Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 43: Does the fourth daughter of the Cheng family like him?

Chapter 43 Does the Cheng family’s fourth lady like him?
You Qinglian made a big splash, so the game of drumming and passing flowers is impossible to play, and with the presence of Marquis Wenchang, the wives present are also happy to give Madam Wenchanghou some face, Madam Wenchanghou smiled and sent You Qinglian called all the wives to praise her, You Qinglian smiled shyly, and the wives saw her elegant, and said with a smile: "The girls in the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion are as beautiful as each other, why not?" See the three girls in the house?"

The third girl is You Jinling, and she was turning her head to say something to the fourth lady at this moment, when she was out of sight and out of mind, the fourth lady said: "Why, why are you so relieved to leave the place to my cousin?"

You Jinling snorted coldly, she's not stupid, did she come to give You Qinglian a ladder at this time?

"What are you so proud of? No matter how capable she is, she is just a concubine."

The little fourth lady's faint smile was really too underestimating the enemy, but...
"You were right not to go."

How can a serious lady play and sing outside casually, which is humiliating to her status? These ladies present have all been practicing in the backyard for many years. Regardless of what they say on the scene, only they know what they are thinking in their hearts?

As she thought, Mrs. Wenchang Hou was not worried about this scene at all, and responded with a smile: "That girl is acting like a monkey. Now she is talking to the fourth lady in Uncle Shunyi's house. She is not at all as steady as Qinglian."

The ladies all turned to look and laughed, "Some of the girls in this house are smart and lively, some are gentle and elegant, Mrs. Hou is the lucky one."

You Qinglian was shy when she heard the words, and she couldn't control why Xiao Si Niang and You Jinling got together for the time being, "I just played games, and all the sisters are all talented, but I am clumsy and tongue-tied, and I have only a little It's too reckless to think about it now, which sisters are not talented, and it's my turn to stand out and make the wives laugh, and it's because my mother loves me that I don't blame it, I still regret it in my heart."

Mrs. Wenchang Hou smiled, and Mrs. Zhang from the Ministry of War's Minister's Mansion praised: "Madam Hou can raise girls, and the second girl is not only good at playing the piano, but she is humble. It is really rare, but this piano art has been taught by a famous teacher? "

The smile on You Qinglian's face became even more shy, "No, it was taught by my aunt."

Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao He again, everyone present knew about the relationship between Uncle Shunyi and Aunt Hou Fu, Xiao He said with a smile: "Listen to my uncle, my cousin used to be an outstanding piano player in the boudoir. , Qinglian Xiao's mother, got the true biography."

Back then, she had just gotten married to Cheng Daqi. At night, Zhang Yuewu would play some songs in the house that were annoying even for ghosts. Cheng Daqi was always looking at the window in a daze. Today, You Qinglian came again and made her even more confused. bother.

Several ladies looked at each other and felt that there was something in Mrs. Cheng's words. No matter how good Qin Tan was, I was nothing more than a concubine, and it didn't sound like she had "acquired the true inheritance".

Thinking about those rumors in Beijing again, Mrs. Cheng hated the concubine in Wenchang Hou's mansion very much, and it seemed to be true.

"I haven't seen much of the Cheng family's fourth lady today. I would say she is the most restrained lady in the whole capital. Her gentleness and quietness are rare."

The person who spoke was Mrs. Wu from the residence of the servant of the household department. She felt a little ignorant of what she said. The emperor wanted to cultivate his official career. Afraid of offending Longyan, thanks to Uncle Shunyi's generosity, the lives of the household members are easier.

Her master said again that it was true that the Cheng family was a merchant, but the emperor was interested in him and would probably rely on him in the future, so she might as well make friends with him. Now that the Cheng family was not well-liked in the capital, it was time to help them in times of need.

Of course, Xiao He was happy for his daughter to be praised. He thought to himself that Mrs. Wu really knew how to talk. Others said that her mistress was You Qinglian's follower. She was a coward, but Mrs. Wu used the words 'reinforcement' and 'wenjing'. 'To describe it, it sounds good.

"Mrs. Wu is too polite. The girl of Xiaosi has a thin skin. In the mansion, she said that the elder sister of this family is beautiful, and the younger sister of that family is cute. She is embarrassed to mention it when she is out of the house. In the future, she will ask the girl of the Wu family to take her with her." She can."

"That's a good relationship." Mrs. Wu said with a smile: "My little girl is like a monkey. You can say ten things to her. If she plays with the fourth lady, she can control her temper."

Isn’t this the point of friendship?

When the time came, Mrs. Zhang stood up and invited everyone to the table, so the ladies stood up with a smile, and You Jinling also came to Mrs. Wenchanghou's side, with an unhappy expression on her face, "Mother, look at You Qinglian's complacent look, why are you so proud?" And lifted her up."

"It's just playing the piano, isn't Eldest Sister better than her?"

The people of the Marquis of Wenchang stared sideways, and You Jinling immediately shut up, but she was still unconvinced. Madam Hou lowered her voice, "What is your sister's status, compared with her?"

"It's normal for a daughter of a concubine to want to be the best in everything, to please people with her art in public, but you can't do what she does, and your sister can't even do it. It would be a disgrace to the family."

"I promoted her because your father was watching not far away, and in front of so many outsiders. The wives promoted her because of your father's title, and she is so frivolous as a concubine. You should be there Madame is blind and can't see it, only those with low official positions will think she is a good candidate."

"It's not bad that you didn't come to confront her today, but you went to bully the Cheng family's fourth?"

When it comes to this, You Jinling feels very helpless. She used to bully Cheng Xiaosi a lot. Anyway, she didn't dare to do anything. The most she could do was to tell You Qinglian, but can You Qinglian make the decision for her?

"It's her who is bullying me. Mother, you don't even know it. Now Cheng Xiaosi has the guts of a bear and a leopard. He is very fierce to me."

The Marquis of Wenchang's wife tilted her head and said, "You are so fierce that you still sat with her for so long?"

You Jinling snorted and began racking her brains to make excuses for herself.

You Qinglian, who was stealing the show, was also walking on the way to the table with Xiaosi Niang, "Xiaosi, when did you and You Jinling get better?"


Xiao Si Niang looked innocent, "Cousin, you don't even know, when you were playing the piano today, You Jinling tried to play tricks, I was the one who kept staring at her, and after you talked to the wives, she even went up to trouble you, I also stared at her, so she didn't go."

As he said that, he looked at You Qinglian with a face full of credit, "Cousin, am I good?"

You Qinghuan glanced at her, "You still have brains."

You Qinglian took Xiao Si Niang's hand and said, "I know my cousin is the best to me. Cousin, when I get better in the future, I will never forget you."

"I trust my cousin."

The little fourth lady smiled with her eyebrows curved, she saw Yuan Su coming here from a distance, the smile on her face became even brighter, maybe her eyes were too bright, Yuan Su raised his eyes and met the little fourth lady's gaze, and immediately My heart skipped a beat, I always felt that those gazes were too naked, trying to trick him?
Hard to do.
The fourth lady of the Cheng family has taken a fancy to him? ? ?
How bold! ! !
"Young Master Yuan Wu, are you going to eat?"

Yuan Su's mouth twitched slightly as he greeted the young fourth lady. Everyone was going to eat, so he followed this path too. Isn't it obvious?
"Yuanwuzi, thank you for your wild ginseng. I feel much better after using it. To express my gratitude, I will send two pots of flowers to your house later?"

"Are you at the house tomorrow?"

Yuan Su
This is to create an opportunity to be alone with him?
Xiao Si Niang didn't care whether she agreed or not, "Then let's just say that, I'll deliver it tomorrow afternoon."

Human life is at stake, so being reserved is not important. Removing the green energy bracelet from your wrist is the most important thing!

She was so abnormal, You Qinglian frowned slightly, "Xiao Si, when did you have a relationship with Mr. Yuan Wu?"

Cheng Xiaosi didn't know how many things happened during the time she was injured?
 Happy September, kids!

(End of this chapter)

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