Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 429 The emperor made a big deal for Cheng Daqi

Chapter 429 The emperor made a big deal for Cheng Daqi
"The people here today are all a family, all brothers and sisters, and there aren't that many rules. You can do whatever you like. If you need anything, just ask the stewards here."

Du Linxiang greeted everyone and then went to the side to talk with Tu Yao Niang. It was rare for Cheng Xiaosi and the four sisters to reunite now, so naturally they had endless things to talk about. Erniu Xiaojun and other three sons-in-law also gathered together to talk. Experience.

"Yuanwu, your good life is decided, congratulations."

Erniu felt that he should fawn over his wealthy uncle and his brother-in-law, Yuan Wu. Recently he found out that Yuan Wu was also very rich. Once he established a good relationship with these two people, he would be fine if he encountered difficulties in the future. Open your mouth, right?

Yuan Su couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, "It's settled, March 22 next year."

"That's the same month as the month I got married."

General Erniu Xiaoxiao said that he also got married in March this year. "The beginning of spring is the wedding season."

Suddenly he smiled again and said, "If it comes quickly, I can hold the baby in March next year. Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Yuan Su could not hear this now, "You have to be on par with your second brother-in-law in this regard."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

The eldest son of the Jiang family sipped the tea with a smile. He was still in the wedding period, so naturally he felt that life was easy. He slightly turned his head to meet Cheng Sanniang's gaze not far away, and smiled. Cheng Sanniang turned his head with a smile, and Cheng Xiaosi He stroked his forehead and said, "Third sister, please stop looking twice. There is still a long time to look forward."

Cheng Sanniang's cheeks turned red and she glared at Cheng Xiaosi angrily, "Why, are you tired of looking at Mr. Yuanwu now? You used to look at him without blinking."

Cheng Xiaosi said, "Then I see things openly, unlike Third Sister, who sees things secretly."

"You're a good girl. We haven't seen each other for a long time and you're so stubborn now. See if I don't deal with you."

The two sisters started laughing and making trouble, which made the three brothers-in-law look curiously. General Erniu Xiao quickly stepped forward to protect the pregnant Cheng Erniang, fearing that the two sisters would be affected by the fight.

At the same time, Cheng Daqi was still talking to the emperor in the palace. The emperor was looking at the newly sorted out structure of the trading company and listening to Cheng Daqi's latest plans for the trading company. After a while, he raised his eyes and said meaningfully, "Let all these people go." It’s not easy to come in.”

Cheng Daqi handed over his hand, "They are all people who can handle errands. With them, it will be much faster to set up the business."

The emperor's chuckle told Cheng Daqi to think of this when he was planning to set up a trading company. Who could let go of such a fat job?

The boss finally let him down. He looked good but careless.

"I'll do it as you want. I'll give you one year. I want to see the company make a profit by the end of this year."

Cheng Daqi handed over his hand, feeling that the emperor suddenly became kinder. He thought that the royal family would say that profits would be seen in three months, "I will definitely live up to the emperor's trust."

"Well, I can see your loyalty. I hope you can stay awake at all times and don't let yourself be confused for a day."

Cheng Daqi bowed his waist, "Wei Chen doesn't dare."

The emperor nodded and felt that Cheng Daqi was really useful. The tax money from the treasury this year was more than the previous two years. Cheng Daqi had made great contributions. In order to let him think about nothing else and concentrate on running the business, he said, "Do a good job. I will consider giving you a title in the future." It falls on your son." Knowing that this was the bait thrown by the emperor, Cheng Daqi chose to take the bait without hesitation, "Wei Chen will do his best to relieve the emperor."

The emperor nodded with satisfaction, "Step back."

Cheng Daqi exhaled when he came out of the imperial study, his eyes were full of joy. The prince who came to greet the emperor saw Cheng Daqi from a distance. Cheng Daqi also saw him and quickly stepped forward to say hello. The prince smiled and said: "Uncle, just now Have you met Father?"

Cheng Daqi handed over his hand and said, "I will report back to the emperor on the progress of the trading company. Thank you to the prince for recommending the candidate. It has been a great help to the minister."

The prince nodded, "Uncle, you don't have to be polite."

"Wei Chen will not disturb the prince to greet the emperor. Wei Chen will leave."

Cheng Daqi once again handed over his hand, then turned and left without saying a word to the prince. The prince frowned slightly as he watched him leave. This Cheng Daqi was really unscrupulous. He originally thought that the Yuan family's marriage to the Cheng family would be able to bring Cheng Daqi over. The families all rallied into their own camp, but not only did it not have any effect, but the Yuan family also lost it, but he was helpless.

"Brother, are you looking at your uncle?"

The third prince came with a smile, "I wonder what my brother and uncle said?"

The prince glanced away coldly and did not answer.

The third prince was unwilling to give up, "Cheng Daqi looks honest and honest, but he is an old fox. Brother, please don't express your feelings wrongly."

After saying that, he strode towards the imperial study room. When he saw that he had walked out three feet away, the prince chased after him. In fact, his expression was already very bad. He didn't seem to have calmed down much after entering the imperial study room door. The emperor saw two The traitors, one with a proud face and one with clear eyes, knew what was going on. Not only could they not help but criticize the third prince, but they also praised him for his recent ability in doing errands, and at the same time gave him another lucrative errand.

The third prince raised his tail proudly to the sky. The prince almost stopped and even the chamberlain shook his head.

The empress, who was equally unsteady, wanted to summon Xiao He into the palace again. After thinking about it, she changed it to Cheng Xiaosi and decided to give the Cheng family a beating. The personal maid stopped her on the spot and said, "Your Majesty, you are too hasty. It's just a few errands." , We can’t afford to make waves. The Shunyi Mansion now has the help of the Niu family and the Yuan family, so we can’t offend easily.”

Not helping the prince was a good thing in some circumstances. After all, he didn't help anyone except the prince, so he made the general angry and eventually pushed him to the third prince's camp.

The queen took a deep breath and felt that the Cheng family did not know how to appreciate others and were unwilling to express their opinions so far, which was really abominable.

Concubine Qi, who had been severely suppressed by her in the past, recently turned around again and came with a smile, specifically to trouble her.
The palace is bustling, and the outside of the palace is even more noisy. The New Year Festival has come to an end. The merchants have cleared their inventory and made a lot of money. The people have been waiting for so long without buying anything. This time they have bought enough for the New Year Festival. When I find an item, the key is that it is of high quality and low price. I am so happy that I go to the New Year shopping mall.

It's the last two days, and merchants who are anxious to go home for the New Year have started a big sale. The price is even cheaper than before. If you don't sell it at this time, how long will you have to wait?
"I don't think we need to use that brain. We can just learn from Dongshu. Whatever they do, we can just copy it."

Mr. Cheng sat down and drank tea comfortably, "I've sent someone to go to Dongshu Capital City to learn from them after the New Year. I will try to learn all the good things from them. As long as they are nice to us, they will not be embarrassed."

Cheng Daqi sat down and said, "You have to work harder in the new year. Let Yiyi go and learn hard. If someone can do something so good, there must be something worth learning from us. After learning, come back and improve, it will be ours, the emperor asked If a commercial bank wants to see profits within a year, it must think of something new.”

Today I have something to do at home. I’m late in updating. I’m still working on the remaining chapter.

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