Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 456: Essentials for Cheng’s family to go out

Chapter 456: Essentials for Cheng’s family to go out

"Fifth sister-in-law, I like this."


"Fifth sister-in-law, can I buy this complete set of hair and facial hair?"


"Fifth Sister-in-law"

"Buy, buy, buy, buy them all."

Even if he doesn't need to buy anything anymore, Cheng Xiaosi still likes the feeling of spending money. "As I said, buy whatever you like. I might not be able to come when you get married, so I'll just give it to you in advance." Add makeup, just choose it according to your preference. ”

The three sisters were a little reserved and embarrassed at first, but which woman can resist the temptation of jewelry?

That means I think this is good-looking, that is good, and I want them all.

Fortunately, they were not very close to Cheng Xiaosi. Unlike Yuan Sijin, they did not feel burdened when buying. Their upbringing did not allow them to be short-sighted. They only chose two or three things and then stopped choosing.
Cheng Xiaosi, who was enjoying the tea, raised his eyes and said, "Is that good?"

"That's all?"

I can't help but feel sorry for the shopkeeper who made such a big show.

The three sisters smiled and nodded, "That's enough, that's a lot."

They all live on monthly money, and occasionally receive subsidies from their mothers. They feel that they have spent enough today.

"When you're shopping for hairpins, choose bracelets, earrings, and ring options. There are many styles here, and you'll definitely find something you like."

Then he ordered the shopkeeper, "Bring another batch."

Even without asking her, she could guess that the three sisters must have begged their parents to be allowed to go to the capital. After all, they had to go back with a full load.

I can go back and say good things to her after getting her benefits. Doesn’t she want a good reputation?

Soon the waiter brought over everything Cheng Xiaosi said. Cheng Xiaosi let them choose with a wave of his hand, "Wanyin, that necklace with blooming crabapples is perfect for you. Don't you like crabapples?" ?”

"Siyun Siting, these pair of purple bracelets are just right for you. It's rare to find a pair, so just one for each of you."

"Look at how beautiful these earrings are. They are very flexible. They are suitable for Siyun to wear."

In the end, she personally selected several items for each of the three sisters. Then she stood up when she saw that nothing caught her eye. She said, "Wrap up all the items you just selected and send them to Yuan Mansion. The shopkeeper will do the math."

After taking the three sisters out of the house, they walked a few steps and the shopkeepers of several nearby jewelry shops directly took the clerks to put the fine jewelry in the shops on trays and brought them to the street, "Mrs. Fifth Young Master, take a look. My jewelry has just arrived and is very expensive.”

"Mrs. Fifth Young Master, look at this pair of jade bracelets from my house. They are rare and top-grade. They are very rare."

"Mrs. Fifth Young Master."

Cheng Xiaosi has adapted to such a scene, but the three sisters have never seen it before. For a while, they could not resist the enthusiasm of the shopkeepers. Fortunately, there were people around Cheng Xiaosi. These shopkeepers also knew the rules and did not dare to get too close. .

Cheng Xiaosi had seen so many good things that he could already tell a few things with his eyes. He left the pair of bracelets behind and said, "Send them to Yuan Mansion."

The three sisters, who thought it was over, didn't know that today's shopping had just begun.

Cheng Xiaosi met Cheng Yousan while eating. Cheng Yousan, who was going out tomorrow, gave her a small baggage, "What is this?"

"For you."

There were a few miscellaneous things in the small baggage, as well as a small roll of banknotes. "What do you mean, are you afraid I won't have money to spend?" "What's wrong, you don't like the things I bought when you are rich?"

I don’t know what happened recently. Whenever I go out and see something interesting, I still buy it out of habit. When I get back, I find that Cheng Xiaosi is married. I thought I would send it to the Yuan family today, but I didn’t expect to see her arrogantly doing so. Walking in the street.

Cheng Xiaosi came forward with a smile, "Look what you said, it's not too late to be rare, I have also prepared something for you. I originally thought that I would wait for your brother-in-law to come back this evening and send it to you together."

"Remember to send it."

Cheng Yousan hummed, "I'll go back and tell mother that you'll be back in the evening to prepare your meals."

"Go back quickly. Don't wander around the streets if you have nothing else to do. If you want to buy something, just ask the shopkeeper to send it to Yuan's house and pick it up slowly."

Cheng Xiaosi said that he didn’t understand the fun of shopping, and it was boring to just sit and pick.

After he left, Yuan Wanyin stretched her neck to look, "Fifth sister-in-law, your third brother is so kind."

Cheng Xiaosi looked at her sideways and said, "It's not bad. It shows that my third sister-in-law will live a good life in the future."

"Are they all married?"

Cheng Xiaosi said: "It's almost there. It's a pity that he hasn't studied for a few days and is only literate."

Yuan Wanyin thought for a while, "Actually, it doesn't have to be good literary talent."

Cheng Xiaosi laughed dryly, this girl changed too quickly, she had the potential to be a scumbag, and she hated getting married.

When she returned to the Yuan family and learned that her daughter had gotten so much jewelry, the third aunt of the Yuan family asked again unconvinced, "Is it really your fifth sister-in-law who offered to buy it for you? Didn't you ask for it?"

How much money is that table of goodies worth?
The Yuan family is a big family, and it is truly wealthy, but now it is far less than it was back then. There are a large number of people in the family, and they are not very wealthy in terms of money. The girls in the family only add two pieces of jewelry for each season a year.

"Really, my sister-in-law really bought it for me. I said enough is enough, but she didn't think it was enough. My sister-in-law picked this begonia flower necklace for me and said it suits me."

I didn't have the nerve to appreciate it carefully in the shop. When I came back, I looked at it and it looked better and better. "This necklace is worth hundreds of taels of silver. My sister-in-law said that when I go back and put it on, I will definitely be the most outstanding girl."

The third aunt of the Yuan family finally felt relieved, "Are these the same for Siyun and Siting?"


Yuan Wanyin said, "But the quantity is the same, but what I like is different. Each of them also got a bracelet with purple flowers, which is very beautiful."

"There are also these, mother, come and choose. They are all makeup and powder. I also helped mother choose."

Although the third aunt of the Yuan family felt that her girl was a little out of touch, she was not so blind as to force others to buy things for her, so she felt relieved and started studying these powder jewelry with Yuan Wanyin.

At this time, Cheng Xiaosi and Yuan Su had arrived at the Cheng family, and people from the Xiao family had also arrived. People from the two big tables all came to tell Cheng Yi and Cheng Yousan to pay attention to safety during this trip.

Cheng Yousan patted his chest, "Don't worry, I have to learn all the essence when I go out this time. It will be different when I come back."

Cheng Youer looked at him with a smile, "Will there be an extra eye?"


Everyone burst into laughter, and Xiao Chengqing, who was holding a chicken leg, said loudly: "Uncle Third, don't have extra eyes. Can Uncle Third have one more mouth? You can eat a lot more food with two mouths."

Everyone laughed again. Cheng Daqi stopped smiling and said, "Safety comes first during this trip, and then learning. When the Cheng family goes out, remember this. Don't let your family members worry about how you go."

Those who can go out are the pillars of the family, and there is a big family behind them. If you protect yourself, you will protect the whole family. Even if you lose money, you cannot let yourself suffer. You can make money at any time!

(End of this chapter)

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