Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 445 Cheng Xiao from IKEA 4

Chapter 445 Cheng Xiaosi from IKEA
As for whether Cheng Xiaosi might be exempted from greetings every morning, Yuan Su did not say that he would block the matter for her. The female family members of the back house have their own rules and regulations, and he interfered too much. On the contrary, it was detrimental to Cheng Xiaosi.

"Grandma and mother are both kind and will not make things difficult for you."

Cheng Xiaosi glanced at her after hearing this. Although she thought that there was a high probability that it would not happen, but if it really happened, she would have to move her father here. There was no other way. After being pampered for so long, that was I can't bear any hardship, and I can't bear any grievance.

Yuan Su felt that he saw something in her eyes. When he was about to look again, Cheng Xiaosi was already urging him to get dressed, "Do you want to be watched by a group of people for a while?"

Yuan Su searched for a while before he remembered that his clothes were still on the ground. He picked them up and put them on his body, then ordered Aunt Fang and others to come in and wait.

Nanny Fang was steady, opened the door a crack, and walked in first. Huahua and others were waiting outside. After entering, she congratulated Yuan Wu and Cheng Xiaosi, and then started tidying up, picking up the clothes on the floor. Open the closed window, confirm that you can see the talent, and let Huahua and others come in to wait on you.

Several girls filed in, each with a smile on their face. They put down the washbasins, handkerchiefs and other things in their hands and smiled and gave blessings, "Congratulations to the young master and his wife."

Cheng Xiaosi poked his head out from the gap in the bed curtain, "Okay, I'll give you a reward."

"Hurry up and get some clothes."

Huahua and the others smiled and started working. Ji Feng stood at the door with a wash basin and poked his head in. "Sir, let's go to the ear room to wash up?"

Everyone is surrounding the fourth girl. No, the wife is busy, and his young master is standing so alone. How pitiful.

Yuan Su nodded, and Jifeng led the people in through the small door of the wing room. The couple packed up separately, and after a while they were all tidied up. Aunt Fang started to tidy up the bed herself, and laughed when she looked at the quilt wrapped in a ball. , and then found what he wanted at the foot of the bed, quickly packed it up and hid it in his sleeves, then smiled and tidied the bed, and after going out, handed the things in his sleeves to Chunyu who had been waiting here for a long time. Mammy.

Aunt Chunyu was waiting next to Mrs. Yuan. She glanced at the things in her hand and said with a smile: "The old lady is considerate of the young lady and asked the young lady to finish her porridge and sit down before going over. You go first, I will go and talk to the old lady." ”

Grandma Fang turned around with a smile and called to the girl to get some food quickly. It would take a while to get married today, so she had to be hungry.

Millet and red date porridge, Grandma Fang said from the side: "It stands to reason that we should prepare some soup to replenish qi and blood. It's too late. Let's drink it tonight."

Cheng Xiaosi, who was drinking porridge, blushed. She had to replenish her energy and blood?
Yuan Su drank shredded chicken porridge, and when he met Cheng Xiaosi's gaze, his eyes were full of joy, and he did not forget to say, "You can drink it at night."

Cheng Xiaosi's old face turned redder, feeling that the days after spring were getting hotter day by day, and it wasn't even cool in the morning.

Before the porridge was finished, the old lady saw what Grandma Chunyu had given her. It was a yuan handkerchief with dots of stars on it. The old lady smiled and nodded. Grandma Chunyu put it away again. She would get it later. place to burn.

It was just dawn when we went out, and the morning sun had slowly risen from the horizon. The flowers, plants and trees in the yard were full of spring, and the birds were chirping back and forth on the branches. Cheng Xiaosi took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. , adjusted his condition, and said with a slight smile, "Let's go."

The courtyard where Mrs. Yuan lives is called Fuxi Courtyard, which is quite far away from the courtyard where Cheng Xiaosi lives. Xiaosi has also walked the distance there, but it’s just that after a winter’s break, we encounter the green willows and Fusu again, and the scenery is different. That’s all.

From time to time, he met busy servants on the road. When they saw her, they all saluted with a smile and shouted "Young Madam". Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "I am somewhat unaccustomed to going from a girl to a madam. Why do I feel so old all of a sudden?" ?”

Yuan Su, who was beside him, thought this was a good title. He knew he was from him as soon as he heard it, "How old is that? It sounds so nice." There were already many people waiting in Fuxi Courtyard at this moment. It can be said that everyone from the Yuan family is here. The elders talked about the future with joyful faces, and the juniors looked forward to it eagerly. The few boys didn't know what they said, and they laughed happily together.

"I'm coming."

The little girl who went to inquire about the news came back with a smile, "The fifth young master and the fifth young lady are coming here."

"You came very early."

The boys laughed again and lowered their voices, "I thought that with Fifth Brother's attitude of looking through the autumn water, Fifth Sister-in-law would not be able to get up today."

Someone stepped forward and glared at a few people, "Go, go, go, you said some stupid things, you are getting more and more unruly, please stand still."

The boys hurriedly stood in the corner. There was no way, there was no place for them to sit down here.

Aunt Chunyu greeted her at the entrance of the courtyard. When she saw Cheng Xiaosi coming, she greeted him with a smile on her face, "Greetings, Madam."

"Aunt Chunyu, there's no need to be polite." Cheng Xiaosi asked with a smile, "Am I late?"

Aunt Chunyu smiled and said: "It's not too late. The old lady was so happy yesterday that she stayed awake for half the night. She got up a little later today. The ladies and sisters-in-law from each hospital have just arrived."

"Young lady, be careful of the door bars."

Cheng Xiaosi entered the door and passed through a small flower garden when he saw that the main room of Fuxi Garden was full of people. The posture was not like what Grandma Chunyu said just now. I am afraid they had been waiting for a while.

"Young lady, be careful on the stairs."

Aunt Chunyu led the way, and Yuan Su helped Cheng Xiaosi considerately. After entering the door, a girl brought a futon. The newlyweds had to kowtow to the old lady first, and then serve tea. As soon as Cheng Xiaosi knelt down, the old lady He stretched out his hand and said: "Good boy, get up quickly. Grandma is finally looking forward to seeing you come in. Grandma is only happy."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't get up, and the girl brought tea. She picked up the teacup and presented it respectfully, "Grandma, please have tea."

"Good good."

The old lady took the tea cup and took a sip. Yuan Su was kneeling beside her. After drinking his tea again, the old lady quickly asked someone to help Cheng Xiaosi up, "Good boy, after entering the gate of Yuan's house, here is This is your home, you don’t have to be restrained in your own home, just ask for whatever you want, just like you are in your parents’ home.”

There was a woman sitting next to Mrs. Yuan, who was Yuan Su's cousin. She smiled and said, "I met my niece-in-law twice before. At that time, I thought she was lucky. Now I look at her again and think she is so lucky." She looks really good, no wonder Wulang has been looking forward to her all day long, this lucky girl should be the wife of our Yuan family. "

People from aristocratic families most like to have dignified and blessed girls. Cheng Xiaosi has a round face, a chubby face, and a very cute and kind smile. The first thing you can see is a good life. In the eyes of the elders, she is a good girl. The room is in IKEA, which makes you feel comfortable just looking at it.

(End of this chapter)

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