Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 434 I know it well, be good

The mood of the Cheng Daqi brothers was indescribably complicated. They thought that after working hard for so long, they had established a firm foothold in the court and had some power in their hands. They thought they had successfully infiltrated the circle of the powerful in the capital. However, it turned out that Through Yuan Su's words, we learned that they were still outside.

They don't know anything deeper.

Mr. Cheng burst into laughter, "Yuan Wu, we are all a family, and you know the situation at home. Today, please explain to my second uncle how many things in this city we need to be careful about."

This pool of water in the capital is so deep.

Cheng Daqi didn't say a word, but judging from his expression, he meant the same thing.

Yuan Su also had a complicated look on his face. It had been five years since the Cheng family had been in the capital. After five years, they still didn't know much about the outside world.
Suddenly I remembered that the Cheng family, regardless of gender, didn't seem to like to get together and talk, and they were rarely seen at various banquets. Even when they went there, they were not talkative people. This is a good thing, but there are also shortcomings. News The source is a little off.

"Then let me tell you a few things that need attention, so that my father-in-law and second uncle know."

The two brothers looked serious, "Just tell us. Don't worry, our words will never be spread randomly."

Yuan Su sat down to educate his old father-in-law about the shady things in the city. Cheng Xiaosi in the courtyard looked at him and asked, "Why haven't they come yet?"

She had received the news when Yuan Su first came in, but she was still a little worried after not coming for so long. She guessed that it was probably her father who wanted to kill him?

Huahua was helpless, "Aren't you worried, girl?"


It's just that the direction of worry is different. Huahua sighed, "Master Yuanwu has gone too far this time. How can he still go to Hualou to have a drink?"

Cheng Xiaosi tilted his head and said, "What a big deal. I feel like I have committed a big crime by being talked about by you all."

"The girl also helped him speak."

Huahua felt that her girl had been wronged again this time and was laughed at by people outside.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "How can it be so serious? Isn't it just a matter of going for a drink? Is it worth going online?"

"You can't be too greedy, you know?"

Gengoro was handsome and rich, and he was very kind to her. This was already difficult. "You have to be content."

Grandma Fang who came over felt very comforted when she heard this. If a lady from a wealthy family has to care about everything, she will only make her life hard. If you look away, your mood will be much better. She will not embarrass others or herself. , to live a good life.

"The county master is right to think so. If he makes a big fuss over this matter and refuses to give in, he will be hurt. Looking at the whole capital, Young Master Yuan Wu is the best man."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded repeatedly, "What mama said is, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Huahua was so angry that she felt that her girl's temper was getting softer and softer.

Cheng Xiaosi ignored her and stopped looking outside the door. He began to compete with the needle and thread in his hands. When she had nothing to do, she made a rag doll by herself, and now she made clothes for the rag doll. More than half an hour later, Yuan Su It was so late that Cheng Xiaosi was still struggling with the small clothes of the doll in his hand. He just raised his eyes and glanced at him before lowering his head, "Sit down by yourself. I will sew it up in a while."

Yuan Su smiled and sat down opposite her, pouring himself a cup of tea, "What are you doing? You are so young."

"Make a little dress."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't even raise her head, and just concentrated on running the needle. Her needlework had been improving by leaps and bounds recently, but she had no choice but to do these things to pass the time because no one was playing with her.

After she finished her work, she satisfactorily admired the little clothes in her hand. She took the doll and put it on, and she thought it looked pretty.

"How's it going? Do you think my needlework has improved?" Yuan Su took the doll in her hand and looked at it carefully, "It was good before, but now I'm striving for excellence."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled, "Have you been talking to my dad just now?"


Yuan Su put the rag doll into the sewing basket, "I talked to my father-in-law about something, but I didn't expect that I would bring you trouble when I went out. I..."

Cheng Xiaosi interrupted him, "Most people in this world want others to be poor and hate others to be rich. They always hope that everyone they meet will live a worse life than themselves. Even if the two parties have no intersection at all and there is no conflict of interest, but When people live a good life, they feel like they are stabbing themselves in the heart. I have already expected that people outside will use this to push against me. This kind of thing will happen again in the future. After all, you have nothing but this to push against me. of."

"If my father hadn't been able to make money and wasn't short of money, what those people said would have been even worse."

Yuan Su was a little surprised. He thought she would be angry and make trouble with him, but he was prepared.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "How about it? Do you think I am a very emotionally stable person?"

Yuan Su nodded, not knowing whether he was happy or worried. Before he could speak, Cheng Xiaosi said, "Forget it this time, but after I get married, you must tell me first if you want to go to that kind of place again. Lest I learn from others, you know, this will change the flavor once people spread it. If I am not calm enough, won’t people laugh at me?”

"Although I believe you won't mess around, I can't help but make everyone laugh at me. You know, I don't actually have a good temper. Being angry is a way to vent my emotions, and I will be laughed at even more when I am angry."

After being glared at, Yuan Su smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Cheng Xiaosi's hand, "I know, I can't promise you that I won't go to a place like that in the future. There are some situations where I have to go. I'll go there next time I will tell you in advance.”

"I didn't think carefully enough this time."

Husband and wife are one, and he should indeed consider his mistress before doing anything.

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "Then this matter is over."

Yuan Su smiled happily, "I really want to get married tomorrow."


Cheng Yousan at the door crossed his arms and looked at Yuan Su coldly. Yuan Su turned around, the smile on his face froze. Just as he was about to greet Cheng Yousan, he hooked his hand and said, "Come here, I want to talk to you."

Yuan Su smiled at Cheng Xiaosi, and then followed Cheng Yousan away. Cheng Xiaosi lowered his head and chuckled, and Huahua came out of the room, "Girl."

"Okay, I know what's going on, be good."

Huahua stamped her feet, "Then we can't just let him go so easily."

"What to do?"

Cheng Xiaosi asked with a smile: "Swear loudly or rush up and scratch his face?"

"Do you know this is all a bad move?"

"I took the initiative to take a step back for my own reasons."

Aunt Fang walked over with a smile, "The County Lord is becoming more and more considerate. This matter was originally a trivial matter. People outside are making a big fuss about it. They just feel that the County Lord is living too well and they feel uncomfortable. Outside, Once there was a commotion, the county master not only did not take the bait, but also took the initiative to protect and be considerate. When the Yuan family learned about it, they would naturally think highly of the county master, and the county master would be able to establish himself more quickly when he came to the Yuan family. "

After saying that, Chaohua said: "Things have already happened. It doesn't matter whether you cry or make trouble. You should think about how to turn bad things into good things and how to protect yourself. If things happen according to your wishes, how will the Yuan family look at the county leader?" (End of chapter)

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