Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 425 Cheng 2 Young Master is also a rich man

Chapter 425 The second young master Cheng is also a rich man

Cheng Youer was determined not to make life easy for Yuan Su. If he dared to ignore his uncle, he would have to bear the consequences.

Yuan Su sighed in his heart, Xiaosi finally came to him, why was he so happy that he ignored his uncle?

Why are uncles so difficult to deal with?
"Look at this mask, it's interesting."

When they arrived at Juhua City, Yuan Su picked up a fox hairpin mask and gestured it in front of Cheng Xiaosi's eyes. Cheng Youer stepped forward and said, "It's not bad, Xiaosi, do you like it?"

Cheng Xiaosi nodded and said it was pretty good-looking. Cheng Youer paid for it on the spot and gave Yuan Su an attentive look. Yuan Su took a deep breath and said, "Second uncle."

Do you know how to call me uncle-in-law at this time?

Cheng Youer raised his eyebrows, "Let's go and continue shopping."

Yuan Su stepped forward to block his way, took two steps back and bowed to him, "Second uncle, I have offended a lot of people today, so I would like to invite you to Haihan."

"I got a Qingzhou inkstone the day before yesterday. I will give it to my second uncle to apologize to him."

Take the advantage and let me go.

Cheng Youer said cheerfully, "What are you doing? Why are you offending me when you go shopping? I already have three Qingzhou inkstones, so you should keep them for use."

If you want to bribe him, how can he, the dignified young master of Shunyi House, be without an inkstone?

Seeing the candied haws, he excitedly said to Cheng Xiaosi: "Xiaosi, if you want to eat candied haws, my second brother will buy it for you."

Cheng Xiaosi's eyelashes curled up as he smiled, "Then let's have a bunch."

Yuan Susheng was hopeless and felt that his second uncle was more difficult to deal with than his third uncle. Why was he so difficult?

The three of them continued to walk together. Whenever Yuan Su wanted to be a peacock, Cheng Youer would come out and embarrass the scenery, piercing Yuan Su's throat like a thorn, making him unable to spit it out and swallow it. The only solace was Xiao Si has been walking beside him and will take the initiative to talk to him.

I will never dare to offend my uncle or anything else again.

Ji Feng, who was waiting at the back, felt that his young master was somewhat pitiful at the moment. This was the result of getting carried away. Who made him unable to see his uncle? Damn it!

There are countless chrysanthemums in the chrysanthemum market, with different shapes, but they are almost all yellow and white, with almost no other colors. Even if there are, they are purple after the chrysanthemums bloom. Cheng Xiaosi walked around and said, "I thought Are there any rare varieties, such as green ones?”

Yuan Su said: "Those who won't be placed in this place, even if they are there, they will be bought at a high price."

Cheng Youer glanced at him and said, "They are all ordinary goods. The ones in the house are more beautiful than the ones here. So what are you doing here?"

I just want to find a place to hang out with Xiaosi, right?
"As long as you look at it carefully, every flower has its own unique charm."

Cheng Youer sneered, "It seems that Young Master Yuan Wu has quite a lot of experience in appreciating flowers, and he is also a person who cares about fragrance and jade. In Young Master Yuan Wu's eyes, these chrysanthemums in front of him must be cute in their own way, right?"

Cheng Xiaosi tilted his head and glanced at him, then turned to look at Yuan Su. Yuan Su was very flustered. He just wanted to talk about nice things. What was he sarcastic about?
"It's just a pot of flowers. My second uncle is worrying too much."

Cheng Youer felt refreshed, Cheng Xiaosi sighed quietly, and he felt a little pitiful for Yuan Su. "Second brother doesn't like these ordinary flowers and plants very much. Why don't you go back and Mr. Yuanwu and I will go shopping again."

He gave it up when he saw it was good, and if it continued like this, he stepped forward and lowered his voice in front of Cheng Youer, "Second brother, don't ruin my good deeds."

Cheng Youer raised his eyebrows, "It's to ruin his good deeds."

Cheng Xiaosi looked like you didn't understand, "It's hard for me to take advantage of him like this. With a guy like this, if I take any advantage, it will be a loss."

Cheng Youer's eyes were complicated. He felt that Xiaosi was probably led astray by the third child. What were they talking about?
Cheng Xiaosi lowered his voice and said, "Second brother, learn from this. If you see the right girl, you should take action. Don't wait. You can't be too reserved about your feelings. If you miss it, you will really miss it."

"Look at me, look at Third Brother, just waiting is not enough."

Cheng Daqi has already talked to Cheng Youer. As a father, he is the person who can understand Cheng Youer best, but no matter how understanding he is, he will not allow his son to be a bachelor. He does not know what the father and son talked about. Cheng You Er no longer objected to seeing girls, but he asked for more. According to Cheng Xiaosi's opinion, he could only give him one by squeezing it with mud.

"Let's go back."

Cheng Youer felt that Cheng Xiaosi was crossing the river to burn bridges. Cheng Xiaosi continued to lower his voice and said with a smile, "Just look at this situation. Everyone in the family is in pairs. You are the only one who will be a glorious bachelor. What will you do in the future?" It’s all so frustrating, so lonely and alone.”

"You should open your heart and take a closer look. Aren't these flowers beautiful?"

"Take a closer look at one, don't you think it's pretty?"

"I won't disturb you anymore. You can appreciate it slowly. Really, you will definitely be able to appreciate the beauty of these flowers."

As he spoke, he patted his arm, then turned to Yuan Su and held his hand with a smile, "Let's go."

Yuan Su turned his head three times with each step, "Second uncle, won't you come with us?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "He wants to enjoy the flowers slowly alone."

Yuan Su was overjoyed, and immediately felt that the flowers in front of him were more beautiful, the air was better, and it was not cold anymore.

Watching the two of them walking away, Cheng Youer turned his head and looked at the pot of chrysanthemums in front of him. They were the most popular chrysanthemums in the past two years, but the pot in front of him was obviously inferior in quality. Cheng Youer's eyes kept falling. Looking at the flower on the branch that was still trying to bloom even though it was not in good condition, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that there was some truth in what Cheng Xiaosi said. He actually thought that the flower was still pretty.

A waiter came up and replaced the pot of flowers with a pot of flowers that bloomed better and looked better. He smiled and said to Cheng You: "This young man likes these flowers. Buy this pot now." You can give me the basin you just looked at."

Cheng Youer didn't say anything. He admired this pot again and then smiled. He did think that the pot he replaced just now was beautiful, but this pot was obviously in better condition, both in terms of branches and flower shapes. It wants to be more beautiful, so why wouldn’t he want a better pot if he has the conditions?

"Just this basin."

The waiter smiled and asked him whether he would deliver it to his door or take him away directly. Cheng Youer took a look at the flowers in this shop and felt that the yard where he lived should also be decorated. It was so embarrassing to be harmed by the third child, "This row, I want those pots over there and take them out to see if there are any that are in better condition.”

The second young master Cheng is also a rich man.

"You sent my second uncle back, will he not be angry?"

When Yuan Su said this, the smile on his lips could hardly be suppressed. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "Maybe, or maybe I won't go back at all. My second brother is very boring. Ever since that You Qinglian died, After that, he showed a despairing attitude, and his mental state was sometimes good and sometimes bad, but overall it was developing in a good direction. I decided to take him out more often in the future to avoid reading him stupidly. ”

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