect me from now on."

Cheng Xiaosi was overjoyed, and Mrs. Xiao also laughed, "This girl is getting more and more naughty."

At this moment, the emperor had already met Xiao Zhanpeng. Seeing that the old man was still so energetic after running away for several months, he was very envious in his heart. "You don't need to be polite, old man. How about this new business road?"

Xiao Zhanpeng replied respectfully, "When I return to the Emperor, it is much better than expected. The road is not difficult, but we have to pass through a long stretch of desert. It is nearly three days of journey with no human habitation and no water source. This journey is quite smooth." , but if too many people leave, that place will easily breed bandits."

"The grassland ministries are very interested in the road we are taking, but they dare not cross that desert yet. According to the grassland people, the desert over there is an ominous place."

"As far as we know, the local grassland tribes are among the most difficult in the entire grassland. The main reason is the shortage of food. However, they have a large amount of furs, dried meat and considerable medicinal materials, and they also have open-pit coal mines. "

Xiao Zhanpeng talked about what he saw and learned in detail. A flash of light flashed in the emperor's eyes, and he immediately decided to build a mutual market in that desert. Not to mention that it was a grassland, even if it was all sand, it was theirs. The land in Xijin must be conquered first.

The coal mine is good, but there are other mines that are better. What should I do? I am greedy and want to take over that piece of grassland.

"You've had a hard time on this trip, old man."

Xiao Zhanpeng hurriedly saluted and spoke as he spoke, most afraid that the emperor would suddenly be polite.

Cheng Daqi said that the opening up of new business channels would mean more opportunities, and more and more merchants would try their luck, but it was still too scattered for the court. There should be some kind of yamen that could directly control these people. Set up inns on the road, etc.

The emperor thought the same way. His eyes fell on Cheng Daqi and he had an idea in his mind.

You must know that he is very satisfied with Cheng Daqi's performance this year, but he has never given Cheng Daqi much real power. So far, Cheng Daqi only has the title of uncle and no official position.

"Daqi, I want to open a trading company, a trading company affiliated with the imperial court, what do you think?"

Cheng Daqi hurriedly handed over his hand and said, "Your Majesty is wise." It should have been there a long time ago.

The emperor smiled and picked up the tea, "I will think about this again."

Xiao Zhanpeng thinks the emperor's words are very interesting. You don't even know what he means. It's just a matter of one sentence whether you can do it or not. What else are you thinking about?
The key is that he brought it up himself. Suddenly he felt sorry for this old son-in-law. He would have to deal with the emperor tomorrow. No wonder he has lost weight.

When he left the palace, he let out a deep breath. Not to mention, meeting the emperor was more tiring than going to escort him.

With the arrival of this batch of goods, the city became more and more lively, and each family began to clean up the goods that night. They originally planned to sell the goods in batches, but they chose to take the goods to the New Year Fair to sell them in pieces. After all, the price is higher when sold in pieces. , and some people are already preparing for their next departure.

Cheng Daqi is even busier. The emperor has entrusted him with some of the errands of Xinshangdao. He also has to worry about the New Year Festival. Fortunately, Cheng Daqi can help share some of the work, otherwise he may have to lose two pounds. catty.

At this time, the emperor announced the establishment of a trading house affiliated with the imperial court, which did not allow outside merchants to take shares. Even the trading firm previously established with the Wang family would be affiliated with this trading bank. The person in charge of the trading bank was Cheng Daqi.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that this is a huge fat loss. The trading houses that rely on the imperial court will be unparalleled in disadvantages. Everyone wants to get a piece of the pie. Cheng Daqi suddenly became the favorite of the imperial court. It was difficult to walk out of the palace gate, and the people who came up to me were group after group.

"Uncle, please don't forget about your position as a lower official. As long as you can serve the court, it doesn't matter what position you are in."

"Uncle, there are sons in Xiaguan's family who are quite knowledgeable about business. If the opportunity is right, please give me a chance. I would be very grateful."

"Uncle Shunyi, congratulations. I'm afraid you will be busy now. If you need help at any time, I will definitely help you."

Cheng Daqi was busy chatting with these people. The emperor had just mentioned it before. He had no preparation. Who did he want when he didn't know anything yet?

I finally got out of the palace, and as soon as I sat down at home, Xiao He came and asked him if something had happened. "Five greeting cards came in within an hour. Some people I didn't know very well before."

Cheng Daqi explained the reason, Xiao He sighed, turned around and went to find Qin. He felt that he might not have a good time this year, and he didn't know how tired he would be.

Mrs. Qin was very busy, because Cheng Sanniang was going to get married in half a month. Fortunately, Tu Yao Niang could take care of half of the work now, otherwise she would have had to capture Cheng Xiaosi to be a young man. After listening to Xiao He's words, she looked up at the sky. Taking a deep breath, "It's also a good thing."

Xiao He said that starting from today, she would go to the escort agency in the morning and stay at home in the afternoon. After all, the escort agency was also very busy at the end of the year.

"I told Lin Xiang about the accounts. She can help. Xiao Si shouldn't let her idle. Sanniang, please don't tire her anymore and let her have a good rest."

Tu Yao Niang beside her had not been feeling well these past two days. She didn’t know that the Cheng family would be so busy at the end of the year, so she suppressed the discomfort in her body and said nothing. Xiao He’s sharp eyes saw that her face was a little swollen, and it was more swollen than before. It's whiter, but it's not even bloody yet. "Is Yugyeom's wife not feeling well?"

"Let me see if you are like this?"

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