Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 422: Serious Cheng Xiao 1

Chapter 422 The serious Cheng Xiaosi

In the minds of these Yuan family members, Cheng Xiaosi must be as beautiful as a fairy. Otherwise, how could Yuan Su, who was accustomed to seeing all kinds of beauties around flowers, be obsessed with her?
With this idea, when they saw Cheng Xiaosi, they felt more curious than disappointed. After all, Cheng Xiaosi and the words "beautiful as a fairy" are not closely related.

"Xiao Si has been reduced?"

Mrs. Yuan hadn't seen Cheng Xiaosi for some time, and she noticed that she had lost a lot of weight. Her round face was no longer round, and her eyes were a little bigger than before.

Xiao He said with a smile: "My family is busy these days. This girl has to help the housekeeper, look after the accounts, and take care of some trivial matters. She has indeed lost some weight."

It should be said that everyone in the Cheng family has lost weight and is tired.

Mrs. Qin also said: "These days, everything at home, big and small, has been piled up. Fortunately, my mistress is a capable person. Otherwise, I don't know what to do. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I'm so busy that I can't even pay for the dowry for my daughter's wedding." It’s all thanks to Xiaosi’s help.”

The girls in the family have to be carried regardless of whether they are married or not. Besides, the girls from the Cheng family can already do it.

The look of satisfaction in Mrs. Yuan's eyes could not be hidden. She still remembered that when the two families first got engaged, the girl Xiaosi didn't seem to know much about anything. I heard that she couldn't even read the account books. Now she can help the housekeeper. It can be seen that Over the past year or so, I have not wasted any time studying.

As a party involved, Cheng Xiaosi only had to stand with a smile on his face. Business promotion matters could be completed by just a few elders. Feeling a few appreciative glances, Cheng Xiaosi looked sideways and saw that it was Yuan Yuan. Several girls in the family look a bit like Yuan Sijin.

Xiao He said: "Xiaosi, take the three girls for a walk in the garden. It's getting boring just sitting there."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, smiled and invited a few girls to go to Cheng's garden. The girls looked at each other, and Cheng Xiaosi was even more blatant. He asked, "How did your appearance make our fifth brother so fascinated?"

"Is there something on my face?"

Cheng Xiaosi said she couldn't stand it anymore. She could clearly feel that these people had something to say, but the words came to her lips but they couldn't come out, which made her feel very distorted.

Yuan Siting was the youngest among them. She looked at Cheng Xiaosi and boldly said, "Sister Fifth County Principal, how do you know my fifth brother?"

Yuan Siyun and Yuan Siyin felt that this question was too low-level. They must have met at the banquet.

Sure enough, I immediately heard Cheng Xiaosi say that they met when they went to a banquet.

Yuan Siyin personally went into battle, "We are a little curious, is it the county owner who likes the fifth brother first or the fifth brother who likes the county owner first?"

"Then it must be your fifth brother who fell in love with me first."

Cheng Xiaosi answered seriously, "You know that your fifth brother's reputation was not very good at that time, so I was still very worried, but your fifth brother was so devoted to me that he couldn't tolerate anyone else except me." I have never seen such a cute and interesting girl, elegant and refined, dignified and generous, gentle and pleasant. I have seen some vulgar and boring girls before. For me, I will no longer set foot in the ten-mile flower field. Whenever I appear, he is always there, and I am moved by his affection, and this is how we got married."

"Of course, it was the emperor's gift of marriage that increased my affection. I can't run away."

Three girls who are new to the world.
Little Cheng Qing, who ran over to see if there were any children, covered her mouth. At such a young age, she already knew that her fourth aunt was good at bragging.

Yuan Siyun said with some difficulty, "So the county master and fifth brother are in love?"

"That's right." Cheng Xiaosi's face was not red, his heart was not beating, "Your fifth brother is so affectionate, why should I not accept it?"

"Is there anything else you want to know?"

The three girls looked at each other, feeling inexplicably and deeply powerless. They felt that what Cheng Xiaosi said was not true, but they were unable to refute.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled at them and said, "If you want to know anything, just ask me and I will tell you. Sijin and I have a good relationship. You are her sisters, so we can talk together."

"Let's go and take you to visit our Cheng family's garden. It's not as big as the Yuan family's garden, but it's still pretty."

The three girls followed her and continued to walk forward. They didn't know what to say. They just followed Cheng Xiaosi in a daze, and they seemed to be as quiet as the others.

After returning, the three girls sat together. Yuan Siyin slapped her leg, "What a mistake. I didn't ask a lot of questions. I don't think what the fifth sister-in-law said was true."

Yuan Siyun also sighed, "I was confused at the time. I originally prepared several questions, but in the end I didn't ask any of them."

The three of them sighed for a while, and finally said, "Sister-in-law Five is so amazing."

It happened that Ji Feng came back to get something for Yuan Su, and was immediately caught by three girls. They asked him what was going on with Yuan Su and Cheng Xiaosi. Ji Feng, who was already extremely gossipy, started to talk about Yuan Su. Su Su secretly stared at Cheng Xiaosi, "That's because he tried his best to kidnap the county lord out for fun. He wished he could buy the capital and send it to the county lord. If he didn't see anything rare, he would consider it first. Does the County Lord like it?"

Jifeng felt that sometimes his young master was quite worthless.

The three girls were even more dumbfounded when they heard that this was really the case, "How did Fifth Brother fall in love with the County Lord? I don't think the County Lord is a beautiful woman?"

Jifeng said, "In the eyes of the young master, there is no such a good girl in the world. He thinks that the county master is good everywhere. This kind of thing cannot be explained."

"I have to take something for the young master to the Ministry of Etiquette, so I won't tell the three girls."

Looking at Jifeng's hurried away figure, the three girls were in a trance. Their emotions were as blank as a piece of white paper, and they really couldn't figure out the mystery.

It was a beautiful day, with firecrackers blasting and guests gathering. The bustle of Shunyi Bo Mansion could be spread across two streets. When the eldest son of the Jiang family came to greet the bride on a tall horse, the excitement of Shunyi Bo Mansion reached its peak. The door was full of boys, each one catching the groom and making fun of him.

There were so many guests that Mrs. Qin and Mr. Cheng had no time to feel sad. They were busy greeting the guests. Today, everyone from the Cheng family was here. Cheng Xiaosi was not as busy as before, so he was accompanying her third sister in the yard. , Cheng Sanniang, who couldn't sit still, was still holding a book in her hand. It was one of the betrothal gifts sent by the Jiang family. It was an arithmetic book. She felt that it could help her improve her ability to read and calculate accounts. She had been thinking about it in the past two days when she had nothing to do. .

"Third sister, shouldn't you be shy at this time, or show reluctance and shed a few tears?"

Xi Niang also nodded, feeling that this was right. Such a calm bride was really rare.

Cheng Sanniang smiled and said: "The Jiang family is only a few steps away from the Cheng family. I can come back anytime I want. I'll cry and have to put my makeup back on again."

Cheng Xiaosi stepped forward with a smile on his face, "Third Sister said it so clearly and simply, please don't cry for a while."

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